

单词 st nicholas

St Nicholasn.

Brit. /snt ˈnɪk(ə)ləs/, /snt ˈnɪkl̩əs/, U.S. /ˌseɪn(t) ˈnɪk(ə)ləs/
Forms: Middle English Saynt Nycholas, Middle English Seint Nicholas, 1500s–1600s S. Nicolas, 1600s– St Nicholas, 1500s Sant Necolas, 1500s S. Niclas, 1500s S. Nicholas, 1500s Saint Nicholas; also Scottish pre-1700 Sanct Nicholais, pre-1700 Sanct Nicholas.
Origin: From a proper name. Etymon: proper name St. Nicholas.
Etymology: < the name of St. Nicholas (post-classical Latin Nicolaus, Hellenistic Greek Νικόλαος), bishop of Myra in Lycia (died a.d. 326), regarded as the patron saint of scholars, especially of schoolchildren, and of children generally.
Now chiefly historical.
1. St. Nicholas' Day n. the feast day or festival of St. Nicholas (December 6).The Dutch custom of giving gifts to children on this day gave rise to the cult of Santa Claus (ultimately derived from the saint's name: see Santa Claus n.).
OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.iv) anno 1067 Her com se kyng eft ongean to Englalande on sancte Nicolaes mæssedæge.]
c1300 St. Nicholas (Harl.) 454 in C. D'Evelyn & A. J. Mill S. Eng. Legendary (1956) 565 For loue of him he wolde eche ȝer a seint Nicholas dai bi wone Of meni clerkes holde feste.
a1500 (?a1390) J. Mirk Festial (Gough) (1905) 11 Such a day ys Saynt Nycholas-daye.
a1697 J. Aubrey Remaines Gentilisme & Judaisme (1881) 40 And the School-boies in the west [of England]: still religiously observe St Nicholas day.
1754 T. Gardner Hist. Acct. Dunwich 193 Disposition of the said Lands was made, but not confirmed till St. Nicholas's Day.
1771 E. Ledwich Antiquitates Sarisburienses 177 Upon St. Nicholas's day, the 6th of December, the children of the Choir elected from among themselves a Bishop.
1828 J. K. Paulding New Mirror for Travellers 164 Alderman Nicholas Nicodemus Janson..died full of years and honour, on his patron St. Nicholas' day.
1865 S. Evans Brother Fabian's MS 10 You should have seen him on Saint Nicholas' day, When he was Abbot of Misrule.
1977 Business Week (Nexis) 30 May 55 In Holland, the company geared its first Christmas promotion to Dec. 25, unaware that the Dutch exchange holdiay gifts on St. Nicholas Day.
1999 B. Blackburn & L. Holford-Strevens Oxf. Compan. to Year i. 487 At the abbey of Montserrat in Catalonia the boy bishop (bisbeto) serves on St Nicholas' day, assisted by a vicar-general.
2. St. Nicholas' bishop n. Chiefly Scottish. Now historical a boy-bishop elected by choirboys or schoolboys on or around St. Nicholas' Day (also called choral bishop).
society > leisure > social event > festive occasion > persons and characters > [noun] > presiding > boy-bishop
St. Nicholas' bishop1473
boy bishop1774
1473–4 in T. Dickson Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1877) I. 68 That he gafe to ij Sanct Nicholais bischop of the abbay and the towne.., Item to thare ij deblatis.
1501 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1900) II. 128 Be the Kingis command, to Sanct Nicholais beschop of Coupir in Fiff xlijs.
1505 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1901) III. 175 To Sanct Nicholas beschop in Linlithqw. xlijs.
1996 R. Hutton Stations of Sun ix. 102 On that feast, at least from the time of Henry VII, English monarchs presented money to their own ‘St. Nicholas Bishop’, apparently chosen from the choristers of the Chapel Royal.
3. St. Nicholas' clerks n. (also St Nicholas's clerks)
a. Poor scholars. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > scholarly knowledge, erudition > learned person, scholar > [noun] > collectively > impoverished
St. Nicholas' clerks1486
1486–9 in Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum (1821) III. 360/1 It' paid for brede and ale for Seint Nicholas clerks iij d.
1553 T. Wilson Arte of Rhetorique ii. f. 81v Thei are no Churche men, thei are masterlesse men, or rather S. Niclas Clarkes, that lacke liuyng.
1581 J. Marbeck Bk. Notes & Common Places 204 To receive the Pope for his supreame head.., to receive S. Nicholas Clarkes, to have his beads, and to give to the high Altar.
b. Highwaymen. Obsolete.
the mind > possession > taking > stealing or theft > thief > robber > [noun] > highwayman > collectively
St. Nicholas' clerks1570
St. Nicholas' clergymen1590
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) II. 2287/2 I haue heard of men robbed by S. Nicolas clerkes.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 ii. i. 61 If they meete not with Saint Nicholas clearkes, ile giue thee this necke. View more context for this quotation
1612 R. Daborne Christian turn'd Turke sig. F4v S'foot we are preuented, S. Nicolas Clearkes are stept vp before vs.
1664 J. Wilson Cheats i. i. 2 Who should I meet with but our old Gang, some of St. Nicholas's Clerks.
1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe I. xi. 218 That I might at least see any of St Nicholas's clerks before they spring on my shoulders.
4. St. Nicholas' clergymen n. Obsolete rare = St. Nicholas' clerks n. at sense 3.
the mind > possession > taking > stealing or theft > thief > robber > [noun] > highwayman > collectively
St. Nicholas' clerks1570
St. Nicholas' clergymen1590
1590 R. Harvey Plaine Percevall sig. B A quarrell, by the high way side, between a brace, of Saint Nicholas Clargie men.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2015; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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