

单词 spanish inquisition

Spanish Inquisitionn.

Brit. /ˌspanɪʃ ɪnkwᵻˈzɪʃn/, /ˌspanɪʃ ɪŋkwᵻˈzɪʃn/, U.S. /ˌspænɪʃ ˌɪnkwəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/, /ˌspænɪʃ ˌɪŋkwəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: Spanish adj., inquisition n.
Etymology: < Spanish adj. + inquisition n.
1. Roman Catholic Church. Chiefly with the. An ecclesiastical court for the suppression of heresy, established under the Spanish crown and authorized by Pope Sixtus IV in 1478, which had as its main targets converts from Judaism and Islam and, following the Reformation, Protestants. Cf. inquisition n. 3a. Now historical.The Spanish Inquisition became notorious for its cruelty and use of torture; it was suppressed and finally abolished in the 19th cent.
society > faith > church government > ecclesiastical discipline > court > papal court (Inquisition) > [noun]
Spanish Inquisition1560
Holy Office1642
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries xix. f. ccxcjv This Spanishe inquisition, whiche is so vniuersall at this day, was first ordeined in those parties, by king Ferdinando and quene Elizabeth, against the Jewes.
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries i. 6 The 12. articles..inuented and practised by the Spanish Inquisition, to the end they might inuade, get, and tyrannize the Belgique prouinces.
1650 R. Stapleton tr. F. Strada De Bello Belgico iii. 71 It never entered into his mind, by that adjunction of Bishops to impose the Spanish Inquisition upon the Low-countreys.
1790 World 27 Jan. The decree issued by the Spanish Inquisition is more likely to accelerate, than prevent the consequences it intended; a number of the towns having..sent memorials to the King, demanding the entire abolishing of this tribunal.
1855 W. H. Prescott Hist. Reign Philip II of Spain I. ii. ix. 594 The Spanish Inquisition, with its train of horrors, seemed to be already in the midst of them.
1973 J. Bronowski Ascent of Man (1976) vi. 216 An Englishman who had been racked in 1620 by the Spanish Inquisition.
2004 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 15 Feb. xiv. 2/1 The long-lived Goya (he died in 1828, at 82) defied..the astonishing cruelties of the Spanish Inquisition.
2. figurative. A person or group likened to the Spanish Inquisition, esp. in subjecting a person to gruelling questioning; intense or gruelling questioning.
the mind > attention and judgement > enquiry > interrogation > [noun] > intensive questioning
Spanish Inquisition1625
third degree1900
stress interview1942
the mind > attention and judgement > enquiry > interrogation > [noun] > intensive questioning > person conducting
Spanish Inquisition1625
1625 B. V. Run-awyaes Answer sig. C3v He knew what danger it was to fall into the hands of that English-Spanish Inquisition, (the Muster of Billmen).
1640 J. Corbet Epist. Congratulatorie of Lysimachus Nicanor to Covenanters (new ed.) 49 The Scripture bids compel men to the wedding, neither need you regard them, who call your holy violence a Spanish Inquisition.
1849 H. Melville Mardi (U.S. ed.) I. xiii. 56 Love is a delight; but hate a torment. And haters are thumbscrews, Scotch boots, and Spanish inquisitions to themselves.
1993 L. Collin Bill (Thames TV script) (O.E.D. Archive) 10th Ser. Episode 1. 42 Every time a kid goes missing or someone reports a flasher, the doorbell rings and I'm confronted with the Spanish Inquisition.
1994 I. Botham My Autobiogr. ix. 168 If I sat down for a meal and passed the time of day with a waitress, immediately she would be jumped on by reporters subjecting her to the Spanish inquisition.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2022).




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