

单词 stag-hunting country

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stag-hunting country
2. Land, terrain, or a region of undefined extent, esp. considered with regard to its physical characteristics. Frequently with distinguishing words, as chalk country, fen country, stag-hunting country, country of the red deer, etc.black, high, low, old country; also north, south, east, west country: see the first element.
a. As a mass noun: land, terrain.
the world > the earth > land > tract > [noun] > undefined extent
c1300 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Otho) (1963) 643 Bi Ruscicadan hii neome þe see, and bi þe contre of Assare [c1275 Calig. montaine of Azare].
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 531 He com & vond..an place vair inou, In god contreie & plentiuous.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 2217 Þei trauailed al a niȝt..no couert miȝt þei kacche, þe cuntre was so playne.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) II. 9 (MED) Marie..wente into monteyne contre.
c1475 tr. C. de Pisan Livre du Corps de Policie (Cambr.) (1977) 156 Hanyball..went into Italye and distroyed all the lowe contre.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Luke i. E All this acte was noysed abrode thorow out all the hill countre of Iewry.
1574 E. Hellowes tr. A. de Guevara Familiar Epist. 314 (heading) A letter vnto the Abbot of saint Peter of Cardenia, in which hee much praiseth the mountaine countrey.
1612 E. Grimeston tr. L. T. de Mayerne Gen. Hist. Spaine xviii. 656 The king on a time hauing hunted late in vnknowne countrie.., recouered his lodging.
1684 Scanderbeg Redivivus ii. 9 For that the Countrey is there Composed of vast Campagn and level woods.
1763 Gentleman's Mag. Jan. 34/2 There is..good reason to imagine that the Terra Antarctica..contains some some tracts of good country.
1791 W. Gilpin Remarks Forest Scenery II. 49 It's woody scenes, it's extended lawns, and vast sweeps of wild country.
1839 Baptist Missionary Mag. Oct. 243/2 We expect to travel twenty days before we reach the buffalo country.
1881 J. Russell Haigs of Bemersyde iii. 38 Round Jedburgh and Hawick were immense belts of country covered with trees.
1926 V. Bell Let. in Sel. Lett. (1993) 293 We then hired a motor and went off at a breakneck speed through lovely country.
1979 Washington Post (Nexis) 19 Aug. (Bookword section) 4 Avebury lies in the rolling chalk country of the Marlborough Downs in Northern Wiltshire.
1995 Harper's Mag. Feb. 15/2 Discussions of what fine country Bosnia made for guerrilla fighting.
2012 Journal (Newcastle) (Nexis) 5 May a42 Just outside the door, there is a stunning lake to walk around and huge expanse of country to explore.
b. As a count noun: a particular tract or expanse of land; a region.
the world > the earth > region of the earth > [noun]
natural region1888
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1876) VI. 373 Aluredus..ladde uncerteyn and unesy lyf in þe wode contrayes of Somersete [L. per silvestria Sumersetensis].
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 275 He com unto a low contrey full of..fayre meedys.
1496 Will of Sir Hugh Brice (P.R.O.: PROB. 11/11) f. 17 My two hallinges & ij parlourynges..one of theme peynted with..fenne Countreys & bourdred with historyes of the bible.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin ii. 32 That contre [sc. Northumberland] is full of grete forestis.
1578 T. Nicholas tr. F. Lopez de Gómara Pleasant Hist. Conquest W. India 179 This tree groweth in a hote Countrey.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. iii. 92 To..sit still without preading, in a wast and desart countrey.
1698 J. Crull tr. C. Dellon Voy. to E.-Indies (Suppl.) 28 You cross a most delicious Champion Country, where there is great plenty of good Pastorage.
c1710 C. Fiennes Diary (1888) 128 To persons born in up and dry Countryes.
1795 Gentleman's Mag. 65 632 In the fen countries the labourers are denominated bankers.
1822 W. Cobbett Rural Rides in Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 29 June 829 The saint-foin hay has all been got in, in the chalk countries, without a drop of wet.
1834 J. Forbes Oriental Mem. IV. xxxvii. 20 An indifferent road through a hilly country brought us to Maulpoor.
1895 Argosy Sept. 522/1 Up here to this country of inspiring climate, of wondrous woods and waters—above all, this country of the red deer.
1957 Encycl. Brit. XII. 204/1 A mountainous country, lying east of the San Pedro river in Arizona.
1991 College Math. Jrnl. 22 374 I wasn't skiing. I wasn't doing any of the things that people in Oregon can do that you can't do if you live in a flat country like the middle west.
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