

单词 stamp and stare

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to stamp and stare
c. esp. as an instinctive expression of fury; formerly often †to stamp and stare. Hence (now only U.S.), to be very angry.
the mind > emotion > anger > furious anger > to rage (of fury) [verb (intransitive)] > be or become furious
to stamp one's foot1821
to fire off1848
to stomp one's feetc1927
to spit chips1947
to spit cotton1947
to spit blood1963
to go ballistic1981
the world > movement > impact > striking > striking with specific thing > strike with specific thing [verb (intransitive)] > with the foot > stamp > in fury
to stamp one's foot1821
c1480 (a1400) St. Katherine 1028 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) II. 471 He..rathly ruschit to and fra,..& sturly stampit als, & steryt.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 732/2 I stampe, I stare, as one doth that taketh on in his angyr, je me demayne. You never sawe man stampe as he dyd.
a1534 Coventry Corpus Christi Plays i. 779 I stampe! I stare! I loke all abowt!
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. clxxxv Many men stamped [L. fremebant enim plerique] for the murther of Rincon and Fregose.
1577 T. Kendall Trifles f. 24v, in tr. Politianus et al. Flowers of Epigrammes He stamps, he stares, he taketh on: he knowes not what to doe.
1657 N. Billingsley Brachy-martyrologia xii. 39 How he did stamp, did stare like one distracted.
1681 T. D'Urfey Progr. Honesty viii. 9 And as a stubborn Child..Vext at some trifle, stamps, lies down and cries.
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 429. ⁋17 The Petitioner swore, stamped, and threw down his Cards.
1842 S. Lover Handy Andy xix O'Grady stamped and swore with rage.
1865 ‘L. Carroll’ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland viii. 122 The Queen..went stamping about, and shouting ‘Off with his head!’
1872 M. S. De Vere Americanisms 552 Stamp, to, commonly pronounced stomp, has, in the South especially, the meaning of being very angry.
1891 F. W. Farrar Darkness & Dawn II. liv. 197 He stamped, and cursed the Christians by all his gods.
1891 E. Roper By Track & Trail ii. 21 The Colonel stamped and groaned and swore.
extracted from stampv.
stamp and stare
(a) intransitive. To open the eyes wide in madness or fury; to glare. Often in alliterative or rhyming phrases, e.g. scowl and stare, stamp and stare (see stamp v. 2c), swear and stare, denoting behaviour characteristic of uncontrolled rage. Now somewhat rare.
the world > health and disease > mental health > mental illness > be or become mad [verb (intransitive)]
to be out of mindc1325
to lose one's mindc1380
to go out of one's minda1398
to wede (out) of, but wita1400
to go (also fall, run) mada1450
to go (also run, set) a-madding (or on madding)1565
pass of wita1616
to have a gad-bee in one's brain1682
to go (also be) off at the nail1721
to get a rat1890
to need (to have) one's head examined (also checked, read)1896
(to have) bats in the belfryc1901
to have straws in one's hair1923
to take the bats1927
to go haywire1929
to go mental1930
to go troppo1941
to come apart1954
the world > physical sensation > sight and vision > seeing or looking > see [verb (intransitive)] > look fiercely
the mind > emotion > anger > manifestation of anger > show anger [verb (intransitive)] > look angry
to look black1608
to speak or look daggers1834
a1275 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 49 He gonet wid is mouþe & staret [c1275 Calig. stareþ] wid is eyen, Of is neose-þurlis comet starke leyen.
c1275 (?c1250) Owl & Nightingale (Calig.) (1935) 77 Þu starest so þu wille abiten.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 508 He him bi stod, Starinde als he were wod.
c1390 in C. Horstmann Minor Poems Vernon MS (1892) i. 143 Þe Ieuh bi-gon to stare and swere And seide þer com non such child þere.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) 2225 Als wode lyons þai sal þan fare, And raumpe on hym, and skoul, and stare.
c1475 (c1399) Mum & Sothsegger (Cambr. Ll.4.14) (1936) iii. l. 189 This makyth men..to stroute and to stare and stryue aȝeyn vertu.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 733/2 I stare, as a mans eyes stare for anger.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. cxxxjv Lorde how the Flemines bragged..that Calice should be wonne..swearyng, and staryng, that thei would haue it, within thre daies at the moste.
?1577 J. Northbrooke Spiritus est Vicarius Christi: Treat. Dicing To Rdr. sig. A.iiij If he can sweare and stare, they say he hath a stout courage.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. iv. sig. D4v His eies..Stared sterne on all, that him beheld.
1615 J. Taylor Revenge in Wks. (1630) ii. 145/2 Some laught, some swore, some star'd and stamp'd and curst.
1667 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. (1669) Friendly Advt. sig. c3v They..will swear and stare, crack and boast, That they have done all things according to Art.
1716 N. W. Hist. George a Green iv. 27 Mannering seeing this, began to stamp, stare and swear.
1795 A. Hughes Jemima I. x. 167 At last he ran staring and swearing out of the parlour, only bidding me not tell I had seen him.
1837 A. Tennent Force of Imag. 64 His eye-balls stared with vicious scowl.
1871 Lippincott's Mag. Jan. 22/1 Frenchmen could be so theatrical in their ways, jumping and staring and swearing over such a commonplace order.
1998 Times 11 Aug. 16/6 Donald, staring and swearing, bowled like a man dispossessed.
extracted from starev.
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