

单词 sunlight


Brit. /ˈsʌnlʌɪt/, U.S. /ˈsənˌlaɪt/
Forms: see sun n.1 and light n.1
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: sun n.1, light n.1
Etymology: < sun n.1 + light n.1 Compare West Frisian sinneljocht, Middle Dutch sonnenlicht (Dutch zonnelicht, zonlicht), Old High German sunnalioht (also sunnūn līoht; Middle High German sunnenlieht, German Sonnenlicht).
a. The light of the sun; light emanating from the sun. Also occasionally: a period of time when the sun is shining brightly.artificial sunlight: see artificial sunlight n. at artificial adj. and n. Compounds 2.
the world > matter > light > naturally occurring light > [noun] > sunlight or sunshine
sun gleamc1225
sun gold1868
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 8913 Wel neh al swa brihte swa þe sunne-lihte.
a1325 St. Stephen (Corpus Cambr.) l. 17 in C. D'Evelyn & A. J. Mill S. Eng. Legendary (1956) 590 (MED) Þo sson is face briȝtore þanne þe sonne liȝt.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. l. 2790 His wif..Lay with the king the longe nyht, Til that it was hih Sonne lyht.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 18819 Angels ar briȝter þen sunne-liȝt.
c1425 Castle of Love (Egerton) (1967) l. 1183 (MED) He that has the sunne-liȝt vpon a fair day, For many torches if he liȝt, no better se he may.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Sam. xii. 12 I wyl do this in the sighte of all Israel, and by Sonne lighte.
1595 A. Fletcher Certaine Similies 81 Neither the flatterers, nor the flattered, the deceiuers, nor the deceiued, will see and consider their wretched and miserable ends, which are as cleere as the sun light at noone day.
1632 T. Brabourne Def. Sabbath Day ii. 34 The day..lasteth so long, as there is any sunne light in the skie.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ix. 1087 Woods impenetrable To Starr or Sun-light . View more context for this quotation
1747 B. Franklin Let. 11 July in Exper. & Observ. Electr. (1769) 6 This difference between fire-light and sun-light is another thing that seems new and extraordinary to us.
1832 Ld. Tennyson Lady of Shalott iii, in Poems (new ed.) 14 His broad clear brow in sunlight glowed.
1877 A. J. Pleasonton et al. Influence Blue Ray Sunlight 47 On many occasions they had been obliged during sunlight to dispense entirely with the fire.
1925 Pop. Mech. Nov. 805/1 The seeds have long been dormant under the heavy growth until sunlight touched them into life.
1978 W. Palz Solar Electr. iii. 179 The direct conversion of sunlight into electric power is achieved by means of solar batteries.
2012 Townsville (Queensland) Eye (Nexis) 22 Sept. 39 The timber walkways are comfortable and stable, with shafts of sunlight streaming in.
b. figurative. A source of happiness, prosperity, or intellectual or spiritual illumination. In early use with reference to Christ. Cf. sunshine n. 3.
the mind > emotion > pleasure > happiness > [noun] > source of happiness
the world > action or operation > prosperity > [noun] > prosperous conditions
milk and honeyOE
the mind > emotion > pleasure > happiness > [noun] > condition or atmosphere of
a1450 (a1400) Medit. Life & Passion of Christ (BL Add.) (1921) l. 903 (MED) Þou hast slayn þe sonne-lyȝt, Prynce of sterres, lord of myȝt.
1577 H. I. tr. H. Bullinger 50 Godlie Serm. II. iv. i. sig. Ss.vj/2 Christ is..the..verie Sunne lighte of the preaching of ye Gospell.
1650 Plea for Non-Subscribers 9 If wee bring not Conscientious grounds to our non-conformitie, and those sound, and such as will endure Tryall by the Sun-Light of Holy Scriptures, let our Plea bee rejected.
a1854 E. Grant Mem. Highland Lady (1988) II. xxv. 193 She wrote pleasant letters; the post was our sunlight.
1864 Ld. Tennyson Aylmer's Field in Enoch Arden, etc. 73 In such a sunlight of prosperity.
1891 F. W. Farrar Darkness & Dawn II. lxvi. 337 The sleek priest..continued to live in the sunlight of Court favour.
1929 H. W. Haggard Devils, Drugs, & Doctors viii. 182 The days of Rome, plague-ridden as they were, seemed clean and clear in the sunlight of knowledge and civilization.
2016 Washington Post (Nexis) 24 Aug. c3 Giraldi's real topic is thus white, working-class machismo,..from which he barely escaped into the sunlight of academic success and literature.
a. A large, ornate gaslight consisting of a circle or cluster of burners backed by a reflecting surface, typically placed on or near the ceiling of a large room and often with an opening for ventilation above it; = sun-burner n. 1. Now chiefly historical.
the world > matter > light > artificial light > an artificial light > artificial light defined by light-source > [noun] > gaslight or lamp > parts of > gas-burner > specific
cockspur burner1808
1852 Leicester Chron. 20 Mar. When the ‘sun’ lights are substituted for the present chandelier the view of the room will also be much improved.
1874 J. T. Micklethwaite Mod. Parish Churches 192 Sunlights may be..used in somewhat low and ceiled buildings.
1904 Jrnl. Gas Lighting 25 Oct. 254/1 Canterbury Hall..is lighted by three ventilating sunlights.
2011 Queensland Times (Nexis) 27 Aug. 30 The School of Arts was illuminated with two large sunlights containing 16 burners each.
b. Cinematography. A powerful lamp with a parabolic reflector, used in film production; = sunlamp n. (b) at sun n.1 Compounds 5a. Now historical.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > filming > filming equipment > [noun] > lights
sun arc1889
sun gun1960
1928 Daily Express 28 Aug. 2/1 Thick gutta-percha tables for the seven great ‘sunlights’ were scattered about the floor.
2014 T. Williams G. Dulac iii. 87 The team brought back the latest ‘sunlights’ that would supplement, and eventually supersede, the standard arc lamps of French studios.


