

单词 silver-bearded

> as lemmas

b. Parasynthetic and instrumental, of the types silver-armed, silver-axled, silver-bearded, silver-bowed, silver-breasted, etc.; silver-bound, silver-mounted, etc.Such combinations have been very extensively used, esp. in poetry, and the number which might be formed is very great. In addition to those illustrated here, see silver-coloured adj., silver-footed adj., silver-haired adj., etc.
(a) Denoting the use of the metal itself.
1598 J. Marston Scourge of Villanie i. iii. sig. Dv A hoode, & siluer-handled fan.
1637 J. Milton Comus 16 Faire silver-shafted Queene for ever chast.
1645 J. Milton Arcades in Poems 53 Fair silver-buskind Nymphs.
1680 London Gaz. No. 1495/4 A Case of Silver-hafted Knives.
1748 T. Smollett Roderick Random II. xliv. 79 A pair of silver mounted pistols.
1753 J. Hanway Hist. Acct. Brit. Trade Caspian Sea II. xlviii. 327 The serjeants of the guards have silver-laced regimentals.
1813 W. Scott Let. 6 Nov. (1932) III. 372 I..delight in collecting silver-mounted pistols and ataghans.
1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe III. xiv. 367 Rowena opened the small silver-chased casket.
1843 C. Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit (1844) xix. 237 To provide silver-plated handles of the very best description.
1847 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair (1848) xxxvii. 338 There was the jewel-case, silver-clasped.
1869 H. F. Tozer Res. Highlands of Turkey II. 259 [He] bids [his horse]..to dig for him a grave..with his silver-plated hoofs.
1881 O. Wilde Poems 67 Sweeter far if silver-sandalled foot Of some long-hidden God should ever tread The Nuneham meadows.
1889 P. H. Emerson Eng. Idyls 18 The grandmother looked..over her silver-rimmed spectacles.
1894 ‘M. Twain’ Those Extraordinary Twins v, in Pudd'nhead Wilson (new ed.) 393 The Judge..laid aside his silver-bowed spectacles.
1916 J. Joyce Portrait of Artist v. 204 He would think of the cloistral silverveined prose of Newman.
1916 E. Blunden Harbingers 63 So silver-sandalled down those golden ways He triumphs.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xv. [Circe] 486 He carries a silverstringed inlaid dulcimer... He wears dark velvet hose and silverbuckled pumps.
1928 ‘Brent of Bin Bin’ Up Country xv. 258 He was filling a bolster with articles of jewellery, silver-backed brushes, hand mirrors, candlesticks, silver-topped bottles, &c.
1939 D. Cecil Young Melbourne vi. 155 She also created scandal by appearing..imperfectly disguised as a page, in a plumed hat, silver-laced jacket and tight scarlet pantaloons.
1944 W. Fortescue Mountain Madness i. 22 A wide silver-studded black leather belt.
1976 ‘D. Halliday’ Dolly & Nanny Bird xiii. 170 There's a white leather gift box in every cabin, fitted out with..silver-topped crystal bottles.
(b) With allusion to the sound of silver.
1593 T. Watson Poems (Arb.) 191 Ioyfull birds..Whose siluer tuned songs might well haue moued her.
1609 W. Shakespeare Pericles xxi. 99 My dearest wife was like this maid,..as siluer voyst.
1642 H. More Ψυχωδια Platonica Poem to Rdr. sig. A2v I strike my silver-sounded lyre.
1844 E. B. Browning Lady Geraldine's Courtship xxii Though sometimes she would bind me with her silver-corded speeches.
1884 Cassell's Family Mag. Apr. 271/2 The beautiful note of the silver-voiced bell-bird.
(c) With reference to the colour or lustre of silver.
1596 C. Fitzgeffry Sir Francis Drake sig. B7 Her silver-feathered turtle-doves.
1605 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. i. iii. 82 The siluer-fronted Starr That swells and shrinks the Seas.
1606 T. Dekker Seuen Deadly Sinnes London vii. sig. F3v Euen the siluer-bearded..cittizens haue giuen him welcomes.
