

单词 body and bone

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body and bone


P1. Christian Church. body of Christ. usually with the.
a. The Church regarded as a unified entity of many members, of which Christ is the head.
society > faith > sect > Christianity > person > [noun] > collective
holy churchc897
Christ's churchOE
Peter's bargea1393
Church of Christc1400
body of Christ?1495
Peter's ship1571
mother church1574
St. Peter's ship1678
Peter's bark1857
Peter's boat1893
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1555 Swa þatt teȝȝ shulen alle ben. An bodiȝ. & an sawle. & iesu crist himm sellf shall ben Vpp o þatt bodiȝ hæfedd.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Eph. iv. 12 He ȝaf summe sotheli apostlis..into the work of mynisterie, into edificacioun of Cristis body [L. corporis Christi].]
?1495 R. Fitzjames Sermo die Lune in Ebdomada Pasche sig. gii Thou refusest to be of the body of Chyste: yf thou wole not wyth hym be vnder an heed.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Coloss. i. B And he is the heade of the body, namely, of the congregacion.]
1570 A. Golding tr. D. Chytræus Postil 153 The very maner of Baptim whereby wee are first graffed intoo the churche or body of Chryste, betokeneth that wee looke assuredly for the resurrection from death.
1611 Bible (King James) 1 Cor. xii. 27 Now yee are the body of Christ, and members in particular. View more context for this quotation
1654 J. Bramhall Just Vindic. Church of Eng. ii. 28 From hence it appeareth plainly..who are Schismatiques; whosoever doth uncharitably make ruptures in the mystical body of Christ.
1704 W. Sherlock Disc. Happiness v. §vi. 553 Our first admission into the Christian Church the Mystical Body of Christ, is by Baptism.
1766 T. Amory Life John Buncle II. iv. 107 He found that even Bellarmine's notes of his church were so far from being a clear and necessary proof that the church of Rome is the body of Christ, or true church, that they proved it to be the Great Babylon, or that great enemy of God's church, which the apostles describe.
1891 Old & New Test. Student 12 235 It is affirmed frequently..that the Church is the body of Christ.
1938 Jrnl. Relig. 18 93 These are interpreted by the church, the continuing body of Christ.
2000 O. Davies in A. Hastings et al. Oxf. Compan. Christian Thought 639/1 The Pauline theology of the holiness of the corporate church, or Body of Christ, in which all its members have their specific gifts and parts to play.
b. = sense 3.
a1500 (?a1450) Gesta Romanorum (Harl. 7333) (1879) 261 The body of Crist liyng vpon the awter.
1562 39 Articles xxviii The Body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the Supper, only after an heavenly and spiritual manner.
1624 T. Gataker Discuss. Transubstant. 4 In like manner is the bread said to be the Body of Christ..not really or essentially, but typically and sacramentally, as a type and signe of the same.
a1745 J. Hoole Serm. (1748) II. xvi. 310 What a contradiction to all reason and decorum must it be, first to receive the Body of Christ into our bodies, and thereby become one with him; and afterwards prostitute the same bodies to vile lusts, and sensual and sinful pleasures.
1763 T. Haweis Communicant’s Spiritual Compan. v. 83 Can we receive the body of Christ in one hand, whilst we grasp the world in the other?
1848 R. I. Wilberforce Doctr. Incarnation (1852) xii. 305 The earthly sacrificer truly exhibits to the Father that body of Christ which is the one only Sacrifice for sins.
1884 A. R. Pennington Wiclif viii. 253 When it has come to be sacramentally the body of Christ, it is still bread substantially.
1976 Albuquerque (New Mexico) Jrnl. 15 Apr. a11/4 The blessed sacrament, the consecrated bread which Catholics revere as the body of Christ.
2005 Centre Daily Times (State College, Pa.) (Nexis) 20 Aug. b3 I open the small pyx containing communion,..and raise what appears to be bread but is actually the precious body of Christ.
c. to tear the body of Christ: see tear v.1 3b.
P2. body and bones (also body and bone).
a. Originally: flesh and bone; the whole body. Now chiefly figurative: the main constituent; the core.
c1330 Sir Orfeo (Auch.) (1966) l. 54 (MED) Þe fairest leuedi, for þe nones, Þat miȝt gon on bodi and bones.
a1425 Celestine l. 454 in Anglia (1878) 1 78 Maydenes and wiues failede þe nought, Mikel shame hastou wroughte Wiþ body and bon.
a1475 (?a1350) Seege Troye (Harl.) (1927) l. 30 (MED) Sir Jason was..ffayre man of body and bones.
1653 J. Howell German Diet sig. B2v He came home all transvers'd, not only in his braine, but in his body and bones.
1736 S. Chandler Hist. Persecution 269 Wickliff's Body and Bones were ordered to be dug up and burnt.
1854 T. C. Porter tr. J. W. von Goethe Hermann & Dorothea 117 Willingly do I entrust soul and spirit to you;..but body and bone are not in the safest condition, when the spiritual hand takes hold of the worldly rein.
1858 H. Mayhew Upper Rhine 322 This is what appears to us should form the body and bones of education.
1914 McClure's Mag. Feb. 51/2 This feeling, which is the raison d'ètre, the body and bones of the book, is distinctly hostile.
