

单词 serum


Brit. /ˈsɪərəm/, U.S. /ˈsɪrəm/
Forms: Plural sera /ˈsɪərə/, serums /ˈsɪərəmz/.
Etymology: Latin = whey, watery fluid.
a. Watery animal fluid, normal or morbid; spec. blood-serum, the greenish yellow liquid which separates from the clot when blood coagulates.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > discharge or flux > [noun] > watery discharge
the world > life > the body > secretory organs > secretion > [noun] > fluid secretion > watery fluid
the world > life > the body > vascular system > blood > components of blood > [noun] > serum
blood serum1834
1672 R. Wiseman Treat. Wounds i. 59 That morning I let her bloud, taking away about 10. ounces with a rotten Serum upon it.
1678 J. Browne Compl. Disc. Wounds 272 Being as the Hearts Marsupium, it being wounded, it loseth its store of Serum, whereby the Heart is kept moyst.
1701 J. Peter Truth 36 Every Body useth the Salt..to purge the Serum off, about the finishing of their Water-drinking.
1707 J. Floyer Physician's Pulse-watch 202 All Pains are to be Cured by removing of the Cause, as Inflammations, Sizy Serum.
1793 T. Beddoes Observ. Nature & Cure Calculus 230 The blood..coagulated immediately... A small quantity of greenish serum was separated.
1813 J. Thomson Lect. Inflammation 401 This swelling depends partly..on the effusion of serum into the interstices of the cellular membrane.
1865 D. Livingstone & C. Livingstone Narr. Exped. Zambesi iii. 83 It brought out serum as black as porter, as if the blood had been impregnated with bile.
1872 T. Bryant Pract. Surg. xl. 444 The epidermis is raised by a small quantity of purulent serum.
b. Therapeutics. The blood serum of an animal used as a therapeutic or diagnostic agent.
the world > health and disease > healing > medicines or physic > medical preparations of specific origin > biological product > [noun] > specific
antireticular cytotoxic serum1942
1895 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 20 July 181/1 The antitoxic serums prepared at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
1895 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 16 Nov. 1253/1 The physiological action of the serums of tuberculised sheep is remarkably different in guinea-pigs and rabbits.
1910 Lancet 26 Mar. 861/2 The sera employed included anti-streptococcic serum, anti-diphtheritic serum, anti-tetanic serum.


