

单词 second person

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second person
8. Grammar. A category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms, according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or someone or something spoken of; each of the three distinctions (first person n. 2a, second person, and third person respectively) within this category.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > other grammatical categories or concepts > [noun] > person
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 12 If þe nominatif case & þe verbe discordiþ in persone & in noumbre, þanne þe resoun is in congrue.
c1450 J. Capgrave Life St. Katherine (Arun. 396) (1893) i. 259 (MED) She lerned..The declynacions, þe personys, the modys, þe tens.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement Introd. 27 Euery substantyue is onely of the thyrde parson.
1585 tr. P. de La Ramée Lat. Gram. ii. i. 62 A Person is a speciall end of a verbe.
1612 J. Brinsley Posing of Parts (1669) 27 Every Vocative case is of the second Person.
a1687 W. Petty Polit. Anat. Ireland (1691) 97 The Quakers..speak to one another in the second Person and singular Number.
1764 W. Primatt Accentus Redivivi 111 The Dorians penacuted verbs ending ον,..that is, provided they were third persons plural.
1845 J. Stoddart Gram. in Encycl. Metrop. (1847) I. 62/1 In many Languages the person is necessarily expressed by a pronoun. This is universally the case in the Chinese,..the verb being alike in all the persons.
1886 Cent. Mag. Oct. 898 The pronoun of the first or second person, used datively.
1951 V. Nabokov Speak, Memory i. 17 In addressing me, a small boy, he used the plural of the second person.
1987 Multilingua 6 313 The Germanic languages inherited from Indo-European a system of representing the person and number of the subject in the verb.
extracted from personn.
second person
second person n. (also second person of the Trinity) Theology the Son (see person n. 7).
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [noun]
son of manOE
Abraham's seedOE
King of kingsOE
Christ almightyOE
Our LordOE
Jesus Christc1175
Christ Jesusc1330
second personc1380
Son of Goda1425
Man of Sorrows1577
c1380 J. Wyclif Wks. (1880) 362 To þe secunde persone in trinyte..awnsweriþ þe state of þe clergy.
a1513 H. Bradshaw Lyfe St. Werburge (1521) i. viii. sig. c.vv A lorde..Ihesu the seconde persone in trynyte.
extracted from secondadj.n.2
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