

单词 tell a lie

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to tell (†formerly to make) a lie
a. An act or instance of lying; a false statement made with intent to deceive; a criminal falsehood. Phrase, to tell (†formerly to make) a lie. †Also, without lie, no lie, truly (often as an expletive in Middle English poetry; cf. without fable at fable n. 1d), white lie n. 1.In modern use, the word is normally a violent expression of moral reprobation, which in polite conversation tends to be avoided, the synonyms falsehood and untruth being often substituted as relatively euphemistic.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > disregard for truth, falsehood > [noun] > a falsehood, lie
fairy story1692
fairy tale1896
pork pie1973
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > disregard for truth, falsehood > lie, tell (lies) [verb (transitive)]
to belie the truthc1400
to tell (formerly to make) a liec1400
to face (a person) with a lie1530
c900 tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (1890) iii. xiv. [xix.] 212 An is ærest lyges [v.r. liges] fyr [L. unum (sc. ignem) mendacii].
OE Christ & Satan 53 Þu us gelærdæst ðurh lyge ðinne þæt we helende heran ne scealdon.
a1300 E.E. Psalter v. 7 That lighe [MS. Harl. liyhe] spekes leses tou mare and lesse.
a1300 E.E. Psalter lviii. 13 Of legh, and of cursinge, Sal þai be schewed in endinge.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2117 Mo þan an hundred, with-uten leye.
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. (Rolls) 10587 Of Arthure ys seid many selcouþ..Al ys nougt soþ, ne nought al lye.
a1340 R. Rolle Psalter xxvi. 18 A wicked spekere delited is in his leghe.
c1385 G. Chaucer Legend Good Women Prol. 12 Men schal nat wenyn euery thyng a lye For that he say it nat of ȝore a-go.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 13941 Sal yee na leis here o mi toth.
c1400 (?c1380) Pearl l. 304 Much to blame..Þat louez [read leuez] oure lorde wolde make a lyȝe.
c1470 J. Hardyng Chron. vii. vii Iubiter gate Dardanus no lee.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 199 And in my name all leis recordis.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) xlvi. 155 Oberon neuer as yet made any lye to you.
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy 12594 Thies foure in hor falshode had forget a lie.
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice iii. iv. 74 And twenty of these punie lies ile tell. View more context for this quotation
a1618 W. Raleigh Life & Death Mahomet (1637) 146 He was never known to make a Ly.
a1651 D. Calderwood Hist. Kirk Scotl. (1843) II. 153 They doe receave but the lees of men for the truthe of God.
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan i. xi. 51 Able to make a man both to believe lyes, and tell them.
1727 D. Defoe Ess. Hist. Apparitions i. 12 Sarah was the first..that ever told God a Lye to his Face.
a1764 R. Lloyd Epist. to C. Churchill in Poet. Wks. (1774) I. 88 Shrewd Suspicion..To truth declar'd, prefers a whisper'd lye.
1791 J. Boswell Life Johnson anno 1781 II. 354 Johnson had accustomed himself to use the word lie, to express a mistake or an errour in relation..though the relater did not mean to deceive.
1796 Ld. Nelson 24 July in Dispatches & Lett. (1846) VII. xciii The lie of the day is, that Archduke Charles has requested an Armistice, which the French General positively refused.
1816 W. Scott Antiquary II. vi. 149 For they were queer hands the monks, unless mony lees is made on them.
1820 S. T. Coleridge Lett., Conversat., & Recoll. I. 119 I am almost inclined to reverse the proverb and say ‘What every one says must be a lie’.
1834 F. Marryat Peter Simple II. xv. 264 All lies disgrace a gentleman, white or black.
1879 J. A. Froude Cæsar xx. 339 It was perhaps a lie invented by political malignity.
extracted from lien.1
(I) tell (also am telling) a lie
P17. colloquial. (I) tell (also am telling) a lie: I am mistaken (esp. as an introduction to a corrected restatement of what has just been said). Cf. I'm a liar at liar n. a.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > disregard for truth, falsehood > lack of truth, falsity > mistake [phrase] > by myself
(I) tell (also am telling) a lie1910
I'm a liar1940
1910 Eng. Rev. Mar. 631 The news was brought to me ten minutes..no, I tell a lie!..twelve minutes and a half ago.
1925 S. O'Casey Shadow of Gunman ii, in Two Plays 172 Adolphus..after takin' his tea at six o'clock—no, I'm tellin' a lie—it was before six, for I remember the Angelus was ringin' out.
1968 L. Deighton Only when I Larf vii. 89 Six Centurion Mark Fives on that hillock... No tell a lie, one of them is a Mark Two.
1985 B. Unsworth Stone Virgin 141 It is broken... No, as you were, I tell a lie, it's fractured.
2007 A. P. Meade Ghost of Chance xv. 134 ‘Did he mention why he needed to be at the fair?’ ‘No, I don't think—oh wait, I tell a lie. Yes, he did.’
extracted from tellv.
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