

单词 super-excitation

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(i) In rare and ad-hoc combinations, as superabomination, super-cautiousness, superconscientiousness, super-excitation, superexiguity, super-exquisiteness, superinfirmity, super-mastery, super-officiousness, super-perfection, super-ponderancy, supertreason, supervexation, etc.
1553 J. Bradford Serm. Repentaunce sig. Cj Workes of supererogations, superabhominations, &c.
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius 375 b Is this..the super~abundance of your eloquence? or..superinfirmity of your slippery braynes?
1599 T. Nashe Lenten Stuffe 33 Not the dimunutiuest nooke or creuise of them but is parturient of the like superofficiousnes.
1631 B. Jonson Staple of Newes 3rd Intermeane 55 in Wks. II Not teach 'hem to speake Playes, and Act Fables of false newes..to the super-uexation of Towne and Countrey, with a wanion.
1647 in J. Cleveland Poems (new ed.) in Char. London-diurnall (Wing C4666) 52 The infamie this super-treason brings.
1662 H. Hibbert Syntagma Theologicum 327 They can do works of supererrogation; therefore they may challenge..a superperfection to themselves.
1664 H. Power Exper. Philos. i. 47 The super-exiguity of this farinaceous Seed of Wort.
1670 H. Stubbe Plus Ultra 164 What we experiment here is not the weight of the Air properly, but the super-ponderancy or over-weight of it.
1841 C. G. F. Gore Cecil, Peer III. xii. 299 I do not pretend to any super-exquisiteness of gastronomy.
1856 P. E. Dove Logic Christian Faith vi. §5. 369 The super~excitation of the devotional faculty.
1886 F. R. Stockton Christmas Wreck 59 In order that even my own superconscientiousness might not take me to task.
1918 W. J. Locke Rough Road xiv. 186 It was supremely silly of him to march with super-martiality of tread up the pavement.
1922 Q. Rev. Apr. 378 Contempt for principle, super-mastery of sharp practice,..drain through from the main river of political life.
1949 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 43 1290 He depicts with great skill the super-cautiousness, vacillation, zigzags, and suspicion which have often marked Stalin's thinking.
1966 S. Bellow Let. 7 Apr. (2010) 258 What a super-absurdity not to love you.
1985 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 3 Sept. d1/3 I think there is superconfusion over the economy.
2010 Sun (Nexis) 17 Feb. (Scotland ed.) 25 They have it all—super-sexiness, confidence, talent and hopefully a great future in the industry.
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