

单词 suspension of disbelief

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(willing) suspension of disbelief
b. (willing) suspension of disbelief: Coleridge's phrase for the voluntary withholding of scepticism on the part of the reader with regard to incredible characters and events. Now frequently in allusive or extended use.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > scepticism > [noun] > refraining from
(willing) suspension of disbelief1817
suspended disbelief1965
1817 S. T. Coleridge Biographia Literaria II. xiv. 2 A semblance of truth sufficient to procure for these shadows of imagination that willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.
1930 I. A. Richards Pract. Crit. vii. 277 Coleridge, when he remarked that ‘a willing suspension of disbelief’ accompanied much poetry, was noting an important fact.
1962 N. Coghill in Davis & Wrenn Eng. & Medieval Studies 210 Here indeed is a call upon us for the suspension of our disbelief.
1962 Listener 6 Sept. 366/1 Willing suspension of disbelief doesn't exist for television.
1976 T. Sharpe Wilt (1978) ix. 98 Wilt looked desperately round the caravan and met the eyes of the police stenographer. There was a look in them that didn't inspire confidence. Talk about lack of suspension of disbelief.
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