

单词 temperate zones

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temperate zones
a. Each of the five ‘belts’ or encircling regions, distinguished by differences of climate, into which the surface of the earth (and, in ancient cosmography, the celestial sphere) is divided by the tropics (of Cancer and Capricorn) and the polar (arctic and antarctic) circles; viz. the torrid (burning, burnt, hot) zone between the tropics, the (north and south) temperate zones extending from the tropics to the polar circles, and the frigid (frozen, cold) zones (arctic and antarctic) within the polar circles. The arctic and antarctic zones are strictly not ‘belts’ but circular ‘caps’ with the poles in the centre.
the world > the universe > celestial sphere > zone of celestial sphere > [noun] > in ancient cosmography
the world > the earth > region of the earth > zone or belt > [noun] > one of five
the world > the earth > region of the earth > zone or belt > [noun] > one of five > tropical
middle zone1565
torrid zone1590
torrid (burning, burnt, hot) zone1604
a1500 Hist. K. Boccus & Sydracke (?1510) sig. U iv For thre zones [Laud MS. thre wonynges] shal he fynde Where no man may lyue in one kynde One is hote and colde are two.
1555 R. Eden Of North Regions in tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde f. 267v The could zone or clime, was condemned to perpetuall snowe.
1556 R. Record Castle of Knowl. 64 The olde Cosmographers..called all that space betweene the twoo Tropykes, the Burnynge Zone... And of eche syde of it, they noted twoo Zones,..whiche they called the Frosen zones,..and betweene those Frosen zones, & the Burning zone, they appointed two Temperat zones.
1594 T. Blundeville Exercises iv. f. 206 The hotte Zone is that which lyeth betwixt the two Tropiques.
1604 W. Shakespeare Hamlet v. i. 279 Till our ground Sindging his pate against the burning Zone Make Ossa like a wart. View more context for this quotation
1621 P. Heylyn Microcosmus 4 The parts next the torrid zone are the hotter, & the parts next the frigid zones are the colder.
1693 J. Dryden tr. Ovid Metamorphoses i, in Examen Poeticum 4 The Sun with Rays, directly darting down, Fires all beneath, and fries the middle Zone.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth V. 38 The feathered inhabitants of the temperate zone are but little remarkable for the beauty of their plumage.
1869 G. Rawlinson Man. Anc. Hist. 53 Africa belongs almost entirely to the torrid zone.
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