

单词 septum


Brit. /ˈsɛptəm/, U.S. /ˈsɛptəm/
Inflections: Plural septa.
Forms: 1500s– septum, 1600s septin.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin sēptum.
Etymology: < classical Latin sēptum, saeptum enclosed space, fold, paddock, voting enclosure, surrounding wall or fence, barrier, partition, division, use as noun of neuter past participle of sēpīre , saepīre to enclose < sēpēs , saepēs hedge, of uncertain origin. Compare sept n.2
I. Senses relating to parts of animals, plants, and other organisms.
a. Anatomy and Zoology. Originally (more fully septum transversum): the diaphragm, which separates the thorax and abdomen (obsolete). In later use: any of various structures that form a dividing wall or partition between two cavities or areas of tissue in the body of a human or other animal. Frequently with distinguishing Latin or English word. [Compare classical Latin transversum septum transverse septum (Celsus).]
the world > life > biology > physical aspects or shapes > specific areas or structures > [noun] > separation or partition
1543 B. Traheron Interpr. Straunge Wordes in tr. J. de Vigo Most Excellent Wks. Chirurg. sig. ζζvi.v/1 And the nether part of thorax is called septum transuersum.
1578 J. Banister Hist. Man iv. f. 54 Where the fleshy part of Septum doth degenerate into a Tendon.
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια 147 (caption) The second exhibiteth the Kidney where all the substance or partition which is called Septum renis is sliced away in a compasse, that the second cauity may better appeare.
1726 A. Monro Anat. Humane Bones 86 In some Sculls, besides the large osseus Septum, there are found in each Sinus several bony Pillars.
1783 Philos. Trans. 1782 (Royal Soc.) 72 442 If they be viewed with a deep magnifier, every cone appears divided transversely by two or three internal septa or partitions.
1803 C. Bell Anat. Human Body III. i. i. 15 Those septa, or, as they are called, processes of the dura mater, being extended across from the internal surface of the cranium, support the brain in the sudden motions of the body.
1874 Proc. Royal Soc. 1873–4 22 145 In miliary tuberculosis of man..we see that the first changes take place in the alveoli and interalveolar septa.
1951 G. R. de Beer Vertebr. Zool. (ed. 2) iv. 43 They extend in the septum that divides the myotomes horizontally, and are called ‘dorsal’ ribs.
1998 L. Margulis & K. V. Schwartz Five Kingdoms (ed. 3) iii. 276/1 The grooves between segments [of annelid worms] coincide with internal compartments, often separated by transverse sheets of tissue (septa), containing serially repeated nervous, muscle, and excretory systems.
2014 A. Roberts Incredible Unlikeliness of Being 231 As the cloaca on the inside becomes divided by the urorectal septum, the cloacal membrane on the outside also becomes divided in two.
b. spec. More fully nasal septum. The structure that divides the nasal cavity into right and left sides, made of bone and cartilage and lined with mucous membrane. [Compare post-classical Latin septum narium septum of the nostrils (1568 or earlier), and septum nasi septum of the nose (1562 or earlier).]
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > head > face > nose > [noun] > septum
nose gristleOE
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια xiii. viii. 950 The third bone..is called Septum or the partition, because it distinguisheth the cauity of the nostrilles into two parts.
1781 T. Pennant Hist. Quadrupeds II. 530 The nostrils oval, and divided by a septum.
1832 D. Brewster Lett. Nat. Magic xii. 312 Some of the party experienced sharp pains in the tips of their ears and in the septum of the nose.
1957 Chronicle-Telegram (Elyria, Ohio) 20 Feb. 36/2 Appendicitis was succeeded as a fashionable disease by deviated septa.
2008 Daily Star (Nexis) 14 Apr. 5 Natasha was such a heavy cocaine user the drug had eaten away the septum of her nose.
c. spec. The structure that divides the heart into right and left sides, consisting of strong fibrous tissue and muscle. Also: the section of this separating the heart's lower chambers (more fully ventricular septum, interventricular septum) or upper chambers (more fully atrial septum, auricular septum, interatrial septum). [Compare post-classical Latin septum cordis septum of the heart (1568 or earlier).]
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια vi. xii. 372 (caption) The wall betwixt the ventricles of the heart called Septum.
1662 N. Culpeper & A. Cole tr. T. Bartholin Anatomy ii. vii. 110/2 Gassendus saw Payanus at Ajax shew the Septum of the Heart to have through-fares [L. septum cordis pervium].
1819 A. Rees Cycl. XVII. at Heart The younger the fœtus is, the larger is this opening, so that there seems to be scarcely any auricular septum.