1988 E. N. Anderson Food of China 201 In most of China it [sc. the noodle] is basically a fast food or snack, but in many Fukienese areas it becomes the body and bones of much of the most favored cuisine.
b. As an adverbial phrase: in the entirety of the body or person; (more generally) completely, entirely.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) i. l. 8236 Þe kyng himself was brent þer inne, & alle his folk, euerilkone brent to dede, bodi & bone.
1557 tr. Erasmus Mery Dialogue sig. Aiii The deuyl take me bodye and bones but I had leuer lye by a sow with pigges, then with suche a bedfelowe.
1665 J. Wilson Projectors iv. 47 I like the young man so well, that if I had twentie daughters he should have 'em all,..Body and bones, and all I have after my death.
1776 Gentleman's Mag. Mar. 115/1 About midnight he should be burnt body and bones to ashes, and his ashes flung into the air.
1837 J. Hogg Tales & Sketches II. 327 Down with feminity, body and bone.
1898 Strand June 638/1 I barked my knuckles against the harsh, scaly skin of the beast itself—against the skin of this anachronism, which ought to have perished body and bones ten million years ago.
1922 E. Bancroft Jane Allen: Senior i. 7 When a social service case is assigned a student she takes it, body and bones.
2000 B. Morgan Topogr. of Love (2002) 250 It took all four of them to drag me, body and bones away from the window.
P3. In oaths and asseverations, as body of me!, body of our Lord!, God's body!, by cocks body!, etc. Cf. bodikin n. Now archaic and rare.See also by Gog's body at Gog n.1 2, God's precious body at precious adj. 1b, od's body int. at od n.1 and int. Compounds 1.
1493 (c1410) Dives & Pauper (Pynson) ii. xii. sig. hviii v/1 What sayst thou of theym yt swere by the cock for god, summe by god..summe by cockes bodye, summe by their hode some by their tepat & cap, and many suche other nyce othes men vse nowe these dayes.]
c1520 tr. Terence Andria v. ii, in Terens in Eng. sig. D.ii Goddis body my master what shall I do.
a1547 J. Redford Moral Play Wit & Sci. (1848) 7 Oh the bodye of me! What kaytyves be those.
1573 New Custome ii. ii. sig. Cijv Body of our Lorde is hee come into the countrye?
1623 W. Shakespeare & J. Fletcher Henry VIII v. ii. 21 Body a me: where is it? View more context for this quotation
1695 W. Congreve Love for Love ii. i. 23 Body of me, I have a Shoulder of an Egyptian King, that I purloyn'd from one of the Pyramids.
1739 D. Bellamy Rival Priests i. i. 18 I'll peep once again.—Bless us! the Devil has got the upper Hand, as I imagin'd.—Body of me, they kiss, and cling, and Prayer is turn'd to Rapture.
1751 T. Smollett Peregrine Pickle IV. cxi. 289 Body of me!..these are the best tidings I have heard since I first went to sea. Here, my lad, take my purse, and stow thyself chocque-full of the best liquor in the land.
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth ii, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. I. 47Body of me,’ exclaimed Simon, ‘I should know that voice!’
1911 ‘M. Field’ Dian i. i, in Trag. Pardon 138 By God's Body, I beg a royal thing of you, ma Belle.
2004 J. L. Nelson Only Life that Mattered xxviii. 281 Oh, body of me, Mary, I have never been so happy to see anything in my life!
P4. over my dead body and variants: (chiefly hyperbolically, expressing vehement opposition to or scepticism towards something proposed by another person) ‘only if I am unable to prevent it’; under no circumstances.
the mind > language > statement > negation > [phrase]
I'll be far (enough) if1752
I'll be shot (occasionally shortened to shot!) if1761
over my dead body1796
let's don't1854
I'll see you shot first1894
1796 J. N. Brewer Mansion House II. 8 She had fainted on the discharge of the musquets, and..her brother had flown to that which secured her room, determined, he said, they should enter it over his dead body.
1800 S. T. Coleridge tr. F. Schiller Death Wallenstein v. v. 147 No, monster! First over my dead body thou shalt tread. I will not live to see the accursed deed!
1833 S. Smith Life & Writings Major Jack Downing xxxv. 137 You dont go through this door to-night, without you pass over the dead body of Jack Downing.
1936 H. Brighouse New Leisure in Best One-act Plays 1936 81 Elsie Dixon doing confidential secretary! Over my dead body.
1987 C. Reid Tea in China Cup ii, in Plays: One (1997) 55 Youth. We've orders to burn these houses... Sarah. Over my dead body.
2001 C. Glazebrook Madolescents 65 ‘Celebrate without you?’ says Filthy, like the idea's unthinkable. ‘Over my dead body.’
P5. Originally North American. to know where the bodies are buried: to have personal knowledge of the secrets or confidential affairs of an organization or individual.
1940 H. J. Mankiewicz & O. Welles Citizen Kane (film script) 199 If you're smart, you'll talk to Raymond. That's the butler. You can learn a lot from him. He knows where the bodies are buried.
1976 R. J. Huckshorn Party Leadership in States iv. 75 I was the governor's finance chairman and I know where the bodies are buried.
2006 Scotsman (Nexis) 11 July 35 Finance directors, perhaps on the theory that they know where the bodies are buried, last 4.8 years.
extracted from bodyn.
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