

单词 serbian


Brit. /ˈsəːbɪən/, U.S. /ˈsərbiən/

α. 1500s–1600s Seruian, 1500s–1600s Seruiane, 1600s– Servian (now rare).

β. 1700s– Serbian.

Origin: From a proper name, combined with an English element. Etymons: proper name Serbia , -an suffix.
Etymology: < †Servia, Serbia, the name of a country in south-eastern Europe ( < post-classical Latin Servia , Serbia : see below) + -an suffix (compare -ian suffix). Compare post-classical Latin Servianus , noun (1537 or earlier with reference to the Balkans) and adjective (1553 or earlier with reference to the Balkans), Serbianus , noun (1582 or earlier with reference to Lusatia (compare Serb n. 1), 19th cent. with reference to the Balkans) and adjective (19th cent.), Middle French, French Servien, noun and adjective (both 1554 or earlier), Serbien, noun (1562 or earlier) and adjective (1814 or earlier), Italian Serviano, noun (1599 or earlier) and adjective (1570 or earlier), Serbiano, noun and adjective (both 19th cent.).Post-classical Latin Servia , Serbia , Serblia is partly < Servii , Serbi , Serbli , plural noun (see Serb n.) + -ia -ia suffix1 and partly < Byzantine Greek Σέρβλια , Σέρβια (10th cent.; compare note at Serb n.). Compare Middle French, French †Servie , Serbie (1553 or earlier), German †Servien , Serbien (1619 or earlier with reference to the Balkans). For early use of the place name in an English context, compare:1542 tr. A. Geuffroy Order Greate Turckes Courte sig. b.vi The countryes aboute the ryuer Dunce, or Danube, as Seruie, Bulgarie, Bosne, Walachie, and other.1542 T. Elyot Bibliotheca at Dalmatia It hath..on the north..the country callyd Seruia.1583 J. Foxe Actes & Monuments (ed. 4) I. 736/2 The peuishe practise of Georgius Prince of Servia, had oft tymes disclosed his counsailes vnto the Turkes. With occasional use with reference to the Lusatian Serbs (see quot. 1848 at sense A. 1β. and perhaps quot. 1786 at sense B.β. ), compare Serb n. 1. Since the earliest times, the α. forms and their equivalents in various languages have been associated folk-etymologically with post-classical Latin servus slave (see serf n.; so already in the 10th cent., in Constantine Porphyrogennetos De Administrando Imperio). Compare:1915 N. Forbes Southern Slavs 15 The Serbs themselves have always resented our calling them Servians, fearing that popular imagination might connect the name with the Latin word servus and its derivatives;..at the beginning of the war the press was officially requested by the Serbian Legation to do so [sc. to use the variant Serbian], and it has now become the generally accepted spelling.
A. n.
1. A native or inhabitant of Serbia, a country in south-eastern Europe; (in some historical contexts) a member of a Slavic people who settled in south-eastern Europe during the seventh cent. a.d. Also: a person of Serbian heritage or descent; (occasionally) a Lusatian Serb, a Wend (see Serb n. 1).The kingdom of Serbia was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1389; the country remained a principality tributary to Turkey until regaining autonomy in the early 19th cent., and was formally recognized as independent in 1878. Serbia was absorbed into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) after the end of the First World War (1914–18). In 1991–2 all constituent republics of Yugoslavia except Serbia and Montenegro seceded, causing the Wars of Yugoslav Succession (1991–5). The remaining part of Yugoslavia was renamed Serbia and Montenegro in 2003, and separated into two independent states in 2006.
the world > people > nations > native or inhabitant of Europe > native or inhabitant of Serbia > [noun]
1555 R. Eden tr. S. von Herberstein Rerum moscouiticarum commentarii in tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde f. 289v The Mysians, Seruians, Bulgarians, and other inhabitynge euen vnto Constantinople.
1653 S. Clarke Life Tamerlane 37 Tamerlane..marvelled to see him and his Servians, and the other Christians that he had brought to the aide of Bajazet, to fight so valiantly.
1788 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall V. lv. 543 The language of the Dalmatians, Bosnians, Servians [etc.].
1835 Penny Cycl. III. 328/1 A stronghold to the Servians in their wars with the Turks.
1878 N. Amer. Rev. 127 402 Christian volunteers from Russia helping the belligerent Servian.
1937 Moslem World 27 65 The Servians..were Islamicized after the Turkish conquest.
1994 Guardian (Nexis) 31 Aug. (Features section) 17 My next contact with Servians occurred 30 years later, when two employees of a local poultry farm..sought my aid in learning English.
β. 1799 W. Tooke View Russ. Empire II. ii. ii. 248 We meet here [sc. in Ekatarinoslaf] Germans, Swedes,..Bolgarians, Serbians, Arnauts, Albaneses, and Armenians.1848 C. Bunsen in Rep. Brit. Assoc. Advancem. Sci. 1847 267 The sixth family is that of the Slavonic nations in their two great branches;..the western, the languages of the Tschechs (Bohemians), Slovaks, Poles, and Serbians.1862 W. Denton Servia & Servians 11 About the middle of the seventh century the Serbians, a Sclavonic tribe, entered Mœsia.1916 Coshocton (Ohio) Morning Tribune 13 Feb. 7/5 A picket guard of Bulgarians stationed to prevent any communication between the French and English and the Serbians.1967 Life 6 Oct. 84/3 One after another the Balkan peoples rose up against the Turks and won their freedom: the Greeks in 1829, the Serbians in 1830, the Romanians in 1856, the Bulgarians in 1878.1996 Economist 14 Dec. 44/3 For the first time since the second world war, Montenegrins' wages are higher than Serbians', while their exports have soared as Serbia's have barely budged.2011 Washington Times (Nexis) 14 Sept. a10 According to recent polls.., about 53 percent of Serbians want to join the EU, mostly for economic reasons.
