

单词 sense-confusing

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b. With present participles, as sense-bereaving, sense-confusing, sense-ravishing, etc.
1594 L. Lewkenor tr. O. de la Marche Resolued Gentleman f. 17 v I was led to the most sense-pleasing and delightfull place, that I coulde possibly haue imagined.
1597 M. Drayton Englands Heroicall Epist. f. 18 Those sence-bereauing stalkes That grow in shadie Proserpines darke walkes.
1600 C. Tourneur Transformed Metamorph. sig. C4v Amaz'd with sence-confounding wretchednesse.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 266 The ayre is a compound of sense-ravishing odours.
1658 H. Crompton Pierides 72 Fall into the sphere Of sullen Ale, and sense-afflicting Beer.
1681 T. D'Urfey Progr. Honesty xvii. 22 Luscious Fruit and Flowers of Sense-delighting smell.
1753 Lover's Man. v. 168 May ev'ry gen'rous soul With caution taste the sense-deceiving bowl.
1785 Mem. & Adventures Flea II. viii. 33 Pity it is, a wise man should ever drown his understanding in the red-sea of port, or that fools should receive additional folly from its intoxicating sense-destroying qualities.
1810 C. Lucas Joseph xviii. 193 Here supple oils, and wines medicinal, And aromatics, sense-reviving, are In fit recess station'd.
1837 T. Carlyle French Revol. III. i. viii. 85 One sense-confusing tumult.
1893 J. A. Symonds Life Michelangelo II. xi. 65 A sense-deafening solo on a trombone.
1911 Muscatine (Iowa) Jrnl. 9 Dec. (Annual ed.) The game of ‘telephone’ is a very sense-training game—cultivating discrimination through the sense of hearing.
1956 J. Masters Bugles & Tiger i. 19 There was always the sense-sharpening chance of a sudden storm of bullets.
1998 N. E. Tawa in M. Saffle Music & Culture in Amer. 142 Admirers of John Ruskin's writings gradually overcame their opposition to sonorous and sense-exciting tones.
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