

单词 teach your grandmother to suck eggs

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teach your grandmother to suck eggs
b. In many proverbial phrases of obvious meaning; also, as sure as eggs is eggs; hence, as safe as eggs (in same sense). teach your grandmother to suck eggs: said to those who presume to offer advice to others who are more experienced. to have all your eggs in one basket: to risk all one's property on a single venture; also to put (venture) all one's eggs in one basket, etc.
1592 G. Babington Certaine Comfortable Notes Genesis (xvi.) f. 60 To bee woone with the Egg, and lost with the shell, is a great inconstancie.
1599 W. Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet iii. i. 22 Thy head is as full of quarelles, as an egge is full of meate. View more context for this quotation
1606 L. Bryskett Disc. Ciuill Life 5 Critiques that spend their eyes to find a haire vpon an egge.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) i. ii. 132 We are Almost as like as Egges . View more context for this quotation
1620 T. Shelton tr. M. de Cervantes Don Quixote III. vii The Hen lays as well upon one Egg as many.
a1633 G. Herbert Jacula Prudentum (1651) 291 He that steals an egg, will steal an ox.
1638 W. Chillingworth Relig. Protestants i. ii. §160. 117 They are as like your own, as an egge to an egge.
1662 G. Torriano 2nd Alphabet Proverbial Phrases 125/2 To put all ones Eggs in a Paniard, viz. to hazard all in one bottom.
1699 B. E. New Dict. Canting Crew As sure as Eggs be Eggs.
1707 J. Stevens tr. F. de Quevedo Comical Wks. (1709) 348 You would have me teach my Grandame to suck Eggs.
1710 S. Palmer Moral Ess. Prov. cxxiii. 344 (heading) A Mouse that has but one Hole, is soon Catch'd: or, Don't venture all your Eggs in One Basket.
1781 R. B. Sheridan Trip to Scarborough iii. iv As full of good-nature as an egg's full of meat.
1857 T. Hughes Tom Brown's School Days ii. vi. 344 I shall come out bottom of the form, as sure as eggs is eggs.
1871 M. Collins Marquis & Merchant III. iv. 114 We've got the Derby and Leger this next year as safe as eggs.
1874 G. J. Whyte-Melville Uncle John III. xxvii. 140 ‘Annie, my own darling, may I carry your basket all my life?’ ‘If you'll put all your eggs in it, yes,’ answered Annie boldly.
1925 D. H. Lawrence Refl. Death Porcupine 179 It is a pity that we have insisted on putting all our eggs in one basket: calling love the basket, and ourselves the eggs.
1955 Times 3 May 3/6 An area which had all its eggs in one basket.
1969 Times 5 Nov. 23/3 The earl is evidently feeling a little uncomfortable that all his family eggs are in one basket.
extracted from eggn.
to teach your grandmother to suck eggs
P3. to shoot one's grandmother: see shoot v. 32d. to teach your grandmother to suck eggs: see egg n. 4b.
extracted from grandmothern.
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