

单词 social order

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social order
15. A method according to which things act or events take place; the fixed arrangement found in the existing state of things; a natural, moral, spiritual, or social system in which things proceed according to definite, established, or constituted laws. Chiefly in such phrases as order of nature, order of things, order of the world; also moral order, natural order, social order, spiritual order, etc.In quot. c1450 at sense 2a: a particular instance of such method or arrangement; a law.
the world > existence and causation > occurrence > [noun] > ordered course of events
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 140v Among alle bestis..briddes and foules ben most honest of kynde, for by ordre of kynde [L. ordinem nature] males seche femalis wiþ bisynesse and loueþ hem.
c1450 (c1350) Alexander & Dindimus (Bodl.) (1929) 327 Bi an ordre of oure kinde whan we holde waxen..We schulle forleten oure lif.
1553 R. Eden in tr. S. Münster Treat. Newe India Ded. sig. aaijv No lesse confoundinge the order of thinges, then he whiche cloteth an ape in purple, & a king in sackecloth.
1558 J. Knox First Blast against Monstruous Regiment Women f. 9v God by the order of his creation hath spoiled woman of authoritie and dominion.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies iii. xii. 158 Agreeing with the wisdom of the Creator, and the goodly order of nature.
1667 H. More Divine Dialogues (1713) ii. xiii. 126 The birth of Monsters; which I look upon but as a piece of Sportfulness in the order of things.
1711 A. Pope Ess. Crit. 11 Objects..Which out of Nature's common Order rise.
1785 W. Paley Moral & Polit. Philos. in Wks. (1825) IV. 13 The laws of custom are very apt to be mistaken for the order of nature.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Morte d'Arthur in Poems (new ed.) II. 15 The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils himself in many ways.
1865 R. W. Dale Jewish Temple xix. 219 Christ's death is the foundation of the new spiritual order.
1872 J. Morley Voltaire i. 3 More than two generations of men had almost ceased to care whether there be any moral order or not.
1888 E. Bellamy Looking Backward xxvi. 401 In the time of one generation men laid aside the social traditions and practices of barbarians, and assumed a social order worthy of rational and human beings.
1920 Amer. Woman Aug. 18/2 Men cannot so easily adjust themselves to a new order of things as women.
1951 C. C. Gillispie Genesis & Geol. vi. 169 Revealed truth, though indispensable to belief, could be apprehended inductively, by inferring a moral order parallel to natural order.
1994 Lay Witness Sept. 3/2 Any political order which prescinds from the spiritual order will ultimately perish.
extracted from ordern.
social order
social order n. (a) orderliness within society; (b) the way in which society is organized, the network of human relationships in society.
society > authority > subjection > obedience > [noun] > conformity to principles of social order > orderly condition of state or society
God's peacec1300
good rulec1300
the king's peace1428
social order1703
society > society and the community > customs, values, and civilization > [noun] > social structure or system
social system1742
social structure1804
social order1817
social market1846
1703 tr. S. von Pufendorf Of Law of Nature & Nations ii. v. 143/1 In resisting by Natural Right, this Exception is always understood, unless the Social Order [L. ordo socialis] be infring'd by my present resisting.
1792 tr. J. Necker Ess. True Princ. Executive Power Great States vi. 81 These doubts are the natural result of the extreme weakness of executive power, and the authors of the new social order in France have no right to take offence at them.
1817 Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 25 Jan. 110 The old charge, that we are seeking to produce riot and confusion, and to destroy ‘Social Order’!
1955 M. Gluckman Custom & Confl. Afr. i. 17 What emerges, I think, is that if there are sufficient conflicts of loyalties at work, settlement will be achieved..and social order maintained.
2005 I. McEwan Saturday iv. 276 Beware the utopianists, zealous men certain of the path to the ideal social order.
extracted from socialadj.n.
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