

单词 septuagint


Brit. /ˈsɛptjʊədʒɪnt/, /ˈsɛptʃʊədʒɪnt/, U.S. /sɛpˈt(j)uədʒənt/, /ˈsɛp(t)ʃəwəˌdʒɪnt/, /ˈsɛptəwəˌdʒɪnt/

α. 1500s–1600s 1800s– Septuaginta.

β. 1500s–1600s Septuaginte, 1500s– Septuagint.

Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin septuāgintā.
Etymology: < classical Latin septuāgintā seventy < a weakened form of septem seven (see septem- comb. form) + -gintā , suffix forming cardinal numerals from thirty to ninety, related to decem ten (see decem- comb. form). Compare LXX n. and discussion at that entry.In sense 1a after post-classical Latin septuaginta (4th or 5th cent. in Jerome) (short for septuaginta interpretes the seventy translators (4th cent. in Jerome)); compare Byzantine Greek οἱ ἐβδομήκοντα ἑρμηνευταί , literally 'the seventy interpreters'; compare also Greek οἱ Ο′ , i.e. ‘the Seventy‘. The Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures (compare sense 3) was traditionally thought to have been produced by seventy-two Jews (six scholars from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel) in seventy-two days, at the request of Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Egypt (308–246 b.c.). The number seventy-two was subsequently rounded to seventy. Doubts began to be cast on this legend in the 16th cent. and it is not generally accepted by modern scholars, but the translation of the Pentateuch does appear to have been made in the 3rd cent. b.c., probably in Alexandria.
a. The translators who produced the earliest and most influential Greek version of the Hebrew Bible (see sense 3). Now rare.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > [noun] > translators of
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > meaning > explanation, exposition > translation > [noun] > one who translates > into Greek
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. St. Jerome in tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. I. Matt. f. xix Whersoeuer this Euangeliste..doethe vse any allegacions of the olde Testamente, he doeth not folowe the auctorite of Septuaginta, that is to saye, of the thre score and ten translatours: but of the Hebrue.
1587 D. Fenner Def. Godlie Ministers sig. Giiv Will you followe the Septuaginta in their whole translation?
1826 New-Eng. Galaxy 17 Nov. 1/3 Whether the Septuaginta were actually an assembly of learned men, amounting in number to seventy, or a single individual of that name.
1947 Philol. Q. July 264 Here Becket..quotes Nahum, i, 12 in the version of the Septuaginta.
β. 1560 Bible (Geneva) Job. ii. 11 (margin) Which were men of autoritie, wise and learned, and as the Septuagint write, Kings, and came to comfort him, but when they saw how he was visited, they conceiued an euil opinion of him.1589 T. Cooper Admon. People of Eng. 50 The translation..was..according to the Septuagint.a1656 J. Hales Golden Remains (1659) i. 91 The Septuagint, to make the sense more plain do adde another clause.1684 T. Burnet Theory of Earth ii. vii. 251 The Septuagint, who render this word Eden.1905 Monist 15 515 If the Urim and Thummim were not plural and were not contrasts..Philo's interpretation would have much to recommend itself. Perhaps he and also the Septuagint were under Egyptian influence.
b. In plural in same sense. Obsolete.
1565 J. Calfhill Aunswere Treat. Crosse f. 70 If this be lawful, that euery noddy that commeth to a Synode, may chop and chaunge the word of God as he will: what nede we to care for Moses writing, or Esdras, restoring or Septuagints translating, or the Apostles handeling of the Scripture?
1621 R. Montagu Diatribæ Hist. Tithes 217 The Septuagints were no Grammarians, saith that bold bayard, Stenchius.
1653 T. Gataker Vindic. Annot. Jer. 10.2 36 Whether they..had studied upon the matter apart in their several cels, as the tale goes of the secluded Septuagints.
1723 J. de Daillon Δαιμονολογια 65 It [sc. the name of Dæmon] is always used to signify an evil Thing in the Translation of the Septuagints.
2. gen. A group of seventy persons or things. Now rare.In later use chiefly with allusion to sense 1a.In quot. 1564 (in plural) denoting the seventy elders of Israel who accompanied Moses to Mt. Sinai (Exodus 24:1).
