

单词 soas

> as lemmas

a. so..as, so as, in such or the same way, manner, etc., as.
the world > relative properties > relationship > similarity > [adverb] > so or in such a manner
like asc1475
the same1765
same like1898
a1225 Leg. Kath. 1055 Unweoten, þe weneð þet hit beo swa as hit on ehe bereð ham.
a1300 E.E. Psalter i. 3 Al his liue swa sal it be, Als it fares bi a tre.
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis I. Prol. 5 I thenke forto touche also The world..So as I can, so as I mai.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 34 Þis preste askid hur whi sho wepud so as sho did.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) iv. 119 Soo well clothed & arrayed, as I have tolde you above.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Gen. xviii. A Do euen so as thou hast spoken.
1554 Act 1 & 2 Philip & Mary c. 8 §52 Hereditaments, so to be amortized as is aforesaid.
1594 W. Shakespeare Lucrece sig. M4 He with the Romains was esteemed so As seelie ieering idiots are with Kings. View more context for this quotation
1611 Bible (King James) Psalms lxiii. 2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I haue seen thee in the Sanctuary. View more context for this quotation
1681 J. Flavell Method of Grace xxix. 496 They must so walk as he walked.
1797 Encycl. Brit. XVII. 407/1 Lay the bend mould upon it, so as may best answer the round.
extracted from soadv.conj.
21. so..as, to the same extent, in the same degree, as:
a. In negative or interrogative clauses.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 119 Þenne nis hit to naut se god ase to þe fur of helle.
1362 W. Langland Piers Plowman A. viii. 167 Bote trustene to Trienals..Is not so syker for þe soule, sertes, as do-wel.
c1386 G. Chaucer Merchant's Tale 45 Who is so trewe and eek so ententyf To kepe him..as is his make?
1581 W. Allen Apol. Two Eng. Colleges f. 121 Death and dungeons be not so terrible things..as they seeme.
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene vi. iii. sig. Bbv For a man by nothing is so well bewrayd, As by his manners. View more context for this quotation
1646 in F. P. Verney & M. M. Verney Mem. Verney Family 17th Cent. (1907) I. 343 Women were never soe usefull as now.
1672 J. Dryden Conquest Granada i. ii. i. 13 His Victories we scarce could keep in view, Or polish 'em so fast as he rough drew.
1763 C. Johnstone Reverie (new ed.) I. 260 This is not so strange or ingrateful as it may appear.
1779 Mirror No. 58 Emilia, who now observed that her husband was nowhere so happy as in the country.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Morte d'Arthur in Poems (new ed.) II. 11 I never saw,..So great a miracle as yonder hilt.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. v. 667 Never..had the condition of the Puritans been so deplorable as at that time.
b. In affirmative clauses: As..as. Now archaic or dialect (except in such phrases as so far as, so much as: see 35b, etc.).so long as: see so (or as) long as at long adv.1 Phrases 3a.so soon as: see soon adv. 4d.
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis I. 154 So seker as I have a lif, Thou scholdest thanne be my wif.
c1460 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (1885) 128 A prince double so myghty as was thair old prince.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 2 Sam. xix. 32 Barsillai was very olde, so good as foure score yeare olde.
c1550 R. Bieston Bayte Fortune A vj b Smockes as snow so white.
1621 R. Montagu Diatribæ Hist. Tithes 252 The one is become so old as the other.
1714 Locke's Ess. Humane Understanding i. ii, in Wks. I. 7 This way of arguing is so frivolous, as the Supposition of it self is false.
?1790 J. Imison School of Arts (ed. 2) 303 This planet being but a fifth part so big as the earth.
1817 W. Scott Rob Roy II. i. 4 Although I readily gave my uncle the advantage of my pen..so often as he desired to correspond with a neighbour.
1876 M. G. Pearse Daniel Quorm 155 'Tis a'most so good for ourselves as 'tis for those we try to save.
c. Preceding the citation of a special example or instance.
1582 N. Lichefield tr. F. L. de Castanheda 1st Bk. Hist. Discouerie E. Indias 123 So small a kingdome as that is of Portingale.
1664 in G. Miege Relation of Three Embassies (1669) 373 Seeing upon so extraordinary occasions as these, the boldest Eloquence would lose its Speech.
1779 Mirror No. 63 It was impossible that a girl so amiable as Emily Hargrave could fail to attract attention.
1820 J. Keats Hyperion: a Fragm. ii, in Lamia & Other Poems 185 Have I rous'd Your spleens with so few simple words as these?
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 408 The interest excited in England by events passing in so distant a quarter as Moravia.
1878 T. Hardy Return of Native III. vi. iii. 291 I am not fit for town life—so very rural and silly as I always have been.
d. With as taking the place of an object to the following verb.
1555 J. Proctor Hist. Wyates Rebell. 37 It is so straunge a case as the world neuer saw.
1629 M. Drayton in J. Beaumont Bosworth-field Ded. sig. (a)2v So lasting pillars to prop vp thy prayse, As time shall hardly shake.
1677 J. Dryden State Innocence iv. i. 27 Is our perfection of so frail a make; As ev'ry plot can undermine or shake?
e. With a comparative: So much. Obsolete. rare.
1726 G. Leoni tr. L. B. Alberti Architecture II. 46 Their Arch may come..so lower as you think fit.
extracted from soadv.conj.
b. so..as, in similar use, with the subject of the second clause either expressed, or implied in the previous context.
1548 G. Wishart tr. Confescion Fayth Sweserlandes in Wodrow Soc. Misc. (1844) 13 We attribute so free wyll to man as we,..wyllynge to do good, fele experience of euyll.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Apol. Poetrie (1595) sig. G3v The words..beeing so set, as one word cannot be lost.
1608 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Serres Gen. Inventorie Hist. France 702 The Emperour..so terrifies the Pope, as hee abandons his vassall Octauio.
1654 T. Burton Diary (1828) I. 42 This sounded so plausibly in every man's ear, as it was soon embraced.
1738 Gentleman's Mag. June 327/2 They had Guards so posted, as they were not to be surprized.
(b)1611 W. Mure Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 9 Greedie to behold So rair perfectioune as cannot be told.1678 I. Walton Life of Sanderson 11 Changes those cares into so mutual joys, as makes them become [etc.].1779 T. Forrest Voy. New Guinea 66 With so heavy rain, as penetrated the new roof of the vessel.1784 E. Carter Let. 30 July in Series of Lett. E. Carter & C. Talbot (1808) II. 421 My wretched head has been so thoroughly uncomfortable.., as rendered me quite unfit for writing.
extracted from soadv.conj.
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