2. The South Slavonic language spoken by Serbs and in Serbia, being a variety of Serbo-Croatian; (often more broadly, esp. in earlier use) = Serbo-Croatian n. 2.Serbian is written using both the Cyrillic and Roman alphabet.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > Balto-Slavic > Slavonic > Lechitic > Serbian
1733 G. Ollyffe Truth of Future State 101 (note) The Bible translated in all Languages used in the World..Servian, Sclavonian, Dalmatian, Gothick.
1808 C. Stower Printer's Gram. 287 (heading) Servian.
1842 Penny Cycl. XXII. 127/2 Among the 400 Servian works which had been published since 1750, only a few are written either in pure Slavonian or Servian.
1855 Encycl. Brit. XVIII. 785/1 There are two main branches of Slavonic. The so-called Southern or South-Eastern branch embraces Russian, Ruthenian (in Galicia), Bulgarian, Servian, Croatian, and Slovenian.
1911 Encycl. Brit. XXIV. 695/2 Servian is sometimes called shtokavski because the Servian word for ‘what’ is shto.
2000 Telegram & Gaz. (Mass.) (Nexis) 10 Mar. a1 Instructions [for the census] are available in Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali,..Samoan, Servian (Servo-Croatian), Slovak, Somali, Spanish, [etc.].
β. 1867 G. M. Mackenzie & A. P. Irby Turks, Greeks & Slavons 412 We asked, in Serbian, if they would kindly show us their books.1876 A. J. Evans Through Bosnia i. 26 Besides my native tongue..I know Serbian.1887 W. R. Morfill (title) Simplified grammar of Serbian.1947 Times Lit. Suppl. 30 Aug. 435/3 He quickly learnt Serbian.1995 Lang. in Society 24 479 None has had any formal instruction in Serbian (outside the home) at any point during their education process.2011 Globe & Mail (Canada) (Nexis) 31 May s1 He didn't know a word of English, so we spoke Serbian.
B. adj.
Of or relating to Serbia, or to Serbians or their language.In quot. 1786 at β. : (perhaps) of or relating to the Lusatian Sorbs; Sorbian.
the world > people > nations > native or inhabitant of Europe > native or inhabitant of Serbia > [adjective]
1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes 262 The two yong Seruian princes, Gregorie and Stephen his wiues brethren, had intelligence with their father.
1652 A. Ross Hist. World v. ii. vi. 263 He enters with a great Army the Bulgarian and Servian Countries, called anciently Mysia and Triballia.
1778 tr. A. Fortis Trav. into Dalmatia 366 Almost all the other places, throughout the vast empire of Russia, have Slavic names, corresponding, sometimes more, sometimes less, with the Illyric, Albanese, Servian, Polish dialects.
1808 C. Stower Printer's Gram. Index Servian alphabet.
1827 J. Bowring Servian Pop. Poetry Introd. 38 ‘Fair as the mountain Vila,’ is the highest compliment to a Servian lady.
1879 E. A. Freeman Hist. Ess. 3rd Ser. 273 Had the Servian Czar entered Constantinople in the fourteenth century.
1913 Outlook 16 Aug. 835/1 The digging of a canal across the Preshevo watershed..was begun four years ago by Servian engineers.
1991 Time 25 Nov. 52/3 If the security of the Servian enclaves could be assured.
β. 1786 tr. J. R. Forster Hist. Voy. & Discov. North Introd. p. xv Each tribe called itself, in general; Slave, or Sclave, with another peculiar or specific name annexed to it, e.g. Russian, Polonian, Bohemian, Serbian [Ger. Serbische], Polabian, Vandalian, Crobatian, and Bulgarian slaves.1826 E. Henderson Biblical Res. & Trav. in Russia iv. 65 The vicinity of the Euxine, where a number of Serbian tribes had settled.1876 A. J. Evans Through Bosnia i. 7 The headdress of the Serbian women.1883 W. R. Morfill Slavonic Lit. i. 8 The Serbian chieftain, Vouk Brankovitch.1918 D. W. Johnson Topogr. & Strategy in War xiv. 169 In the rear of the Serbian armies..runs the straight subsidiary trench formed by the Lepenatz valley.1992 Economist 6 June 43/3 Mr Milosevic argues that the Serbian irregulars fighting in Bosnia are not under his control.2011 Daily Tel. 12 July 25/1 A pack of dobermans prowled the bone-strewn stage to the sound of a traditional Serbian funeral dirge.


Serbian spruce n. a spruce native to the central Balkans, Picea omorika, which has a narrow, pyramidal shape and arching branches, and is widely grown as an ornamental tree.
1915 Garden Mag. Dec. 148/1 The Serbian Spruce (P. omorika), which was only discovered in 1872, has taken kindly to cultivation.
1937 Bull. Misc. Information (Royal Bot. Gardens, Kew) No. 10 514 A hundred young plants of the Serbian spruce (Picea Omorika) which he had raised from native seed.
2012 Ottawa Citizen (Nexis) 18 Feb. (Homes section) 14 If the blue spruce is just too blue for you, the Serbian spruce is less blatant and easier to integrate in the garden.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2013; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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