a. attributive (of a), as serum albumin (cf. seralbumen n.), serum-globulin.
1876 J. Van Duyn & E. C. Seguin tr. E. L. Wagner Man. Gen. Pathol. 526 Leube has noticed the appearance of albumen and even of serum-albumen in the sweat of four patients.
1896 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. I. 825 Of the various forms of albumin, serumalbumin is constantly found.
1897 T. C. Allbutt et al. Syst. Med. IV. 303 Serum albumin and globulin being also present.
1904 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 10 Sept. 562 Hahn could find no difference between the serum and histon blood.
1904 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 10 Sept. 566 0.24 and 0.48 mg. of acid reduce the serum agglutinability to one thirty-third of its normal value.
b. Used attributively (with or without a following hyphen) to denote (the concentration of) substances in the serum.
the world > life > the body > study of body > study of vascular system > [adjective] > blood > serum
1958 J. B. Miale Lab. Med.: Hematol. viii. 372 When the iron deficiency is caused by inadequate utilization of iron a decreased serum iron concentration and increased storage of iron in the tissues are usually seen.
1959 Jrnl. Physiol. 146 353 All the serum proteins are capable of binding thyroxine to some extent.
1960 B. S. Leavell & O. A. Thorup Fund. Clin. Hematol. iv. 187 The normal level of serum bilirubin on cord blood is considered to be from 0·8 to 2·6 mg. per 100 ml.
1961 Lancet 26 Aug. 492/2 Treatment of atherosclerosis..may best be directed towards improving fat tolerance as well as reducing specific serum~lipid fractions.
1961 Lancet 2 Sept. 499/1 The associations of high serum-cholesterol levels with coronary heart-disease do not necessarily indicate any causal relationship.
1962 Lancet 22 Dec. 1293/1 There was no correlation on admission between the degree of weight deficit and the serum~transaminase levels.
1977 J. F. Fixx Compl. Bk. Running i. 5 In Southern California not long ago, fifty-eight doctors were given physical exams... More than half had high serum lipid levels.
a. attributive and in other combinations (of b); esp. applied to treatment by means of serum. serum jaundice, serum rash, serum urticaria.
1886 E. M. Crookshank Introd. Pract. Bacteriol. 29 Serum-steriliser.
1886 E. M. Crookshank Introd. Pract. Bacteriol. 30 Serum Inspissator.
1893 Lancet 21 Oct. 1036/2 Serum Injections in Tetanus.
1894 Lancet 17 Nov. 1189/2 The Serum Treatment of Diphtheria in Russia.
1895 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 16 Nov. 1253/1 Serumtherapy in Tuberculosis.
1897 Trans. Amer. Pediatric Soc. 9 44 A bacteriological diagnosis of diphtheria..by means of the incubator and Loeffler serum tube.
1898 J. Hutchinson in Archives Surg. 9 328 A serum-injection treatment.
1905 Practitioner May 665 The duration of serum urticaria varies within somewhat wide limits.
1908 Glasgow Med. Jrnl. 69 277 The most obvious and constant features of the symptom-complex are the skin eruptions, or serum rash.
1915 Nature 8 Apr. 149/2 The serum-therapeutic institute at São Paulo.
1934 L. E. H. Whitby Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 2) ix. 109 Salicin serum broth..is an excellent selective medium for Streptococcus pyogenes.
1945 Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 28 July 911/1 (heading) Transmission experiments in serum jaundice and infectious hepatitis.
serum broth n. Bacteriology a broth (broth n. 1c) containing added serum.
1979 H. McLeave Borderline Case v. 53 The tubes of serum broth and tissue culture supplied by WHO.
C3. Special combinations.
serum agglutination n. agglutination of antigens by components of serum.
1914 Jrnl. Hygiene 14 264 In order to be able to observe serum agglutination and acid agglutination with the same bacterial extract the bacilli from a 24 to 48 hrs. agar slope were washed off with 10 c.c. of distilled water and the resulting emulsion was centrifuged.
1970 W. H. Parker Health & Dis. Farm Animals xii. 161 An infected cow will give a positive reaction to the serum agglutination test.
serum disease n. serum sickness.
1908 Glasgow Med. Jrnl. 69 277 (heading) The serum disease in man after single and repeated doses.
1951Serum disease [see serum sickness n.].
serum-eruption n. certain manifestations or consequences which sometimes follow an injection of serum, as a skin eruption, fever, or swelling of the joints.
1909 Practitioner Dec. 867 The introduction of such large quantities of horse-serum entails the danger of collapse, fever, and serum-eruption.
serum hepatitis n. a viral hepatitis transmitted by injections of blood serum.
the world > health and disease > ill health > a disease > disorders of internal organs > glandular disorders > [noun] > disorders of liver
liver rot1785
gin liver1830
nutmeg liver1833
Laennec's cirrhosis1839
gin drinker's liver1845
yellow atrophy1845
hobnailed liver1849
red atrophy1849
hobnail liver1882
infectious hepatitis1891
infective hepatitis1896
spirit liver1896
Pick's syndrome1932
serum hepatitis1943
Pick's syndrome1955
micronodular cirrhosis1960
macronodular cirrhosis1967
1943 Lancet 16 Jan. 83/1 (heading) Measles serum hepatitis.
1946 Med. Clinics N. Amer. XXX. 1408 ‘Virus hepatitis’..includes both infectious hepatitis..and homologous serum hepatitis.
1971 New Scientist 25 Mar. 676/1 This work promises a screening method which should help eliminate the danger of serum hepatitis developing after blood transfusions.
serum reaction n. serum sickness.
1905 Practitioner May 664 In cases of relapse, or of a second attack of diphtheria, the serum reaction may be very marked.
1923 Green's Man. Pathol. (ed. 13) 245 Those workers..who prefer to regard the serum-reactions as belonging to the class of colloidal phenomena.
serum sickness n. [translating German serumkrankheit (C. von Pirquet 1903, in Wiener klin. Wochenschr. XVI. 1244/2)] anaphylactic reaction to injected foreign serum.
1913 W. A. N. Dorland Illustr. Med. Dict. (ed. 7) s.v. Sickness Serum-sickness, symptoms, such as rashes, fever, and pain in the joint, following the injection of antitoxic sera.
1916 Arch. Internal Med. 18 497 Most of the cases of serum sickness occurred during convalescence from pneumonia.
1951 B. Schick tr. von Pirquet & Schick Serum Sickness i. 5 We have abandoned the expression ‘serum exanthema’... In its place we have proposed the name ‘serum disease’ or ‘serum sickness’.
1970 W. H. Parker Health & Dis. Farm Animals xxi. 289 The most important practical significance of anaphylaxis in farm animals is that in the treatment of disease ‘serum sickness’ may follow the repeated use of serum from another species.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1912; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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