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Biblical personages > Old Testament > [noun]
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > eleven to ninety-nine > [noun] > seventy > group or set of seventy
1564 J. Rastell Confut. Serm. M. Iuell f. 137 He [sc. the pope] continueth in his supremacie, as a Moyses aboue the septuagintes.
1652 R. Norwood (title) New errors made palpable by an old light, or a cheap and easie method to cure the dissentions of the time by a septuagint of conclusions.
1864 Athenæum 2 July 20/3 Not to mention the Iscariot which Leverrier and Adams calculated into existence, there is more than a septuagint of new planetoids.
1906 N. Amer. Rev. 182 219 With a septuagint of official men, bent on blending the East and the West, in a new translation, went five of Nippon's daughters.
2018 Times Lit. Suppl. (Electronic ed.) 16 Jan. There may now be sufficient Crime and Punishments for publishers to organize a Septuagint and produce a definitive, optimized, synoptic Dostoevsky for generations to come.
3. The earliest and most influential Greek version of the Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament), including the deuterocanonical books (or Apocrypha), made for Greek-speaking Jews in Egypt in the 3rd and 2nd centuries b.c. and adopted by the early Christian Churches; (also) a copy or edition of this text.Represented by the Roman numeral LXX: see LXX n.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > [noun]
the old lawc1000
the Law and the Prophetsc1175
Moses and the Prophetsc1175
Old and the New Testamenta1300
Old Testamenta1387
1566 T. Drant tr. Wailyngs Hieremiah To Rdr., in tr. Horace Medicinable Morall sig. I.viijv That thou mightest haue this ruful parcel of scripture, pure & sincere, not swarued or altered: I laid it to the touchestone, the natiue tongue. I waied it with the Chaldic Targum, & the Septuaginta.
1591 H. Broughton Treat. Melchisedek sig. A3v Accordying to the common Translation which is called the Septuagint.
1646 Sir T. Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica vi. i. 278 As for the Septuagint, it is the first and most ancient Translation recorded.
1778 R. Lowth Isaiah Prelim. Diss. p. lxvi The Greek Version, commonly called the Septuagint, or of the Seventy Interpreters.
1854 Gentleman's Mag. Apr. 377/1 The severe condemnation which we have been compelled to pass on the Septuagints of the Christian Knowledge Society and the University of Oxford.
1887 Bible (R.V.) Pref. The Ancient Versions, the oldest of which, namely the Greek or Septuagint, was made, at least in part, some two centuries before the Christian era.
1947 Times Lit. Suppl. 18 Oct. 530/4 The narrative schemes point to a traditional cycle developed in connexion with the Alexandrian text of the Septuagint.
2007 Church Times 10 Aug. 22/5 Making a good stab along the way at describing the creation of the Septuagint and why Protestants largely ignore the Deutero-canon.


General use as a modifier (in sense 3).
1582 C. Carlile Disc. conc. Two Diuine Positions f. 140 The septuaginta interpretors did for the most parte translate Sheol, by Hades.
1598 H. Jacob Treat. Sufferings & Victory Christ 109 Euen so doubtlesse doe the Scriptures speake, so write the Apostles, yea the Septuagint Translators, & all good Grecians.
1684 T. Burnet Theory of Earth i. iii. 24 If you follow the Septuagint Chronology.
1769 H. Owen (title) An Enquiry into the present state of the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament.
1850 J. W. Donaldson New Cratylus (ed. 2) §100. 151 The Septuagint translators.
1903 S. Means St Paul & Ante-Nicene Church iv. 262 He not only accepted the Septuagint edition of the Old Testament, but regarded it as inspired, and the Hebrew version as incorrect.
2012 Times (Nexis) 18 Feb. (Features section) 95 The title of the volumes as an ‘encyclopaedia’ is earned by articles on the Septuagint translation of the Bible into Greek.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2020; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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