a1657 G. Daniel Poems (1878) II. 76 When silver-winged Peace againe shall Shine.
1791 W. Cowper tr. Homer Iliad in Iliad & Odyssey I. ii. 924 The silver-eddied Peneus.
a1822 P. B. Shelley Witch of Atlas lvii, in Posthumous Poems (1824) 48 Like a calm flock of silver-fleeced sheep.
1826 M. R. Mitford Our Village II. 101 A hoary oak or a silver-barked beech.
1851 J. G. Whittier in National Era 3 Jan. 106/4 Whose small waves on a silver-sanded shore Whisper of peace.
1852 Ld. Tennyson Ode Wellington 136 A saviour of the silver-coasted isle.
1881 O. Wilde Poems 24 Lure the silver-breasted Helena Back from the lotus meadows of the dead.
1884 R. Browning Ferishtah's Fancies 112 And where's the gloom now?—silver-smitten straight, One glow and variegation!
1903 R. Kipling Five Nations 2 The inrolling walls of the fog and the silver-winged breeze that disperses.
1926 Spectator 11 Sept. 370/1 Wide silver-breasted rivers flowing to a sunlit sea.
1937 Burlington Mag. May 252/2 Two bowls of Chien yao... One is of the silver-flecked variety.
1957 R. Campbell Coll. Poems II. 121 On the silver-sanded shores.
1962 Daily Tel. 5 Oct. 22/2 The silver-suited astronaut.
1967 Coast to Coast 1965–6 32 All manner of fabulous creatures of the deep surged and surfaced amid the molten silver-flecked arrowing lines of foaming waves.
(d) In specific names of animals, birds, fishes, plants, etc.
silver-cupped adj.
the world > plants > appearance of plant > plant defined by colour or marking > [adjective] > having particular type marking or colouring
the world > life > biology > physical aspects or shapes > colour or texture > [adjective] > smooth or reflective
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory iii. 55/2 The Spanish Silver-cupped Moly.
silver-eyed adj.
1752 J. Hill Gen. Nat. Hist. III. 252 The silver-eyed Sparus.
1802 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. III. ii. 431 Silver-eyed Snake... A Siberian species.
1809 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. VII. ii. 366 Silver-eyed crow... Native of South America.
silver-laced adj.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXXI. 876/1 Another useful race of compact form.., called the silver-laced Wyandotte.
silver-pencilled adj.
1887 Beldon in Wright Illustr. Bk. Poultry 382 These and all other names are gradually giving way to that of Silver-pencilled Hamburghs.
silver-spangled adj.
1850 D. J. Browne Amer. Poultry Yard 59 In the ‘silver-spangled’ variety, the only perceptible difference is, that the ground color is a silvery white.
1871 C. Darwin Descent of Man (1890) ii. xiv. 426 The Golden and Silver-spangled Polish..breeds.
silver-spotted adj.
1803 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. IV. ii. 540 Silver-spotted Sciæna... Native of the Arabian seas.
1884 G. B. Goode in G. B. Goode et al. Fisheries U.S.: Sect. I 320 The Silver-spotted Tunny, Orcynus argentivittatus.
silver-striped adj.
1804 G. Shaw Gen. Zool. V. i. 174 Silver-striped Herring... Native of the Indian and American seas.
1833 Penny Cycl. I. 78/2 The sycamore maple,..Silver-striped.
silver-studded adj.
the mind > attention and judgement > beautification > types of ornamentation > [adjective] > ornamented with silver
1882 Cassell's Nat. Hist. VI. 45 The Silver-studded Blue (Polymmatus ægon) is common on heaths.
silver-washed adj.
1819 G. Samouelle Entomologist's Compend. Argynnis Paphia, the silver-washed Fritillary.
1859 W. S. Coleman Our Woodlands 105 One of our handsomest butterflies—The Silver-washed Fritillary.
extracted from silvern.adj.
as lemmas




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