

单词 sir knight

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Sir knight
a. Placed before a common noun, and forming with it a term of address, as Sir clerk, Sir king, Sir knight, etc. Now archaic.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous forms of address or title > [noun] > title > for a man > used with profession
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 10282 Sir king,..we beþ icome fram verre londe iwis.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 10309 Nou sir clerc, quaþ þe king, ȝe mowe þretni ynou.
c1330 Amis & Amil. 757 Sir knight,..Whi seystow euer nay?
c1400 Rom. Rose 6390 Sir Preest, in shrift I telle it thee, That he..Hath me assoiled.
14.. Chaucer's Doctor's Prol. 10 Sir Doctour of Phisyke.., Telle us a tale.
c1440 York Myst. xxx. 211 Sir Knyghtis [sc. Roman soldiers], þat are curtayse and kynde.
1591 E. Spenser Prosopopoia in Complaints 589 Ah! sir Mule, now blessed be the day [etc.].
1591 E. Spenser Prosopopoia in Complaints 1033 Nay (said the Foxe) Sir Ape, you are astray.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) iii. iv. 264 I am one, that had rather go with sir Priest, then sir knight . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) i. ii. 137 Come (Sir Page) Looke on me with your Welkin eye. View more context for this quotation
1794 A. Radcliffe Myst. of Udolpho IV. vi. 111Sir knight,’ replied the Baron, ‘how is it possible..’?
1820 W. Scott Monastery III. viii. 209 Saint Mary! what call you yon, Sir Monk?
1842 Ld. Tennyson Morte d'Arthur in Poems (new ed.) II. 11 Sir King, I closed mine eyelids, lest the gems Should blind my purpose.
1866 C. Kingsley Hereward the Wake I. iv. 138 Now, then, Sir Priest,..go on with your story.
1939 Sun (Baltimore) 30 Sept. 7/8 We stand here today to watch you, sir knights, just in friendly tournament.
1977 Belfast Tel. 19 Jan. 2/4 The Officers and Sir Knights of the United Sons of Ulster R.B.P. 1041, regret the death of the Sister of their esteemed Sir Knight Robert Scott, P.M.
in extended use.1826 W. Scott Jrnl. 14 May (1939) 169 Look where you will, Sir Sun, you look upon sorrow and suffering.
extracted from sirn.
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