

单词 superbenign

> as lemmas

(a) In rare and ad-hoc combinations, as superbenign, supercurious, superdainty, superelegant, superexact, superexcedent, super-famous, superingenious, superloyal, supermarvellous, superofficious, supersaintly, superstoical, superswift, supertragic, superzealous, etc.
1575 G. Harvey Let.-bk. (1884) 92 O my soverayne goodman, howe can your owne soverayne joye..but shape a benigne answer to so benigne and superbenigne a replye?
1579 E. Spenser Let. to G. Harvey in Poet. Wks. (1912) 638/2 With many superhartie Commendations, and Recommendations to your selfe, and all my friendes.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) ii. i. 188 Kate of Kate-hall, my super-daintie Kate. View more context for this quotation
1619 W. Sclater Expos. 1 Thess. (1630) 225 To attaine the vtmost superexcedent end [sc. eternal happiness].
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1954) VII. 377 A super-zealous, an over-vehement animosity.
1656 Disc. Auxiliary Beauty 56 Such a super-stoicall piece of Philosophy.
1699 J. Evelyn Acetaria 105 Eighthly, (according to the super-curious) that the Knife, with which the Sallet Herbs are cut..be of Silver.
1713 Right of Monarchy Asserted 59 This past better with the Irish Protestants, than that Super-Loyal Strain of our famous Dr. Tillotson..did with the Church of England Men here.
1716 S. Butler Irish Tales 45 What super-Officious Hand hath brought me back to Life!
?1750 ‘Merry Andrew’ Don Quixote in Miniature iii. 12 Don Quixote sitting at a Writing Desk, hastily scribbling this Super-elegant Epistle.
1772 R. Griffith Something New I. xix. 134 The super-ingenious Doctor Pike, an other great cabalist, has undertaken to prove, [etc.].
1817 S. T. Coleridge Biogr. Lit. (Bohn) xxiii. 290 A series of super-tragic starts, pauses, screams.
1833 C. Lamb Barrenness Imaginative Faculty in Last Ess. Elia 183 Those high aspirations of a super-chivalrous gallantry.
1834 W. Beckford Italy; with Sketches Spain & Portugal II. 208 To all these super-marvellous narrations, the missionary appeared to listen with implicit faith.
1887 W. E. H. Lecky Hist. Eng. 18th Cent. VI. xxiii. 299 The combination of mean action and supersaintly profession.
1926 Spectator 19 June 1042/2 Their fussy officers took a brutal delight in making them superexact.
1927 Glasgow Herald 1 June 15 The super-swift transport of the human body over vast distances.
1959 Pop. Sci. Oct. 65/3 (advt.) Mimeographing—Highest Quality, Super Quick Service.
1981 Ebony Nov. 48/2 How do you keep your feet on the ground, knowing that you are super-famous, super-rich and super-talented?
2008 J. Goode in F. Allhoff Wine & Philos. ix. 138 Some of the appeal of the super-expensive trophy wines lies in their scarcity.
extracted from super-prefix
as lemmas




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