

单词 subscription manual

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subscription manual
(b) Scottish. In the fuller form subscription manual (see manual adj. 1b). Frequently in the formula sign (also signet) and subscription manual. Now rare (historical in later use).
1474 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1869) I. 30 The commoun sele of cause..is to hungin togidder witht the subscripcione manuale of oure common clerc.
1494 in Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes (1839) I. 359/1 Ane instrument..vnder the signe & subscriptioun manuale of Johne Durarne noter.
1550 in W. B. Cook Stirling Antiquary (1904) III. 248 Gevin vnder or signet and subscriptioun manual at or said castell ye xxviij day of Maii the zeir of god jaj vc fifty zeirs.
1640 Sc. Acts Chas. I (1870) V. 268 Wch wordis he shall subscrybe with his signe and subscriptione manuell.
1740 Ars Notariatus i. iii. 30 The Notary being thus admitted, in his Protocol Book his Act of Admission and Cautionry, with the Sign and Subscription manual that he is to use at the End of all publick Instruments, are insert.
1817 Act & Warrant Poll Election Montrose 13 To attend to oversee and direct such election..and to form an authentic instrument thereupon, under their subscription manual.
1879 R. Douie Chron. Maltmen Craft Glasgow 75 The Sasine on their Charter under the subscription manual of Mr. John Spreull, Notary Public, is dated 17th July, 1650.
1907 D. Patrick in Statutes Sc. Church 117 Signs-manual or subscriptions-manual..were autograph signatures.
extracted from subscriptionn.
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