

单词 sided


Brit. /ˈsʌɪdᵻd/, U.S. /ˈsaɪdᵻd/
Forms: see side n.1 and -ed suffix2.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: side n.1, -ed suffix2; side v.1, -ed suffix1.
Etymology: Partly < side n.1 + -ed suffix2, and partly < side v.1-ed suffix1.
a. As the second element in parasynthetic compounds: having sides of the specified kind or quantity.one-sided, double-sided, many-sided; high-sided, right-sided, round-sided, etc.: see the first element.
a1425 in W. H. Hulme Middle-Eng. Harrowing of Hell (1907) p. xxv (MED) After the fox, [the horse is] prik-eryd, fayr-sided, schorte trottyng.
c1450 in W. C. Hazlitt Remains Early Pop. Poetry Eng. (1864) I. 72 And at revell for to se yow hoppe, Ys joy y-now so ye your lyggys streyne; Ye lade longe sydyde as a loppe.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry iii. f. 128 A long, a large, and deepe sided body.
1597 T. Middleton Wisdome of Solomon Paraphr. xiv. sig. R The sea whose mountaine billowes, passing bounds Rusheth vpon the hollow-sided barke.
1660 tr. I. Barrow Euclide's Elements i. 3 Many-sided figures are such as are conteined under more right lines then four.
1674 N. Fairfax Treat. Bulk & Selvedge 91 Take we a square body in the world unevenly sided.
1731 W. Halfpenny Perspective made Easy 9 To find the Perspective Plan of a Pentagon, or five-sided Figure.
1739 S. Hales Philos. Exper. Pref. p. xxvii The Common Boilers in Ships, are of Copper, not round, but flat-sided like a Box.
1804 Naval Chron. 12 161 A French black-sided Cutter.
1859 Engineer 8 157/3 That a steel-clothed ship could be far more easily destroyed than a wooden-sided one.
1910 Encycl. Brit. VIII. 176/2 Eight-sided dice have comparatively lately been introduced in France.
1950 Harper's Mag. July 54/1 But now we saw it as a whole, all the sharp-sided gullies, all the cliffs, all the dead-ends.
1972 M. Kline Math. Thought xxxvi. 870 Gauss invented the method of least squares and at nineteen he showed that the 17-sided regular polygon is constructible.
2008 New Yorker 15 Dec. 62/3 In Coster-Mullen's hand was a soft-sided briefcase.
b. Having sides like those of a particular object, animal, etc. Obsolete.
the world > space > relative position > quality of having sides or being a side > [adjective] > having sides
1486 Bk. St. Albans sig. fiiijv A Grehounde shulde be..Syded lyke a Teme.
a1529 J. Skelton Tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng in Certayne Bks. (?1545) sig. D.vv Maude Ruggy, thyther skypped She was vgly hypped And vgly thycke lypped Lyke an onyon syded.
1744 Philomel 202 I'm sided like a salmon, I'm breasted like a swan.
c. Without modifying word: having sides.
1570 H. Billingsley tr. Comte de Candale in tr. Euclid Elements Geom. xii. f. 367 Sided Columnes (sometime called prismes) are triple to pyramids, hauing one base and equall heith with them.
1578 J. Banister Hist. Man sig. Hi The neither part of ye superiour sitteth in ye vpper part of ye inferiour, like as in a sided stoole.
1858 J. W. Rogers Facts & Fallacies of Sewerage Syst. of London 12 It must be evident if we send such a substance floating through a sided chamber, that the nearer the sides are to each other the more frequent must be the contact with the sides.
1952 D. Thomas Coll. Poems 21 The boy she dropped from darkness at her side Into the sided lap of light grew strong.
2014 Windsor (Ontario) Star (Nexis) 29 Jan. 4 c Line a sided baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Of a building or other structure: provided with a side or sides of a specified material (cf. side v.1 2). Of an area: lined with something at the sides.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > building of specific construction > [noun]
brick house1608
tin chapel1884
brick veneer1885
red brick1892
1602 J. Davies Mirum in Modum sig. B1v The Head is like a House..Vaulted with Bone, and with Bone likewise sided.
1668–9 J. Cosin in R. Willis & J. W. Clark Archit. Hist. Univ. Cambr. (1886) III. 38 A large square area..surrounded or sided with walkes and arched columnes.
a1763 W. Shenstone Wks. Verse & Prose (1764) II. 350 A slope, sided with large oaks and tall beeches.
