

单词 second notions

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second notions
a. A concept or idea, in various philosophical uses; spec. (a) Theology a character or relation through which the Persons of the Trinity are distinguished; (b) Logic = intention n. 11, esp. in first notions, second notions (now rare).
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical classification > [noun] > logical concept > general concept
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 9 Nociones beþ fyve..paternitas & innascibilitas, ffiliacio, processio, & comunis spiracio... Þese fyue nociouns beþ I-clepid nociones, for he notifieth þe persones.
a1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum (BL Add.) f. 10 Þis word, principium, is I-take for twey persones and tokeneth on nocioun, þat is, þe comyn spiracioun.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Apol. Poetrie (1595) sig. C1v And the Metaphisick, though it be in the seconde and abstract notions, and therefore be counted supernaturall: yet doth hee indeede builde vpon the depth of Nature.
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια 502 This..alone maketh the differences of Images as wee call them or Abstracted Notions.
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1958) IX. 61 God is the God of the whole world, in the generall notion, as he is so, God; but he is my God, most especially, and most applyably, as he is received by me in the severall notions of Father, Sonne, and holy Ghost.
1690 J. Locke Ess. Humane Understanding iii. v. 206 Essences of the Species of mixed Modes, are by a more particular Name called Notions.
1725 I. Watts Logick 246 It is very useful to have some general principles of truth settled in the mind... These may be called first notions, or fundamental principles.
1785 T. Reid Ess. Intellect. Powers v. v, in Wks. (1846) 403 The words notion and conception, in their proper and most common sense, signify the act and operation of the mind in conceiving an object.
1833 W. