

单词 the shakes

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the shakes
a. A shivering or trembling of the body or limbs; also, a state of tremor. the shakes, nervous agitation caused by fear or horror.
the world > movement > motion in specific manner > alternating or reciprocating motion > oscillation > vibration > [noun] > trembling or quivering > with cold, infirmity, or emotion > an act or fit of
shivering fit1816
shivering attack1899
the mind > emotion > fear > physical symptoms of fear > [noun] > shudder or shuddering > state of tremulous agitation
the shakes1837
a1625 J. Fletcher Rule a Wife (1640) iv. 41 I must stand to it stoutly, And show no shake of feare.
1837 E. Bulwer-Lytton Ernest Maltravers I. i. x. 98 She was pale and agitated, or, as she expressed it, ‘had a terrible fit of the shakes’.
1851 N. Hawthorne House of Seven Gables xvi. 258 Her nerves were in a shake.
1966 M. Woodhouse Tree Frog xii. 93 It was like getting the shakes on an exposed pitch of rock.
1976 B. Bova Multiple Man xiii. 135 The sliding glass doors..were locked... So I sat around and waited, trying not to get the shakes.
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the shakes
b. An attack of a shaking disease. the shakes, a name popularly applied to any disease characterized by a trembling of the muscles and limbs, esp. delirium tremens. dumb shakes, (U.S.) ? masked intermittent fever. hatters' shakes, a disease incident to some workers in hat-making.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > diseases of tissue > disorders affecting muscles > [noun] > spasm or cramp > type of spasm > shaking or trembling
ague fit1528
the tremblesa1803
shivering fit1816
trembling fit1856
intention tremor1887
rest tremor1890
shivering attack1899
1838 Penny Cycl. XI. 220/2 When ‘the shakes’ have taken possession of their unhappy victim [of mercury-poisoning].
1856 F. L. Olmsted Journey Slave States 355 Even in the midst of a severe ‘shake’, they would generally insist that they were ‘well enough to dive’.
1867 H. Latham Black & White 109 The Dismal Swamp is a first-rate place for concealment, if you are not afraid of shakes and agues.
1871 G. H. Napheys Prevention & Cure Dis. iii. ii. 640 The ‘dumb shakes’ of the Wabash Valley.
1884 Cornhill Mag. June 616 An attack of delirium tremens, or, as she and her neighbours style it, a ‘fit of the shakes’.
1902 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 15 Feb. 378 Muscular tremors (‘hatters' shakes’) are most often observed in those engaged in dusty post-carotting processes.
1927 New Republic 9 Mar. 72/1 The following is a partial list of words denoting drunkenness now in common use in the United States..to have the shakes.
1947 A. Marshall in Coast to Coast 1946 177 The longest bender I ever had was eight months. It took me three years to get over the shakes it gave me.
1977 New Yorker 3 Oct. 40/1 Have you ever had the D.T.s? The shakes?
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