1856 C. N. Bement Amer. Poulterer's Compan. (new ed.) ii. 50/1 This building..is sided with inch and a quarter spruce plank, tongued and grooved.
1904 N.Y. Sun 7 Aug. 20 The yard is sided with cabins.
1970 J. Hansen Fadeout (1972) i. 3 The house was one-story, rambling, sided with cedar shakes.
2002 L. Manfredini House Smarts xiv. 237 Whether your home is sided with wood, vinyl, brick, or stone, you must leave a soil-free barrier all the way around the exterior.
3. Allied to one side or another in a conflict or debate; divided into factions or parties. Cf. side v.1 II. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > social relations > party or faction > [adjective]
1603 P. Holland tr. Plutarch Morals 244 Onomademus.., who in a civile dissention being sided to that faction which was superior, & had gotten the head of the other, counselled the rest of his part [etc.].
1613 in R. F. Williams Birch's Court & Times James I (1848) (modernized text) I. 287 I do not readily remember all their names, nor how they were sided.
1620 Horæ Subseciuæ 142 To take heed, that when factions be sided, his Greatnesse vphold not one faction, to the decay and ruine of the other.
1626 W. Laud Serm. preached at White-hall 5 July 35 Now men for the most part goe a crosse way to this, and therefore, when they will come into the way of lustice I cannot tell. For vsually all businesse is sided into parties.
1653 H. Holcroft tr. Procopius Hist. Warres Justinian Pref. sig. A2 How are they commonly so faction'd and sided, that their Relations are but their Interests.
4. Shipbuilding and Boatbuilding. Of a structural member: having a specified width. Cf. siding n. 6.Cf. wide adj. 6, with similar meaning; but here the dimension is given before the word rather than after it (as sided two inches, as opposed to two inches wide).Sometimes difficult to distinguish from the past participle of side v.1 3a.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > shipbuilding and repairing > [adjective] > of specific dimension (timber)
1691 J. Freame in T. Bowrey Papers (1927) 88 The floar timbers to be at the ronghead in and out three inches and halfe; to be sided four inches.
1717 W. Sutherland Britain's Glory: Ship-building Unvail'd 36 Knees, of every Whole Transum to be sided ——... Floor, Timbers sided ——.
1768 Let. 27 Mar. in Mariner's Mirror 19 (1933) 294 In Hold—hooks under deck..sided 1 ft. 3 in. moulded 1 ft. 6 in.
1794 D. Steel Elements & Pract. Rigging & Seamanship I. 10 Sided, the dimensions of any piece contrary to which it is moulded.
1797 Encycl. Brit. XVII. 398/2 Draw a line in the body plan parallel to the middle line, at a distance equal to the half of what the stem is sided.
1884 H. Hall Rep. Ship-building Industry U.S. ii. 88 Stem, white oak, sided 16 inches, molded 20 inches at the head and 26 inches at the foot, in two pieces.
1951 Motorboating June 126/1 The horn timber will be made of white oak sided 6 inches and moulded as shown.
2001 D. L. Canney Sailing Warships U.S. Navy ii. 27/1 The keel and keelson were each sided (width) 18 inches.
5. Chiefly Shipbuilding. Of (a piece of) timber: planed smooth on one or more sides. (See also quots. 1821, 1880.) Now historical and rare.
society > occupation and work > materials > raw material > wood > wood in specific form > [adjective] > dressed > dressed on one or more sides
1787 World 5 Dec. advt. Eight ends of Sided Timber, 180 square, and 175 Rakeing Knees.
1792 11th Rep. Commissioners Woods, Forests & Land Revenues Crown i. 7 The Surplus Expence of Carriage of sided Timber, Thickstuff, Plank, and Knees.
1821 J. Fincham Introd. Outl. Pract. Ship-Building 305 Sided timber is the tree having the full size one way as it is felled; but with the slabs taken off two of its sides, or made straight.
1865 Navy Dockyard Acc. (Blue Book) 8 The average loss on rough timber is found by experience to be about 50 per cent. and on sided and square timber about 30 per cent.
1880 Lumberman's Gaz. 7 Jan. 28 A floor is made of ‘sided pieces’, or boards smoothed only on one side.
1995 J. T. de Kay Chron. Frigate Macedonian 196 The individual pieces of live oak were already on hand at Gosport, standing in immense piles of sided timber that had been cut years previously.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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