

单词 stand to it

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to stand to it
a. intransitive. To apply oneself vigorously and bravely to (a fight, contest, task, etc.). In later use chiefly in to stand to it: to fight bravely; (also) to toil at hard or painful work without flagging. Now somewhat rare.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > vigour or energy > carry on vigorously [verb (transitive)] > apply oneself to vigorously
to stand to ——?a1400
to shove at1542
to fall upon ——1617
to work awaya1635
to fall aboard1642
to fall on ——1650
to go at ——1675
to pitch into ——1823
to lay into1880
to be (also go) at the ——1898
to sail in1936
the mind > emotion > courage > valour > warlike valour > fight bravely [verb]
to stand to ——?a1400
society > society and the community > dissent > fighting > fight [verb (intransitive)] > fight vigorously
to stand to it1544
to mix it up1898
society > armed hostility > armed encounter > contending in battle > contend in battle or give battle [verb (intransitive)] > fight stoutly
to stand to it1544
society > occupation and work > working > [verb (intransitive)] > work hard or toil
to the boneOE
to tug at the (an) oar1612
to stand to it1632
to work like a beaver1741
to hold (also keep, bring, put) one's nose to the grindstone1828
to feague it away1829
to work like a nigger1836
to sweat one's guts out1890
to sweat (also work) one's guts out1932
to eat (also work) like a horse1937
to work like a drover's dog1952
to get one's nose down (to)1962
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) ii. 6706 Bot Sir Patrik Graham a while to bataile stode.
1542 T. Becon New Pollecye of Warre sig. fv It shall not be you that shall fyght, only steppe ye forth boldly, and stonde to it lyke men, and ye shal se ye helpe of the Lorde vpon you.
1544 P. Betham tr. J. di Porcia Preceptes Warre i. cxxxv. sig. G vjv To comforte and encowrage hys men..fiercelye to fyght, and boldly to stande to it.
1610 W. Cowper Defiance to Death 236 If on Gods part, wee would haue his earnest valid to binde him to stand to his promises, wee must on our part declare, that they are forcible to binde vs to stand to our promised dueties.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. vii. 328 Saylers have the paine By drudging, pulling, hayling, standing to it In cold and raine.
1788 Salem Mercury 15 July 2/4 He is distributing them [sc. convicts] about the country. Stand to it houses, stores, &c. these gentry are acquainted with the business.
1889 A. Conan Doyle Micah Clarke xvi. 144 The peasants stood to it like men.
1939 Irish Times 4 May 6/3 These stout North Country peasants stood to it like men, and were cut down in ranks as they stood.
1987 B. W. Powell Let. never Read xv. 90 Lester..had stood to the splitting table and cut the throats of one thousand quintals of fish. He earned enough money to purchase all his school books for the winter.
extracted from standv.
to stand to it
a. intransitive. to stand to it: to persist in asserting a statement, claim, etc.; to maintain. Chiefly with clause (esp. that-clause) as complement.
the mind > language > statement > insistence or persistence > insist or persist [verb (intransitive)]
to stand to it1549
to swear pink1956
1549 H. Latimer 2nd Serm. before Kynges Maiestie 6th Serm. sig. Y.iiiv I wyll not stand to it, yt al that he wrot was true, I thinke he woulde not so hym selfe.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) i. ii. 68 Now Ile stand to it, the Pancakes were naught. View more context for this quotation
1692 S. Patrick Answer to Touchstone of Reformed Gospel 175 This, I will stand to it, is an Interpretation they cannot confute.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 171. ⁋8 He would stand to it, that it was full Four Miles.
1889 A. Sergeant Deveril's Diamond III. viii. 170 He stood to it at first that he knew nothing.
1925 Manch. Guardian 19 Aug. 8/2 The politicians stand to it that medical efficiency and prestige are but dross and that national dignity and ‘status’ are the things to mind.
2021 @JaylinDailey 18 July in twitter.com (accessed 1 Nov. 2021) But yet you stand to it that he's just wrong.
extracted from standv.
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