

单词 the greatest part

> as lemmas

the greatest part
b. With the. That is the largest following division of a whole or quantity into three (loosely, two) or more, most considerable in number or quantity, as the greatest part, etc. for (also in) the greatest part: on the whole, generally, usually, for the most part; = for (also in) the greater part at greater adj. 1b.
the world > relative properties > quantity > degree or relative amount of a quality, action, etc. > degree or relative amount [phrase] > to a specific extent
the greatest parta1387
on or upon a (large, small, liberal, etc.) scale1785
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > generality > [adverb] > as a general rule
for (also in) the greatest part1604
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 355 Þe grettest partie of þe craft hideþ þe craft.
?c1450 tr. Bk. Knight of La Tour Landry (1906) 86 Amon was Seneschall of the king, and..gouerned also the grettest parti of the londe.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 123 We haue rekened þe grettest parte off the kynges ordinarie charges.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1960) xi. i. l. 32 The grettast part of our warkis..Beyn endit now.
1528 W. Tyndale Obed. Christen Man Pref. f. xi They for the grettest part of them hardened their hertes and persecuted the worde that was sente to save them.
1589 R. Lane in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations iii. 740 I did referre it to the greatest number of voyces, whether we should aduenture the spending of our whole victuall..or otherwise to retyre our selues backe againe.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies iv. xxxiii. 300 In many partes of the Indies, and I thinke in the greatest part, small cattell do not increase and profite well.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 333 Iles for the greatest part namelesse and numberlesse.
1643 D. Digges Unlawfulnesse Subj. iv. 137 It is beyond my skill to..determine, whether the slye and cunning setter or the stout thief can claim greatest share in the spoyle.
a1656 Bp. J. Hall Shaking of Olive-tree (1660) ii. 133 The greatest part of the Romish Doctors.
1712 R. Blackmore Creation vi. 287 The greatest Portion of th' Arterial Blood.
1734 F. Clifton tr. Hippocrates Upon Epidemical Dis. in Upon Air, Water, & Situation 58 In the greatest part it went off without a crisis.
1742 S. Johnson Deb. Senate Lillput in Gentleman's Mag. Apr. 176 Both Inn-holders and Soldiers, are for the greatest Part of this Rank and Temper.
1774 O. Goldsmith Grecian Hist. I. vi. 194 He died..aged threescore and five years, the greatest part of which he had spent in the intrigues and bustles of active employment.
1840 London, Edinb., & Dublin Philos. Mag. 17 109 The Ilmen mountains consist for the greatest part of a rock of white felspar, black uniaxial mica, and nepheline.
1882 F. W. Farrar Early Christianity 9 The actors who absorbed the greatest part of popular favor were pantomimists.
1929 L. A. G. Strong Eng. Captain 34 Miss Ursula..came in for the greatest share of attention.
1946 H. K. Banda Let. 14 June in Brit. Documents End Empire (2005) Ser. B. IX. i. i. 28 They are entitled to both civil and political rights, because they are native-born Nyasalanders, for the greatest part.
1976 Ld. Home Way Wind Blows vii. 115 That this crisis was averted was in the greatest part due to the instinct for fair play and open government practised by the Tunku Abdul Rahman.
2003 Canad. Geographic Trav. & Adventure Winter 17/1 ‘Dry slab’ avalanches..cause the greatest number of fatalities.
extracted from greatestadj.n.adv.
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