

单词 smoke-burning

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a. Objective, with present participles, adjs., agent-nouns, or nouns of action, as smoke-belching adj., smoke-burner n., smoke-burning adj., smoke-chaser n., smoke-consumer n., smoke-consuming adj., smoke-consumption n., smoke-consumptive adj., smoke-control n., smoke-detecting adj., smoke-detection n., smoke-detector n., smoke-discharger n., smoke-generator n.Many of these have been in common use from c1840.
1596 C. Fitzgeffry Sir Francis Drake sig. G2v O let our smoake-exhalinge breaths enfold A mightie cloud of sighes.
1612 J. Selden in M. Drayton Poly-olbion x. Illustr. 166 Those foggie mists of error and smoake-selling imposture.
1842 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 5 42 This..furnace operates not upon the smoke-preventive, but upon the smoke-consumptive principle.
1842 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 5 131 The..furnace is in reality a smoke-burning and not a smoke-preventing.
1842 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 5 131 Some new smoke-consuming theory.
1891 W. Morris News from Nowhere ii. 7 The soap-works with their smoke-vomiting chimneys were gone.
1962 Flight Internat. 81 190/2 The Pyrene Co Ltd have contributed smoke-detecting..equipment to the D.H.121 Trident.
1963 A. Bird & F. Hutton-Stott Veteran Motor Car Pocketbk. 81 They were extremely refined,..smoke-belching, costly,..and slow.
1974 Time 7 Jan. 50/2 The Assembly even includes a samlor driver, who intends to park his three-wheel smoke-belching minitaxi at the National Assembly building.
(b)1604 King James VI & I Counterblaste to Tobacco sig. D Of so many smoke-buyers, as are at this present in this kingdome, I neuer read nor heard.1838 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 1 168 The adaptation of the patent smoke-consumer to a locomotive engine.1838 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 1 344 The only effectual smoke-burner I have ever seen.1851 Official Descriptive & Illustr. Catal. Great Exhib. II. 328/1 Smoke condenser.1891 Cent. Dict. Smoke-washer, a device for purifying smoke by washing as it passes through a chimney-flue.1933 Gloss. Aeronaut. Terms (B.S.I.) xiii. 3 Smoke generator, a pyrotechnic device, placed on the ground, emitting smoke for indicating wind direction.1935 ‘L. Luard’ Conquering Seas xii. 153 Shot thirty-five miles east of Cape. Towed for three hours. Double bag. Fish hard and golden. Worked edge of Strunda four days. Good living. Shifted to avoid smoke-chasers.—Trial shoot in 45 fathoms. Nowt.1942 Sun (Baltimore) 14 May 4/2 Lookouts, smoke-chasers, firemen and organized stand-by crews to prevent, detect and fight forest fires.a1944 K. Douglas Alamein to Zem Zem (1946) 16 There were also two smoke dischargers to be operated by me. Stacked round the sides of the turret were the six-pounder shells.1957 Pract. Wireless 33 683/2 Such devices as..a smoke detector and fire indicator.1961 W. Vaughan-Thomas Anzio ix. 211 The smoke generators, manned by cheerful coloured troops, tried to blot out observation and protect the shipping from sneak raiders.1978 N.Y. Times 30 Mar. b16/5 (advt.) 117 West 58th St... Completely remodeled Prewar Bldg—featuring—..smoke detectors—ceramic tile kitch & bath.1979 P. Alexander Show me Hero xx. 210 Kemp threw a canister of tear~gas... Quinn threw a smoke-discharger.(c)1842 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 5 42/1 An incarnation (so to speak) of the principles of smoke-prevention.1851 Official Descriptive & Illustr. Catal. Great Exhib. I. p. xcix Apparatus for effecting Smoke-consumption.1882 (title) Official Report of the Smoke-Abatement Committee.1936 Discovery May 146/2 Other uses [of light-sensitive cells] were for..smoke detection in factory chimneys.1956 Ann. Reg. 1955 4 Densely populated areas designated for smoke-control.1967 Economist 30 Dec. 1277/1 The real trouble is still the old one: too few smoke control orders in the Black Areas.
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