

单词 spare room

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spare room
a. In attributive use. Also spare room, a room not regularly used, esp. a bedroom reserved for visitors. spare tyre, (a) an extra tyre carried in a motor vehicle for emergencies; similarly, spare wheel; (b) transferred a roll of fat around the stomach (colloquial).The various types of context are illustrated by the different groups of quotations.
the mind > possession > supply > storage > [adjective] > stored > saved or reserved > held in reserve
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > parts of building > room > room by type of occupant > [noun] > guest room
spare room1814
society > travel > means of travel > a conveyance > vehicle > vehicles according to means of motion > vehicle moving on wheels > [noun] > parts of vehicle moving on wheels > wheel > spare wheel or tyre
stepney wheel1907
spare tyre1917
spare wheel1920
the world > life > the body > bodily substance > fat > [noun] > round waist
spare tyre1961
love handle1970
muffin top2003
c1400 (?c1380) Patience l. 104 Cables þay fasten,..weȝen her ankres, Sprude spak to þe sprete þe spare bawe-lyne.
a1475 Bk. Curtasye (Sloane 1986) l. 792 in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 325 The keruer anon..Into þe couertoure wyn he powres owt, Or in-to a spare pece, with-outen doute.
1497 in M. Oppenheim Naval Accts. & Inventories Henry VII (1896) 110 Spare extrees for faucons,..v.
1573 in J. Raine Wills & Inventories Archdeaconry Richmond (1853) 242 v. ireon teames,..ij spare crooks.
1602 J. Marston Hist. Antonio & Mellida ii. sig. D If you haue any spare paire of siluer spurs.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Comedy of Errors (1623) i. i. 79 A small spare Mast, Such as sea-faring men prouide for stormes. View more context for this quotation
1691 T. Hale Acct. New Inventions 43 A spare Set thereof [i.e. rudder-irons] sent to Sea with every Lead-sheathed Ship.
1709 London Gaz. No. 4521/2 One of the Flukes of the Spare-Anchor [was]..shot off.
1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine Spare, an epithet applied to any part of a ship's..furniture, that lies in reserve, to supply the place of such as may be lost, or rendered incapable of service. Hence we say, spare top-masts, spare sails.
1811 Gen. Regulations & Orders Army 276 All Spare Ammunition is given in to the nearest Ordnance Depôt.
1856 E. K. Kane Arctic Explor. II. xvi. 173 We carried spare tins, in case the others should burn out.
1893 R. Kipling Many Inventions 2 We've just sent our regular engine to London, and this spare one's not..so accurate.
1917 R. Kipling Diversity of Creatures 162 The policeman laid his hand on the rim of the right driving-door (Woodhouse carries his spare tyres aft).
1920 ‘O. Douglas’ Penny Plain xxiii. 267 It was a tyre gone... Stark put on the spare wheel and they started again.
1961 Harper's Bazaar Dec. 43/1 The deep diaphragm section slims you... That ‘spare-tyre’ has vanished!
1971 D. Devine Dead Trouble v. 48 My spare tyre keeps me warm. You're too skinny.
1972 Country Life 7 Dec. 1592/3 The luggage boot is..fairly well filled by the spare wheel.
1977 Lancs. Life Nov. 153/1 There is no need for a spare tyre to clutter up the Mini's limited boot space.
(b)1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. xxix The master of hys horse folowed him with a spare horse.1613 S. Purchas Pilgrimage 420 They bring with them three moneths victuall,..and a spare Horse for food, besides a better for seruice.1708 J. C. Compl. Collier 12 in T. Nourse Mistery of Husbandry Discover'd (ed. 3) The Charge of maintaining a spare Shift of Horses.1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall II. xviii. 90 The custom of their warriors, to lead in their hand one or two spare horses, enabled them to advance and to retreat with a rapid diligence.1850 R. Gordon-Cumming Five Years Hunter's Life S. Afr. I. v. 105 A horseman..accompanied by an after-rider leading a spare horse.1856 T. De Quincey Confessions Eng. Opium-eater (rev. ed.) in Select. Grave & Gay V. 76 Here's a spare dromedary.(c)a1687 W. Petty Polit. Arithm. (1690) 107 There are spare Hands among the King's Subjects, to earn two Millions more than they do.1897 Daily News 27 May 8/5 Driver R. Wilcockson, a spare driver,..gave evidence in regard to the irregular hours of the ‘spare’ men.(d)1692 J. P. New Guide Constables 13 He shall keep one or more spare Beds for lodging of Strangers.1811 W. Scott Let. 4 Aug. (1932) II. 527 My present intention is to have only two spare-bedrooms.1814 J. Austen Mansfield Park I. iii. 54 The absolute necessity of a spare-room for a friend was now never forgotten. View more context for this quotation1827 W. Scott Surgeon's Daughter in Chron. Canongate 1st Ser. II. ii. 38 A spare apartment, in which Doctor Grey occasionally accommodated..patients.1837 Southern Literary Messenger 3 333 One of the third-story rooms we must keep for a spare room.1855 Knickerbocker 46 380 They have stolen away into the spare-room, otherwise, parlor.1880 Harper's Mag. Dec. 90 You've got to feed 'em, and like enough keep a big fire up in the spare room.1881 F. Young Every Man his own Mechanic §806. 371 A spare bed which may be put up anywhere in a few minutes.1904 ‘A. Dale’ Wanted: Cook 332 The wine-cellar was under the bed in the spare-room.1928 J. Galsworthy Swan Song iii. ix. 280 He spied a spare-room window open at the top.1953 E. Simon Past Masters iii. 169 The spare room, newly done up, was frequently inhabited by..distinguished visitors.1977 J. Porter Who the Heck is Sylvia? ix. 79 Her habit of knocking on the spare-room door before entering.
extracted from spareadj.adv.
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