1879 St. George's Hosp. Rep. 9 257 Heart. A small abscess in inter-ventricular septum.
1909 Proc. Royal Soc. B. 81 151 The first ganglion cells that appear in the embryonic heart lie in the atrial septum.
1986 Times-Standard (Eureka, Calif.) 1 Oct. 16/2 A heart attack does not invariably involve the ventricular septum.
2002 Esquire Nov. 24/1 Condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), in which the heart's septum is dangerously enlarged, blocking the flow of blood and, in many cases, causing death.
d. spec. More fully septum lucidum, septum pellucidum. A structure formed of two thin layers of nerve cells and fibres, located in the midline of the brain between the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles, and forming part of the limbic system. [In septum lucidum < post-classical Latin septum lucidum (1561 or earlier).
In septum pellucidum < post-classical Latin septum pellucidum (1677 or earlier in this sense).]
the world > life > the body > nervous system > cerebrospinal axis > brain > parts of brain > [noun] > ventricles > partition between
septum lucidum1698
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια vii. x. 460 This septum before it be stretched is loose & rugous and doeth not shine.
1698 W. Cowper Anat. Humane Bodies App., 7th Table, fig. 30 That part of the corpus callosum by Vieussens, call'd fornix vera, between which, and the fornix..is plac'd the septum lucidum.
1745 Med. Ess. & Observ. Pract. Physic & Surg. II. 105 The Septum Pellucidum was very distinctly seen.
1824 Anat. Brain 53 It [sc. the fornix] supports in some degree the septum pellucidum.
1942 F. A. Mettler Neuroanatomy iv. 97 Stretched between the copula, rostrum, genu and anterior half of the corpus callosum is a thin, vertically arranged membrane, the translucent septum (s. pellucidum).
2005 Sci. Amer. (U.K. ed.) Oct. 51/1 Stimulation of a limbic region called the septum could trigger euphoria, strong enough in some cases to counteract depression and even physical pain.
a. Biology. A thin structure forming a dividing wall or partition between parts of a plant.Such partitions typically include those separating the parts of a compound ovary or spore, or between cells, as between daughter cells during binary fission, or between adjacent compartments of a fungal hypha.
the world > life > biology > substance > cell > parts of cell > [noun] > wall or membranes
cell wall1840
endoplasmic reticulum1883
plasma membrane1893
unit membrane1958
purple membrane1968
the world > plants > part of plant > cell or aggregate tissue > [noun] > cell > parts of cell > cell wall and parts
pit cavity1884
pit membrane1884
middle lamella1887
pit canal1911
pit chamber1917
pit aperture1918
pit pair1933
pit field1934
1720 P. Blair Bot. Ess. ii. 54 The Placentæ..sometimes..arise from an Axis medius,..fram'd by the Conjunction of the three Septa, which meet in the Center.
1830 J. Lindley Introd. Nat. Syst. Bot. 159 A fruit with the valves alternate with the septa.
1870 J. D. Hooker Student's Flora Brit. Islands 85 Pod 2-valved, turgid or flat with a longitudinal septum.
1941 V. J. Chapman Introd. Study Algae 57 Nuclear division now takes place near this end of the cell and a septum is laid down between the two daughter nuclei.
1998 L. Margulis & K. V. Schwartz Five Kingdoms (ed. 3) iv. 360/2 Their reproductive structures (spores and gametangia) are cut off by complete, unperforated septa from the rest of the mycelium.
2005 E. Heuvelink Tomatoes iii. 72 The pericarp wall may also be divided into the outer wall, radial walls (septa), which separate adjacent locules, and the inner wall (columella).
b. Zoology. A thin plate or wall forming part of a shell or exoskeleton and wholly or partly dividing the enclosed space; a partition between adjacent sections of a chambered shell; each of the radiating plates in the cell of a coral.
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Diploblastica > phylum Coelenterata > [noun] > class Anthozoa Actinozoa > member of > septum
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Triploblastica or Coelomata > phylum Mollusca > [noun] > Testacea (shelled molluscs) > shelled mollusc > shell > part of
body whirl1776
body whorl1807
body chamber1851
1786 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 76 164 Horizontal sections of the shell, in order to show the internal structure, or the appearance of the septa.
1815 S. Brookes Introd. Conchol. 94 The septa transverse and perforated by a tube.
1846 J. D. Dana U.S. Exploring Exped.: Zoophytes 353 The transverse septa are sometimes seen to extend quite across the whole interior.
1946 H. Woods Palæontol. Invertebr. (ed. 8) 20 In the porcellanous and the simpler vitreous Foraminifera each septum..consists of a single lamella which is really the front wall of the preceding chamber.
1989 P. V. Rich et al. Fossil Bk. (rev. ed.) xviii. 283 Many writers have tried to explain why ammonoid septa crumpled, making more and more ornate sutures.
