

单词 shake off

> as lemmas

shake off
a. Expressing separation from attachment, contact, or position on: not on or touching; (so as to be) loose or separate; as in to break off, cast off, cut off, put off, shake off, take off, etc.
the world > space > place > absence > [adverb]
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) i. xxxv. 86 Smire mid hunige þæt þy þe raþor sio hryfing of fealle.
OE West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) v. 30 Gyf þin swiðre hand þe aswice, aceorf hi of, & awurp hi fram þe.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough interpolation) anno 656 Ic wille..þæt þær ne be numen of na geld na gaule.
c1175 ( Homily: Hist. Holy Rood-tree (Bodl. 343) (1894) 28 He mid his sweorde hire þæt heafod of asloh.
c1300 St. John Baptist (Laud) 98 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 32 Þo is heued was of i-smite.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. v. 170 (MED) Clement þe Cobelere caste of his cloke.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 52 Y wole leie myn arme to be smyte of.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 30 He smote a knyght on the templis that hede and helme wente of to the erthe.
1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) v. 641 Bot the king..with a wysk the hed of-strak.
?a1560 L. Digges Geom. Pract.: Pantometria (1571) ii. xix. sig. O iij v To cut of from any Trapezium..what part therof ye list.
1568 W. Turner Herbal iii. 54 Yelowe scales: whiche with a light occasion fall of.
a1600 ( W. Stewart tr. H. Boece Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) III. 449 He..of his claithis suddantlie hes done.
1646 J. Hall Horæ Vacivæ 67 The taking of the Plumets of a clocke to make it goe in the better Order.
β. lOE Canterbury Psalter: Canticles xvi. 8 Ego autem evaginato ab eo ipsius gladio amputavi caput eius : ic soðliches atæh from him his hagen sweord & achearf his heauod off.a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 29 Ȝif þin hefet were offe.c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 78 Hwen þe rinde is offe..hwiteð hit utewið.c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Matt. xix. 7 To ȝeue a litil boke of forsakynge, and to leeue off [v.r. forsake; L. dimittere].a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 172v In þe seuenþe ȝere..þay brennen offe þe brestes and þere fore þey were y-clepyd Amozones.?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Egerton) (1889) 31 (MED) Do off þi schone of þi fete.c1440 Prose Life Alexander (Thornton) (1913) 71 (MED) Of sum þay bate offe þe nese; of sum þe eres.1535 Bible (Coverdale) Song of Sol. v. 3 I haue put off my cote.1568 E. Tilney Brief Disc. Mariage (new ed.) sig. Civv [He] bit off his owne tongue.1637 Decree Starre-Chamber conc. Printing §30 sig. H2v In the pulling off the knots.1678 J. Moxon Mech. Exercises I. iii. 56 Good steel breaks short off, all gray.1733 A. Ramsay Tea-table Misc. (ed. 9) I. 8 He took aff his bonnet.a1756 E. Haywood New Present (1771) 43 Let it stew..then strain it off.1834 T. Medwin Angler in Wales II. 154 The ball..struck one of the metal buttons on the breast of my coat, and glanced off.1886 Manch. Examiner 22 Feb. 6/1 The entire surface of a country..divided off into farmsteads.1929 E. Bowen Last September I. v. 58 Hercules tore off the tips of the bland leaves which kept slapping against his forehead.1967 G. Greene Chagrin in Coll. Stories (1972) 49 She took off thick winter gloves with a wringing gesture which made me think of handkerchiefs wet with grief.2001 Daily Tel. 9 July 3/3 A boy of eight has had his arm sewn back on after it was bitten off by a shark.
extracted from offadv.prep.n.adj.
to shake off
to shake off
1. To cast off or get rid of with a shake or an effort. literal and figurative.
the world > space > place > removal or displacement > remove or displace [verb (transitive)] > remove or take away > by shaking
to shake out?c1225
to shake off1393
1393 W. Langland Piers Plowman C. vii. 13 Repente þe,..And shryf þe sharpliche and shak of alle pruyde.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Mark vi. 11 Shake of the duste from your feet.
1567 J. Maplet Greene Forest f. 42v Through the onely..eating hereof, they shake off many sicknesses.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost iv. iii. 241 A witherd Hermight fiuescore winters worne, Might shake off fiftie, looking in her eye. View more context for this quotation
1611 Bible (King James) Mark vi. 11.
1642 J. Eaton Honey-combe Free Justific. 366 Having shaken off our sinne (as Sampson had shaked off his new ropes).
1671 J. Milton Samson Agonistes 409 I..Might easily have shook off all her snares. View more context for this quotation
1712 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella (1948) 11 Jan. II. 461 I walkt lustily in the Park by moon-shine till eight, to shake off my dinner and wine.
1719 J. Ozell tr. F. M. Misson Mem. Trav. Eng. 26 Then the Bull bellows and bounds, and kicks about to shake off the Dog.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth VII. 365 The most industrious shake off their old garments about eight o'clock.
1827 N. P. Willis Widow of Nain 18 The sentinel Shook off his slumber.
1864 J. Bryce Holy Rom. Empire vi. 121 Poland, once tributary, had shaken off the yoke.
1888 J. Payn Myst. Mirbridge III. xlvii. 223 I know from experience how difficult it is to shake off old associations.
2. To get rid of (a person); to draw away from (a competitor in a race).
the world > space > place > removal or displacement > remove or displace [verb (transitive)] > get or be rid of > specifically a person
to shake off1530
to shift offc1592
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > racing or race > race (a race) [verb (transitive)] > leave behind
to shake off1856
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 700/2 I shake of, as one shaketh of or awaye from hym a person or mater that he wolde be rydde of.
1571 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xxix. 34 Quhen he listis, he schaks hir of be diuorce or hir wirreis.
1590 Cobler of Caunterburie 24 I shakt him off as well as I could, but he would haue no nay at all.
1710 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 9 Sept. (1948) I. 9 I am glad I have wholly shaken off that family.
1823 W. Scott Quentin Durward I. vi. 143 Exerting his strength, he suddenly shook off both the finishers of the law.
1856 H. H. Dixon Post & Paddock xiii. 324 ‘You thought to shake me off, did you?’ roared Mr. T. as they landed together in a large grass field.
1878 Ld. Tennyson Revenge viii And a dozen times we shook 'em off as a dog that shakes his ears.
3. To let off (a shot). Obsolete. rare—1.
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > action of propelling missile > discharge of firearms > fire (a gun) [verb (transitive)] > fire (a missile) from gun
to shake off1583
to fire off1731
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries iv. 32 a Either parte shooke of their shotte, and coupled them selues tegether in a braue Skirmishe.
4. Of a plant: To shed (leaves, fruit).
the world > plants > by growth or development > grow, sprout, or bear fruit [verb (transitive)] > shed leaves, flowers, or fruit
to shake offa1425
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Isa. xxiv. 13 If a fewe fruitis of olyue trees that ben left ben schakun of fro the olyue tre.
a1577 G. Gascoigne Princelie Pleasures Kenelworth sig. C.iiii, in Whole Wks. (1587) The Trees shooke off their leaues.
5. Nautical. To unfasten (a sail).
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > use of sails, spars, or rigging > carry specific amount of sail [verb (transitive)] > strike or take in (sails)
to shake off1627
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. v. 22 When we shake off a Bonnet.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. (at cited word) To shake, to cast off fastenings, as..To shake off a bonnet of a fore-and-aft sail.
extracted from shakev.
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