

单词 single lath

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single lath
a. A thin narrow strip of wood used to form a groundwork upon which to fasten the slates or tiles of a roof or the plaster of a wall or ceiling, and in the construction of lattice or trellis work and Venetian blinds. double lath, single lath, pantile lath: see quots. 1825, 1842 at β. .
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > parts of building > framework of building > [noun] > lath
pantile lath1690
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > wood > wood in specific form > [noun] > strip of wood > used in building
c1000 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 126 Asseres, lætta.
c1050 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 185 Asseres, latta, uel reafteres.
1361–2 in J. T. Fowler Extracts Acct. Rolls Abbey of Durham (1899) II. 385 Cum calce, lattes, et sclatstan.
a1400–50 Alexander 756* [He] stighillys hym in som stede, a stable by hym one, With lang lates of yren, þat he might lig in.
c1425 St. Mary of Oignies i. ii, in Anglia VIII. 136/1 She slepte but litil & þat vpon a fewe lattys.
?c1450 Life St. Cuthbert (1891) l. 642 Be þe lattis it toke festnyng.
1483–4 in H. J. F. Swayne Churchwardens' Accts. Sarum (1896) 33 For v bondellez of latez.
1515–16 in J. T. Fowler Extracts Acct. Rolls Abbey of Durham (1898) I. 253 In le Storehouse..ccc layttes.
1578 in J. Raine Wills & Inventories Archdeaconry Richmond (1853) 282 Woodd and bords..with stangs, hots, and cares, and spelks, and latts, xxs.
a1642 H. Best Farming & Memorandum Bks. (1984) 155 They will sowe downe theire thatch in 4 places..allsoe sowinge once aboute a latte over betwixt sparre and sparre.
1662 J. Davies tr. A. Olearius Voy. & Trav. Ambassadors 395 The houses of this Village were very wretched ones, as being built only with lats nail'd across, and plaister'd over with clay.
1674 J. Ray N. Countrey Words in Coll. Eng. Words 29 A Lath is also called a Lat in the Northern Dialect.
1780 T. A. Mann in Philos. Trans. 1779 (Royal Soc.) 69 626 Latts..were nailed against each end.
1878 W. Dickinson Gloss. Words & Phrases Cumberland (ed. 2) Lat, lath..‘As thin as a lat’.
1886 R. E. G. Cole Gloss. Words S.-W. Lincs. Lat, a lath.
β. 1330 Kenfig Ord. in Gross Gild Merch. II. 134 Noe burgess shall buy..boards, lathes, tyles.c1380 Eng. Wycliffite Serm. in Sel. Wks. II. 167 Bi þe laþþis þei senten him doun, wiþ his bed.a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add. 27944) (1975) II. xvii. clxvii. 1059 Þe laþþe is longe and somdel brode and playne and þynne, and is ynayled thwartouer to þe rafteres, and þeronne hongeþ sclattes, tyle, and schyngles.?1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Husbandry f. ixv They [sc. harrow-bulls]..haue shotes of wode put thorowe them lyke lathes.1563 T. Hill Arte Gardening (1593) 7 The Romans vsed to inclose and fence their gardens with stakes and laths.1700 Moxon's Mech. Exercises: Bricklayers-wks. 7 Laths..are made of heart of Oak, for out side Work..; and of Fir for inside Plastering.1725 R. Bradley Chomel's Dictionaire Œconomique (at cited word) A Bundle of Laths is generally call'd a Hundred of Laths.1825 ‘J. Nicholson’ Operative Mechanic 611 The single are the thinnest..those called lath and half, are supposed to be one third thicker than the single; and the double laths are twice that thickness.1842 J. Gwilt Encycl. Archit. Gloss. 992 at Lath Pantile laths are long square pieces of fir, on which the pantiles hang.1866 J. E. T. Rogers Hist. Agric. & Prices I. xx. 487 Stout oak laths rent from heart timber.1881 F. Young Every Man his own Mechanic §175 Specialities in Venetian blind laths.1881 F. Young Every Man his own Mechanic §445 In planing..laths for trellis-work.
extracted from lathn.
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