

单词 surety of peace

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surety of (the) peace
P2. surety of (the) peace: a formal agreement entered into for the maintenance of peace between parties; spec. a pledge for good behaviour and keeping the peace given before a magistrate by a person suspected of future misconduct, and involving a penalty in the event of breach or default. Now rare.
society > law > legal obligation > bond or recognizance > [noun] > for keeping peace or refraining from violence
surety of (the) peacea1398
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) I. v. xxviii. 222 Ysidir seiþ surete of pes is iȝeue wiþ þe riȝt hond.
?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Egerton) (1889) 145 He graunt þam suertee of peess.
1507 in I. S. Leadam Select Cases Star Chamber (1903) I. 259 Suertie of peas was taken afore the Justice of peas..ayenst John Sawyer.
c1525 ( in N. J. Byrne Great Parchm. Bk. Waterford (2007) 95 What so ever parson..be bounde in Suertie of the peace.
1581 W. Lambarde Eirenarcha i. xvi. 83 I wil at this day cal Suertie of ye peace, An acknowledging of a bond to the Prince, taken by a Iudge of Recorde, for the keeping of the Peace.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Rrr2v A man regularly is to haue surety of peace against him, of whome he will sweare that he is afraide, and the Iustice required herevnto cannot denie him.
1731 T. Gurdon Hist. High Court Parl. I. v. 223 All Persons were to be under Surety of the Peace enter'd into the Decenna or Hundred Court or Tourn.
1769 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. IV. xviii. 252 Wherever any private man hath just cause to fear, that another will burn his house, or do him a corporal injury,..he may demand surety of the peace against such person.
1808 G. Hutcheson Treat. Justice of Peace I. ii. ii. §3. 391 Any justice of peace may command this surety of the peace, and grant his warrant for it upon the complaint of any person ‘threatened, or fearing to be wronged’.
1901 W. M. McKinney Encycl. Pleading & Pract. XXI. 208/2 A supplicavit commanding the sheriff to take surety of the peace from the defendant towards his wife.
extracted from suretyn.
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