

单词 accouplement


Brit. /əˈkʌplm(ə)nt/, U.S. /əˈkəp(ə)lmənt/
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French accouplement.
Etymology: < Middle French accouplement (of persons) coupling, sexual union, action of harnessing two animals together (both c1420–40; 1270 in Old French in an isolated attestation in the sense ‘conjunction of stars’), pairing (1564), union of marriage (early 17th cent.) < accoupler accouple v. + -ment -ment suffix. Compare Italian accoppiamento (a1580).
Now rare.
1. The action or fact of coupling one person or thing to another; union, pairing, mating. Also: an instance of this.
a. Of persons. Frequently: marriage union.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > [noun] > union in
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende f. cccxlviiv/2 This excellence that virgynyte had as to the respect of thaccouplement [Fr. coulpe, L. copulæ] of mariage appiereth by manyfold comparacion.
1576 W. Lambarde Perambulation of Kent 299 The law of God maketh the accouplement honorable amongst al men.
1594 R. Carew tr. J. Huarte Exam. Mens Wits App. 318 If the father be wise in the works of the imagination, and..take to wife a woman cold and moist in the third degree, the sonne born of such an accouplement, shalbe most vntoward.
1632 T. E. Lawes Womens Rights ii. xxviii. 68 The spirituall Law is here an Oracle to the temporall..for certification of lawfulnes or vnlawfulnes of Wedlocks when Accouplements come in question.
a1680 D. Holles Second Let. to Friend in D. Holles et al. Remains (1682) 74 Their Persons..would make but an ill accouplement, and they would never draw well together.
1762 tr. J. Davies Rep. Cases Law Ireland 141 As is manifest by the writs of several natures, directed to bishops, by which the king commands them to certify Bastardy, Excommunication, Profession, Accouplement in lawful matrimony, [etc.].
1831 Lady's Bk. Dec. 313/2 The accouplement of Lady Isabella Lockhart's name in the quadrille list of the Court Journal with those of the Marquis of this, or the Earl of that.
1869 All Year Round 29 May 614/1 A poor woman shall have but the third part of her husband's lands when he is dead, for all the service she did him when during the accouplement.
1994 Amer. Spectator Dec. 9/1 [The] Royal Marines surveillance expert..filmed the illicit accouplement because his superiors believed that the Princess was engaged in acts of terrorism.
b. Of things.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > two > pair > [noun] > arranging in pairs
a1603 T. Cartwright Confut. Rhemists New Test. (1618) 240 You..yoke not the Oxe and the Asse together..; we mean things that for accouplement are most absurd.
1719 M. Shelton Hist. & Crit. Ess. Rise Nobility (ed. 2) vi. 482 Vertue and Riches..maketh a good Accouplement.
1796 J. R. Head Ess. Two Bills 49 This accouplement of pains and penalties..is as much to be punished as a fact committed.
1807 Anti-Jacobin Rev. 27 467 Bernardin de St. Pierre's reason for keeping Lent, namely, that at that period of the year, in consequence of the accouplement of animals, there is a scarcity of meat!
1912 F. C. Ottman Imperialism & Christ ix. 145 Not until after these things had been accomplished did they [sc. the disciples] perceive the inseparable accouplement of the cross and the crown.
2000 C. Geertz Available Light v. 133 In the end, it may be in a deeper understanding of the ‘and’ in the ‘History and Anthropology’ accouplement that progress lies.
2. Woodworking and Engineering. A component used to bind or brace together two other components of a structure; the structure so bound. Cf. tie n. 7a. rare.
society > occupation and work > industry > building or constructing > building or providing with specific parts > specific parts built or constructed > [noun] > other specific parts
1823 P. Nicholson New Pract. Builder 579 Accouplement, in carpentry; a tie or brace, or the entire work when framed.
1998 U.S. Patent 5826377 3 By varying the length of the accouplement, one can accommodate various panel sizes and wall designs having differently located and sized studs and sill arrangements.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2011; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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