

单词 seven deadly sins

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seven deadly sins
seven deadly sins n. (also with capital initials) Christian Church (in the Western Church) a grouping of seven mortal sins considered to be the most fundamental of human vices; also in extended use with reference to other vices or misdemeanours; cf. deadly adj. 5a.Also called seven capital sins, seven cardinal sins.The seven deadly sins consist of pride, covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth; the compilation of this list is commonly attributed to Pope Gregory I in a.d. 590, and develops from a list of eight principal temptations devised by Evagrios (d. a.d. 399) to help spiritual fathers give advice to those who turned to them. [After post-classical Latin septem peccata mortalia (from 13th cent. in British and continental sources). Cassian, who gives Evagrios' list of eight sins or temptations ( Institutiones 5. 1), uses the expression octo principalia vitia eight principal sins (5th cent.).]
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 127 Neomeð nu gode ȝeme hu alle þe seouene deadliche sunnen [?c1225 Cleo. C.vi seouen heaued sunnen] muhen beon afleiet þurh treowe bileaue.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 9 Lecherie..is on of þe zeuen dyadliche zennes.
a1475 in F. A. Patterson Middle Eng. Penitential Lyric (1911) 49 The seuen dedely synnes I can not excuse, For I am gylty, in many maner wyse.
1589 ‘Marphoreus’ Martins Months Minde Ep. Ded. sig. A3 The liues of such Saincts must needes be a singular peece of worke, and edifie much; especiallie against the seuen deadlie sinnes which they neuer transgresse.
1633 J. Day Ile of Gulls iv. sig. G2v I hate poetry worse then any of the seven deadly sins.
1730 S. Parker Bp. Parker's Hist. ii. 91 Not to mention all their Outrages against their Country; there were seven deadly sins (as they call them) which they committed almost at the same Time.
1858 R. A. Vaughan Ess. & Remains I. 55 In one of our old English Moralities, the seven cardinal virtues are represented as besieged by the seven deadly sins.
1953 M. Irwin Elizabeth & Prince of Spain xiii. 136 Inaction yawned again for him in all its grey temptation of ‘accidie’, that dull sloth and disbelief in life which is the worst and loneliest of the Seven Deadly Sins.
2001 Isis 92 268 For medieval theologians curiosity, while not classified amongst the seven deadly sins, remained a significant vice.
extracted from sevenadj.n.
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