

单词 the law of moses

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the law of Moses
a. The system of moral and ceremonial precepts contained in the Pentateuch; also in a narrower sense applied to the ceremonial portion of the system considered separately. More explicitly, the law of Moses, the Mosaic or Jewish law, etc.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > [noun] > Mosaic dispensation > decalogue
Ten WordsOE
Ten Commandmentsc1280
the ten preceptsa1325
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > [noun] > Mosaic dispensation
the old lawc1000
the law of Mosesa1400
Mosaic law1698
c1000 Ælfric O.T. in Grein Ags. Prosa I. 5 God him sette æ, þæt ys open lagu, þam folce to steore.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1962 & tatt wass ned tatt ȝho wass þa Wiþþ godess laȝhe weddedd.
a1225 Leg. Kath. 2500 I þe munt of Synai þer Moyses fatte þe lahe et ure lauerd.
c1250 O. Kent. Serm. in Old Eng. Misc. 26 Þo dede he somoni alle þo wyse clerekes þet kuþe þe laghe.
c1330 Spec. Gy Warw. 358 At þe mount of Synay..þar god him ȝaf þe firste lawe.
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (1495) ix. xxvi. 363 Alway in the Saterdaye preestes declaryd and expownyd the lawe to the peple.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 6451 (heading) Tell i sal of moyses law.
a1400–50 Alexander 1546 Iustis of iewry & iogis of the lawe.
c1585 R. Browne Answere to Cartwright 54 They read in the Booke of the Lawe.
1611 Bible (King James) Rom. ii. 14 The Gentiles which haue not the Law, doe by nature the things contained in the Law. View more context for this quotation
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