

单词 shoot to

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to shoot to
a. Of a vessel (hence of its commander or crew): To move swiftly in a certain direction. to shoot to: to ‘shoot’ into the desired position. (Cf. sense 12b.)
society > travel > travel by water > [verb (intransitive)] > swiftly
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > direct or manage ship [verb (transitive)] > in specific manner
to shoot toc1540
to crowd (a ship) off1743
society > travel > travel by water > action or motion of vessel > [verb (intransitive)] > make progress > move swiftly > to desired position
to shoot toc1540
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy 6033 Thaire shippis in sheltrons shotton to lond.
1579 T. Stevens Let. 10 Nov. in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations (1589) i. 161 Our Pilot..thinking himselfe to haue wind at will, shot so nigh the land, that [etc.].
1694 Narbrough's Acct. Several Late Voy. 23 I concluded we had shot past Port Desier Harbour in the Fog.
1716 J. Gay Trivia ii. 167 She downward glides, Lights in Fleet-ditch, and shoots beneath the tides.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering I. v. 72 She fired three guns as a salute..and then shot away rapidly before the wind.
1849 M. Arnold Mod. Sappho 34 'Tis..the boat, shooting round by the trees!
1850 H. T. Cheever Whale & his Captors xii. 197 We shot past him like a meteor.
1856 S. Warner Hills of Shatemuc viii Again clearing the rocks the little boat..shot off down the stream.
1887 G. B. Goode Rev. Fishery Industries U.S. iv. 132 When speaking another vessel it is customary to pass by her stern and shoot to alongside of her.
extracted from shootv.
to shoot (a vessel) to
b. To cause (a vessel) to move forward suddenly or swiftly. to shoot (a vessel) to: to bring it by ‘shooting’ to a required position. †to be shot: of a vessel, to have advanced (a certain distance or to a certain point). Cf. sense 3.
the world > space > shape > have (specific) shape [verb (intransitive)] > assume definite shape
to be shota1450
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > direct or manage ship [verb (transitive)] > in specific manner
to shoot toc1540
to crowd (a ship) off1743
the world > space > extension in space > measurable spatial extent > vertical extent > lack of height > be low [verb (intransitive)] > appear as if thrust down
to be shota1450
society > travel > travel by water > action or motion of vessel > [verb (intransitive)] > make progress > have advanced a certain distance
to be shot1555
a1450 ( tr. Vegetius De Re Militari (Douce) (1988) 187 Þei schetteþ [c1450 Digby scheten] here schippes togidre & casteþ out plankes or brugges..& fighteþ hand at hande.
1555 R. Eden Two Viages into Guinea in tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde f. 353 When yow reken yowre selfe as farre shotte as cape de las Palmas.
1574 W. Bourne Regim. for Sea (1577) xxii. 60 You..shall be well shotte towardes the banke of Silley.
1588 Fenner in State Papers Defeat Spanish Armada (1894) I. 242 Being shot some ten leagues off South and by West of Ushant.
1793 J. Smeaton Narr. Edystone Lighthouse (ed. 2) §137 A north-west wind would shoot the sloop clear of the house reef.
1794 D. Steel Elements & Pract. Rigging & Seamanship II. 316 Her sails tend to shoot her a-head.
1849 W. S. Mayo Kaloolah (1850) vi. 50 With a sweep of his paddle he turned the bow of his boat from us, and with a few vigorous strokes shot it ahead.
1887 G. B. Goode Rev. Fishery Industries U.S. iv. 132 Shooting to. This evolution is peculiar to fore and aft rigged vessels... To shoot a schooner to, it is only necessary, when sailing by the wind, to put the wheel part way down, and as she comes head to wind to keep her in that position by the management of the helm until her headway is stopped.
extracted from shootv.
to shoot at (†also after, against, on, unto, to)
(a) to shoot at (†also after, against, on, unto, to) the mark or object aimed at.to shoot at rovers: see to shoot at rovers at rover n.2 1a(a).
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > action of propelling missile > assail with missiles [verb (transitive)] > from weapon
to shoot at (also after, against, on, unto, to)c1290
to shoot with (also in)1297
c1290 St. Sebastian 47 in S. Eng. Leg. 179 [The emperor] let archers to him scheote: ase it were to one marke.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 474 Lamech..wurð bisne, and haued a man Ðat ledde him..To scheten after ðe wilde der.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 45 An archer uor þet he hedde ylore ate geme: nom his boȝe and ssat an heȝ aye god.
c1400 Laud Troy-bk. 7779 To schote at him so was he prest.
c1450 Mirk's Festial 64 But euer deþe sewyth hym wyth his bow drawen and an arow þeryn redy to choton at hym.
?1473 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Recuyell Hist. Troye (1894) I. lf. 73 He entryd among tharchers of the troians that shotte thikke on hym.
1496 in T. Dickson Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1877) I. 273 Giffin to the King himself to schute at the prop with James Mersar,..x s.
1497 in T. Dickson Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1877) I. 360 Item, to the king, to schut at the schell..xvjd.
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 71 Ever as a marke to schote un to.
?1576 G. Gascoigne Spoyle of Antwerpe sig. A4v They of the Towne did not shote at the prince of Orenges Shippes.
1611 Bible (King James) Gen. xlix. 23 The archers haue sorely grieued him, and shot at him. View more context for this quotation
1673 R. Leigh Transproser Rehears'd 97 They fought for his crown when they shot at his person.
a1715 Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Own Time (1724) I. 242 Van Gheudt..shot against Bruntisland without doing any mischief.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth VI. 96 They have stood to be shot at in flocks, without offering to move.
1816 W. Scott Black Dwarf ii, in Tales of my Landlord 1st Ser. I. 52 Willie of Winton whom you shot at?
1908 E. M. Gordon Indian Folk Tales (1909) ix. 85 A young man..asked me to shoot at an owl.
extracted from shootv.
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