2013 D. R. Prothero Bringing Fossils to Life (ed. 3) xiii. 318/2 Scleractinians are similar to rugosids in that they insert the septa in their corallite in a predictable fashion.
II. Other senses.
a. An enclosure for domesticated animals; a paddock. Cf. sept n.2 1. Obsolete. rare.
the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > grassland > [noun] > pasture > enclosed pasture
green yard1418
pasture field1464
night paddock1922
a1552 J. Leland Itinerary (1710) I. 6 Asscheby [i.e. Castle Ashby]..wher hath [bene a Castle] that now is clene downe, and is made but a septum for bestes.
b. A partition serving to enclose or shut off a space; a dividing wall, hedge, etc. Formerly also: †a communion rail (obsolete). Cf. sept n.2 2.
the world > space > relative position > condition or fact of being interjacent > [noun] > that which is interjacent > and separates two things > a partition
a1638 J. Mede Diatribae (1642) 190 Iosephus..tels us of certain little pillars, or columnes, placed by the Lorica, or Septum, which severed this Court from the rest.
c1638 in Mod. Lang. Rev. (1946) 41 110 [The wardens of Bradley are fined] 1s. 6d. for want of the septin About the table.
1733 J. Tull Horse-hoing Husbandry xi. 58 When the Plants of the Outer Row are too numerous on a shallow Mould, the Roots of these, which are always thickest near the Bottom of the Stems, make a Septum or Hedge betwixt the Roots of the Middle..Row and the Interval.
1862 W. A. Miller Elements Chem. (ed. 2) III. ii. §4. 114 It [sc. vegetable parchment] may be substituted for bladder as a septum, in electrolytic operations, with great advantage.
1871 ‘Stonehenge’ Man. Brit. Rural Sports (ed. 9) i. i. ii. §5. 38 Two pieces of stamped brass forming a strong septum in the cap.
1908 Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 43 516 I introduced a septum of glass in the middle of the tube constituting the canal region.
2010 S. Afr. Archaeol. Bull. 65 68/1 The roof is arched and at the base of the chamber the roof forms a septum between the eastern and the western chamber.
4. Geology. A narrow deposit of a mineral or minerals forming a partition within a larger body of rock.
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > structural features > discontinuity or unconformity > [noun] > partition
the world > the earth > minerals > mineral deposits > features of stratum or vein > [noun] > obstruction or fault
burnt stuff1852
swine back1883
white horse1886
a1728 J. Woodward Attempt Nat. Hist. Fossils Eng. (1729) i. 81 In those Bodies that are invested with a Crust, the Septa lessen and grow thinner as they approach the Crust.
1851 G. A. Mantell Petrifactions iv. §6. 407 The dark partitions, or septa, are veins of spar.
1936 Jrnl. Geol. (Chicago) 44 251 It [sc. obsidian] is now represented by secondary minerals deposited along the cracks, where they form crystalline septa.
2006 T. Schlüter Geol. Atlas Afr. iv. 32/1 The main structural feature is a migmatitic core 300 km in diameter, where gneiss septa are still present.
5. Electronics. A metal plate placed transversely across a waveguide and attached to the walls by conducting joints.
1938 U.S. Patent 2,106,521 3/1 The tube may be a triode..in which the grid is a perforated metal septum that divides the tube into two separate chambers.
1947 L. G. H. Huxley Surv. Princ. & Pract. Wave Guides ii. 39 The original electromagnetic field..transforms to that shown..where the magnetic loops are bent over so that their longitudinal portions run in opposite senses, one on each side of the septum.
2019 B. F. Burke et al. in Introd. Radio Astron. (ed. 4) vii. 125 The phase of the coupled linear mode is opposite on either side of the septum.


As a modifier in sense 1b, chiefly with reference to surgical, cultural, and cosmetic procedures performed on the nasal septum.
1882 Arch. Laryngol. 3 300 Steele's stellate forceps, Roberts' fenestrated punch, Goodwillie's septum perforator.
1888 Illustr. Catal. Surg., Dental, & Vet. Instruments (Noyes Bros. & Cutler) 118 (caption) Steele's Septum Punching Forceps.
1912 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 26 Oct. 1132/2 An operative procedure in the region of the infundibular cells, in presence of septum deviation, is..a very bold undertaking.
1921 Anthropos 24 421 In Hindu India it appears that the practice of piercing the walls of the nostrils instead of the septum is an adaptation or imitation of septum piercing introduced by the Moslem invaders.
1997 J.-C. Miller Body Art Bk. ii. 23 For a (much) milder look, a septum retainer is used to maintain your septum piercing when you don't want to wear jewelry.
2015 New Yorker 13 Apr. 17/1 A sprightly barkeeper wearing a septum ring and a ‘Brooklyn’ cap.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2020; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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