

单词 sublimed sulphur

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sublimed sulphur
Designating substances purified or prepared by sublimation, as sublimed arsenic, sublimed mercury (cf. mercury sublimate n.), sublimed sulphur, etc. Now chiefly historical.Sometimes equivalent to ‘flowers’ of the substance concerned: cf. flower n. 2c.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale (Ellesmere) (1875) G. §3. l. 774 Oure Orpyment and sublymed Mercurie.
c1425 tr. J. Arderne Treat. Fistula (Sloane 6) (1910) 83 Arsenic sublimed is of white colour.
1576 G. Baker tr. C. Gesner Newe Jewell of Health iii. xxviii. f. 191v For with such an oyle of Naphtæ, is..Arsenicke sublimed purifyed, and made cleare.
1593 G. Harvey Pierces Supererogation 85 Mercurie sublimed, is somewhat a coy, and stout fellow.
1658 J. Rowland tr. T. Moffett Theater of Insects in Topsell's Hist. Four-footed Beasts (rev. ed.) 926 Corrosives..(as Mercury sublimed, Vitriol, Orpiment, &c.).
1666 D. Coxe Let. 5 Feb. in R. Boyle Corr. (2001) III. 59 Rubies..are sayd to bee afforded by Auripigmentum sublimed.
1692 W. Salmon tr. ‘Pseudo-Geber’ Summa in Medicina Practica ii. xlv. 370/2 Only with sublimed Arsenick, in its Calx, let it be reduced, and it will flow out white, clean, and fusible.
1752 C. Lucas in Med. Ess. & Observ. (Philos. Soc. Edinb.) (ed. 4) V. i. 158 I cannot find by any Experiment, that Sublimation divests the Flowers of any Part of the native Acid of the Sulphur: If it should, sublimed Sulphur (i.e. Flowers) would no longer retain..any of the Characteristics of mineral Sulphur.
1807 T. Thomson Syst. Chem. (ed. 3) II. 26 It has no other smell than that of sublimed sulphur.
1842 E. A. Parnell Elements Chem. Anal. (1845) 26 Sublimed carbonate of ammonia, which is a sesquicarbonate.
1907 Science 27 Dec. 926/1 White lead, red lead, sublimed lead, zinc lead, litharge and orange mineral.
1951 R. Mayer Artist's Handbk. (new ed.) ii. 62 Sublimed white lead, a basic lead sulphate which contains zinc.
1960 J. R. Partington Hist. Greek Fire & Gunpowder iv. 149 Various recipes for gunpowder include sublimed arsenic, realgar, sublimed mercury, crude mercury and metallic mercury (mercurium vivum).
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