C1. attributive, designating a quality reminiscent of or arising from sunlight.
1603 P. Holland tr. Menander in tr. Plutarch Morals 27 What creatures soever do live and see The sunlight joy, that common treasure, Are all, have beene, and ever shall be Subject and thral to fleshly pleasure.
1863 A. K. H. Boyd Graver Thoughts Country Parson 192 Who will vivify into sunlight clearness every sound and true belief.
1896 Spectator 7 Mar. 339 And living air, and sunlight-gold, And wood and meadow, pray with me.
1905 W. H. Hunt Pre-Raphaelitism I. iv. 91 I purpose after this to paint an out-of-door picture,..with every detail I can see, and with the sunlight brightness of the day itself.
1973 B. Hilliker Promptbk. Moon for Misbegotten by E. O'Neill (M.F.A. thesis, Univ. Wisconsin–Madison) 33 For Act IV two dark amber specials were used..to give the morning sunrise a harsher quality than the sunlight warmth of Act I.
2012 ‘Ms. Cinderella’ Puzzle of Life 23 This is my home of sunlight-happiness.
C2. In adjectival compounds.
a. With past participles with the sense ‘—— by or with sunlight’, as sunlight-dappled, sunlight-filled, sunlight-induced, sunlight-powered, sunlight-starved, etc.
1849 E. H. Bickersteth Poems 171 Like morning glaciers sunlight-gilt, Their path was of clouds and glory built.
1879 J. A. Harrison tr. in Spain in Profile viii. 137 When it shineth sunlight-smitten, thou wilt believe them pearls.
1914 C. Marriott Ward of Tecumseh viii. 103 All over it giant trees soared heavenward, springing from sunlight-starved ground on which no undergrowth could root.
1961 Sci. News-let. 22 July 56/2 There is a possibility that sunlight-induced, biochemical alterations may also be somehow involved.
1977 J. Wade Singing Wind vi. 74 Slowly Deborah made her way down the row, her long black skirt brushing the sunlight-dappled grass.
1993 Sci. Amer. Aug. 16/2 One day genetic engineers may be able to ‘grow’ spacecraft.., which can flit on sunlight-powered wings through the solar system and beyond, acting as our scouts.
2016 Capital (Annapolis, Maryland) (Nexis) 25 June It's a short walk down a hallway past the powder room and the new entry into the sunlight-filled main room.
b. Objective with present participles (frequently in scientific contexts), as sunlight-absorbing, sunlight-blocking, sunlight-reflecting, etc.
1891 Science 18 Dec. 343/1 But the laws which govern the whole course of twilight are modified when the distribution of the sunlight-reflecting particles in the atmosphere is altered to any great extent.
1964 Colorado Springs (Colorado) Gaz. Tel. 22 July 4 a/4 The pattern of sunlight blocking paint on the craft has been changed to reduce interior temperatures by 10 to 15 degrees.
1975 Solar Energy 17 159 An account is given of experimental work on sunlight-absorbing and reflecting materials and coatings for implementation of the window systems.
2007 Sci. News 13 Oct. 239/3 We need to imitate known global-cooling events, such as the Krakatoa volcano explosion, which spread sunlight-reflecting dust into the stratosphere in 1883.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, January 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈsʌnlʌɪt/, U.S. /ˈsənˌlaɪt/
Origin: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps formed within English, by compounding. Or perhaps formed within English, by conversion. Etymons: sun n.1, light adj.2; sunlight n.
Etymology: Perhaps (i) < sun n.1 + light adj.2, or perhaps (ii) < sunlight n., after starlight adj., moonlight adj. Compare earlier sunlit adj.
= sunlit adj.
the world > matter > light > naturally occurring light > [adjective] > of or relating to sunlight > exposed to or illumined by
1819 P. B. Shelley Lines Euganean Hills in Rosalind & Helen 73 Their [sc. rooks'] plumes.., Gleam above the sunlight woods.
1948 S. W. Townsend Let. 29 July (1982) 104 Hanging out of the window and looking down into an empty sunlight garden and holding airy conversations with old swains who have been dead and gone for the last thirty years.
2015 G. Graham Abraham Dilemma iv. 69 The shimmering, dancing beauty of a sunlight field in the spring.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, January 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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