

单词 selfsame


Brit. /ˈsɛlfseɪm/, /ˌsɛlfˈseɪm/, U.S. /ˈsɛlfˌseɪm/
Forms: see self pron., adj., n., and adv. and same adj., pron., and adv.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: self pron., same adj.
Etymology: < self pron. + same adj.In early use frequently written as two words or with hyphen.
A. n.
Chiefly with the. The very same thing or person. Now rare.In quot. 1701 in plural: identical things.
the world > relative properties > relationship > identity > [noun] > the same thing or person
the ilkeOE
that (or this) same1362
one (and the) selfsame1531
same difference1945
the world > relative properties > relationship > identity > [noun] > the same thing or person > an identical thing > identical things
c1422 T. Hoccleve Dialogus (Durh.) l. 731 in Minor Poems (1970) i. 136 Let noon housbonde thynke it shame..Thogh his wyf do to him þat selue same.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iii. l. 496 (MED) In his scheld..he bar..of goulys a lyoun..and in his baner bete Þe silfe same.
?1548 tr. J. Calvin Faythfull Treat. Sacrament (new ed.) Pref. sig. A.viii So dyd he ordayne hys apostles and in them all that shoulde succede them: priestes to offer vp the selfe same.
1574 A. Golding tr. A. Marlorat Catholike Expos. Reuelation 15 I the Lord am the firste, and euen I the selfsame am also with the last.
1582 T. Watson Ἑκατομπαθία: Passionate Cent. Loue v. sig. A3 The Author..varieth from that sense, which Chawcer vseth in translating the selfe same.
1634 F. Quarles Mildreiados in Divine Poems (rev. ed.) 518 You shall receive but the selfesame by Number and by Measure; which, before, you had by Weight.
1644 G. Plattes in S. Hartlib Legacy (1655) 253 If I be not hugely mistaken, it is the self-same with..Saint-Foin.
1701 J. Norris Ess. Ideal World I. ii. 50 That they seem to be as so many self-sames, so many reproductions of one thing.
1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 4 Whatever Persons the Civil-Law forbids to be accusers, the Canon-Law does the self-same.
1852 Monthly Christian Spectator Oct. 636 In military and civil life alike, the motive power of his deeds was the selfsame—not ambition nor vanity..but simple loyalty.
2006 M. Statler in S. C. Buckner & M. Statler Styles of Piety vi. 110 Rather than invoking the principles of noncontradiction to eliminate differences and arrive at knowledge of the self-same, philosophers should engage in..differentiation.
B. adj. Chiefly with the.
1. attributive. The very same, the identical; exactly the same.
the world > relative properties > relationship > identity > [adjective]
the ilkeOE
no nothera1325
that ilk (thilk) same1390
one self?a1425
the same self1503
one (and the) selfsame1531
one and the same1551
the same very1590
the very same1597
individually the same1604
a (also one) selfly1605
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) i. l. 4171 (MED) Cedar..was made knyȝte þe silfe same ȝere.
c1450 (?c1408) J. Lydgate Reson & Sensuallyte (1901) l. 3992 She..Whiche [read With] the selve same suerde..Karf hyr hert even atweyn.
1539 Bible (Great) Matt. viii. 13 Hys seruaunt was healed in the selfe same houre [ Tindale 1526 that same, 1534 the selfe, Rheims 1582 the same].
?1573 L. Lloyd Pilgrimage of Princes f. 43 The selfe same day that Adrian was made Emperour of Rome.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 3 (1623) iii. iii. 161 Both of you are Birds of selfe-same Feather. View more context for this quotation
1664 S. Butler Hudibras: Second Pt. ii. iii. 147 And still he's in the self same place, Where at his setting out he was.
1710 R. Steele Tatler No. 177. ⁋2 The very self-same Action done by different Men can not merit the same Degree of Applause.
1781 W. Cowper Table Talk 388 He trod the very self-same ground you tread.
1832 Ld. Tennyson Miller's Daughter iv, in Poems (new ed.) 35 Pray, Alice, pray, my own sweet wife, That we may die the selfsame day.
1893 Earl of Dunmore Pamirs II. 333 I could hardly believe it was the same Jura Bek who had been such a bitter enemy to Russia... But it was the selfsame man.
1931 R. Campbell Georgiad iii. 62 They're all members of the self-same school, And drilled..to enforce on all The standards of the middling and the small.
1970 Times 6 Mar. 11/1 He is a prisoner of the Conservative legacy in defence, the self-same legacy which the Conservatives presumably expect to reinherit if and when they achieve office.
2006 C. Frazier Thirteen Moons ii. vi. 116 Many fine crystal wineglasses..had been made at Murano, the selfsame Venetian island from which worthless colored-glass beads had originated.
2. Predicatively: identical, exactly the same. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > relationship > identity > [adjective] > identical
all oneOE
all like1477
1582 Bible (Rheims) Heb. i. 12 Thou art the self same, and thy yeres shal not faile [earlier versions and 1611 the same].
1633 P. Fletcher Purple Island i. iii. 2 Their souls self-same in nearer love did grow.
c1680 W. Beveridge Serm. (1729) I. 16 The case is the self-same here.
1860 E. B. Pusey Minor Prophets 77 That we should believe in Him..as He Who Is, the self-existing, the self-same.
1870 R. W. Emerson Society & Solitude 164 Always self-same, like the sky.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, January 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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