

单词 superinjustice

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(b) Prefixed to nouns, as super-accession, supergraffing, superillustration, superindiction, superinjustice, superornament, supersanction, super-value, etc.
a1626 F. Bacon Considerations War with Spain (1629) 5 The Rauishing whereof was a meere Excursion of the first Wrong, and a Super-Iniustice.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §182 In the Straining of a String, the further it is strained, the lesse Superstraining goeth to a Note.
1627 J. Donne Serm. Lady Danuers 159 When there was a Super-dying, a death vpon the death,..a Spirituall death after the bodily.
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1958) IX. 81 Those super-illustrations, which the blessed shall have in Glory.
1657 T. Burton Diary (1828) I. 407 The frequent super-sanction of Magna Charta.
1664 J. Evelyn Sylva (1679) 4 Super-graffing, or the repetition of Graffing, for the inlargement, and melioration of Fruit.
1701 J. Norris Ess. Ideal World I. vii. 410 One is conceived as a super-accession to the other.
1709 D. Manley Secret Mem. 109 The super Ornaments of the Mind..were not necessary.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall (1787) III. xxxvi. 455 The provincials, oppressed by the accumulated weight of indictions and superindictions.
1792 D. Lloyd Voy. Life iii. 51 If you in works of merit prove too light, They'll add their super-stuff into the scale.
1800 Gentleman's Mag. Dec. 1178/1 Making super-provision of corn an article of enterprize to send to other countries in want of it.
1833 Irish Monthly Mag. Sept. 283 This latter confirmation and super-confirmation reminds us of the parasites in Florence M'Carthy.
1905 Daily Chron. 23 June 5/7 Only those super~values would be taxed which are due to the growth of a town [etc.].
2006 R. Wallus & T. P. Simon Reprod. Biol. & Early Life Hist. Fishes Ohio River Drainage V. 266/2 The superproduction of eggs by striped bass may be a mechanism to effectively sample the environment..for quality habitats.
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