

单词 tamil


Forms: Also 1700s Tamoul, 1700s–1800s Tamul.
Etymology: < Tamil Tamiṛ, Tamiḷ, name (known in 8th cent.) of the people and language; in Pali and Prakrit Damiḷa, Daviḷa, Daviḍa, Sinhalese Demaḷa, Sanskrit Dramiḷa, Dramiḍa, Draviḍa (whence Dr. Caldwell's term Dravidian for the Tamulic or Tamil family of languages). So Portuguese Tamul, Dutch, German Tamul, French Tamoul.
A. n.
1. A member of a people inhabiting parts of southern India and Sri Lanka.
the world > people > ethnicities > Indian > [noun] > Dravidian peoples > person
1859 J. E. Tennent Ceylon II. ix. v. 497 The hot wells, in addition to their medical qualities, are held sacred in the eyes of the Tamils.
1864 M. C. Swamy in Reader 12 Mar. 336/2 The Tamils [of Ceylon belong]..to the Dravidian race.
1923 J. Hornell Indian Boat Designs 168 The Jaffnese Tamils, long isolated in the north of Ceylon, are noted as having retained many archaic Tamil customs long since lost by their continental kindred.
1988 S. U. Kodikara in M. L. Sondhi Foreign Policy & Legislatures 108 The big grievance against India is its affording of sanctuary..to large numbers of Sri Lanka Tamils.
2010 Church Times 22 Jan. 40/2 I've heard there are about 200,000 Tamils in this country, and 32 Saivite temples in London.
2. The language spoken by this people, the leading member of the Dravidian family.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Elamo-Dravidian > [noun] > Dravidian > Tamil-Kodagu > Tamil
1778 (title) A Grammar for learning the Principles of the Malabar Language, properly called Tamul or the Tamulian Language. (Wepery.)
1788 Encycl. Brit. I. 494/1 at Alphabet From this Shanscrit are derived the sacred characters of Thibet, the Cashmirian, Bengalese, Malabaric, and Tamoul.
1864 M. C. Swamy in Reader 12 Mar. 336/2 Their religion is Sivaism, and their language the Tamil.
1902 Daily Chron. 30 Aug. 8/1 To expel from the British Empire the Tamil-speaking tribes who presume to influence its policy.
B. adj.
Of or relating to this people or their language.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Elamo-Dravidian > [adjective] > Dravidian > Tamulic
1579 (title) Doctrina Christam..feita em Portugal..Tresladada em lingua Malavar ou Tamul. [Cochin].]
1734 (title) A Grammar of the Damul or Tamul Language. [Tranquebar.]
1807 F. Buchanan Journey from Madras II. 441 In the Tamul language it is called Shuri cull, or itch-stone.
1811 T. S. Moodelliar (title) A Tamil Expositor. [Madras.]
1842 W. C. Taylor Student's Man. Anc. Hist. (ed. 3) xviii. 575 By the persecution of the Buddhists..a great portion of the literature of India has been lost, and in particular,..all the ancient literature of the people that speak the Tamul language.
1869 Chambers's Encycl. IX. 285/1 The earliest history of the Tamil' country is still involved in obscurity.
1911 Encycl. Brit. XVII. 478/2 There has been a great development in agricultural enterprise,..the estates being mainly in the hands of Europeans, and the labour mostly Tamil.
1971 Ceylon Daily Mirror 4 Oct. 2/2 There should be healthy rivalry and peaceful co-existence of political parties in Tamil areas.


Taˈmilian adj. and n. (also Taˈmulian) (a) adj. Tamulic; (b) n. a member of the Tamil people.
the world > people > ethnicities > Indian > [adjective] > Dravidian peoples
the world > people > ethnicities > Indian > [noun] > Dravidian peoples > person
the mind > language > languages of the world > Elamo-Dravidian > [adjective] > Dravidian > Tamulic
1765 Ann. Reg. 1764 114 Dr. Francke, in Germany had sent them a number of Tamulian types..the government having erected a printing-office in the city of Madrass.
1789 Asiatick Researches 1 146 The Tamulians (or Malabars) having no h in their alphabet.
1854 F. M. Müller in C. C. J. Bunsen Christianity & Mankind III. 438 The dictionaries of the Munda and Tamulian languages differ more than should be the case with cognate dialects.
1856 R. Caldwell Compar. Gram. Dravidian Lang. 491 The higher castes are styled ‘Hindus’, or else ‘Tamilians’, ‘Malayâlis’, &c., according to their language and nation.
1863 R. Lepsius Standard Alphabet (ed. 2) 226 The four letters..which the Tamulians have added to the Sanscrit alphabet.
a1881 Caldwell in Ogilvie's Imperial Dict. (1886) When also, as all over India, our white kinsmen speak of bandymen and bandies, the word thus anglicized is simply the old Tamilian one.
1959 V. Cronin Pearl to India vi. 89 Among the Tamilians Védam means both the three collections of hymns known as the Vedas, and also religion in general.
1968 P. Lal Indian Recipes 57 Pongal..is the Tamilian New Year.
1971 Illustr. Weekly India 25 Apr. 4/2 The Tamilian is well known for his remarkable adaptability to his surroundings.
Taˈmulic adj. pertaining to the Tamils or their language, Tamil.
the world > people > ethnicities > Indian > [adjective] > Dravidian peoples
the mind > language > languages of the world > Elamo-Dravidian > [adjective] > Dravidian > Tamulic
1789 Asiatick Researches 1 146 In their language, which is the Tamulic..the place is called Mâvalipuram.
1801 Asiatic Ann. Reg. 1800 Misc. Tracts 81/1 The Tamulic termination en..creates a striking resemblance between Pooden and the Wooden of the Goths.
1872 R. Morris Hist. Outl. Eng. Accidence i. 12 The Dravidian or Tamulic [groups], including Tamul, Telegu, Malabar, Canaries.

Draft additions December 2003

Tamil Tiger n. [ < Tamil n. and adj. + tiger n. (not directly after any Tamil term, but compare the organization's emblem of a tiger, attributed originally to the Cholas, a Dravidian people of southern India who occupied and ruled parts of Sri Lanka c993–1070)] a member of the paramilitary Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam; (in plural) this organization; cf. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam n. at liberation n. Compounds 2.
1978 Times 20 May 5/7 The National State Assembly of Sri Lanca [sic] today passed..a Bill proscribing the Tamil Tiger Liberation Movement and similar organizations.
1983 Ann. Reg. 1982 277 As well as clashes with the police, there was violence between two groups of ‘Tamil Tigers’ and the house of a Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) politician was burned down in April.
1995 H. Wriggins in I. W. Zartmann Elusive Peace ii. 54 Sporadic efforts by the Tamil Tigers to disrupt continued.
2002 Toronto Sun (Nexis) 11 Mar. 15 There was a Tamil on the panel who talked about the difficulty his parents had trying to find a school for him to attend because people thought he was a Tamil Tiger.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1910; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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