

单词 sudary


Forms: Also Middle English sudare, Middle English–1500s sudarie, Middle English seoudarie, sewdarie, ( shouldarye), sodary, sudurye, Middle English–1500s sudarye, 1500s sudari, sudere; also (disyll.) Middle English sudayr, Scottish swdour.
Etymology: < Latin sūdārium, < sūdor sweat: see -ary suffix1 3. Compare Italian sudario, Spanish sudario, Portuguese sudario, Provençal suzari, French suaire. Greek σουδάριον, < Latin, is used in Luke xix. 20, John xi. 44, xx. 7, Acts xix. 12.
Obsolete or archaic.
1. A napkin or handkerchief used to wipe sweat or tears from the face; a sweat-cloth; esp. such a napkin venerated as a relic of a saint.
the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > cleaning > cleaning or cleanliness of the person > [noun] > sweat-cloth
society > faith > artefacts > cloths, carpets, cushions > cloth (general) > sudarium (sweat-cloth) > [noun]
a1350 St. James 137 in Horstm. Altengl. Leg. (1881) 98 Þe childe þan toke þe appostels sudary.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Deeds xix. 12 On syke men the sudaries..or nyȝt clothis..weren borun fro his body.
c1430 J. Lydgate Minor Poems (Percy Soc.) 30 For eyen and nose the nedethe a mokadour, Or sudary.
c1480 (a1400) St. Peter 53 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 8 In his bosum ay he bare a sudare, to wepe his Ene.
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende 426/2 He came to the sudayr of the saynt & with grete deuocion kyssed it.
1623 H. Cockeram Eng. Dict. Sudorne [? Sudorye], a handkerchefe.
1835 R. Browning Paracelsus iii. 93 A monk fumbled at the sick man's nose With some undoubted relic—a sudary Of the Virgin.
2. The napkin which was about Christ's head in the tomb; hence, a shroud or winding-sheet. Also attributive sudary cloth.
the world > life > death > disposal of corpse > preparation or treatment of corpse > [noun] > laying or wrapping in shroud > shroud
shrouding sheet1576
church cloth1639
death cloth1699
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > biblical events > [noun] > crucifixion > shroud
c1380 Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. II. 99 His face was bounden wiþ a sudarie.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 17288 + 193 Peter..saȝe þe schetez spred, and þe sudary þore leued þat was in þe sepulcre laide on our lordez heued.
c1440 York Myst. xxxvi. 387 A sudarye Loo here haue I, Wynde hym for-thy.
c1450 in A. Macdonald & J. Dennistoun Misc. Maitland Club (1842) III. i. 204 Ane gret sepultur with ane ymage of our Saluiour..and ane swdour of quhit silk abon the sam.
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) iii. 15 Moo than a thousand men in sudaryes lyke dede men.
1485 Digby Myst. iii. 1049 Here is nothyng left butt a sudare cloth.
?a1500 Chester Pl. (Shaks. Soc.) II. xix. 98 My Lorde Jesu is awaye! But his shouldarye south to saye, Lyinge here I fynde.
1517 R. Torkington Oldest Diarie Englysshe Trav. (1884) 3 Ther in a Castyll ys a ffayer Churche where ys the sudary of ower Savyor Crist Jhu.
1538 Prymer Salisb. Use in W. Maskell Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae (1846) II. p. xiii The body of Jesu Was wraped and bounde in a sudary.
1756 tr. J. G. Keyssler Trav. I. 279 The holy Sudary at Turin.
3. Ecclesiastical. A ceremonial cloth of linen or silk, often fringed; esp. a humeral veil. archaic.
society > faith > artefacts > vestments > neck and shoulder garb > [noun] > humeral veil
humeral veil1853
1431 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 27 Also vj seoudaries corporas & a case.
?c1450 in G. J. Aungier Hist. & Antiq. Syon Monastery (1840) 367 Sudaryes longyng to the awtres.
1488 in Archaeologia 45 116 A Sewdarie of grene tarterne ffringed with silke on bothe endis.
c1500 Order Consecr. Nuns in W. Maskell Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiae Anglicanae (1846) II. 327 Every virgyn shall have a long sudary or towell uppon both hir handys.
1534 W. Turner tr. J. von Watt Of Olde God & Newe sig. Mijv Ye chapleins armed euery one of theym with an ob. do cast theyr ob. in to the basen kyssyng ye sudary.
1549 King Edward VI Injunct. in Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Reformation (1681) II. ii. i. No. 33. 165 Blessing his Eyes with the Paten or Sudary.
1891 J. W. Legg Missale Westm. p. xv The fifth is the initial of St. Stephen's office, and represents the saint as a deacon holding up stones in a sudary.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1915; most recently modified version published online December 2020).




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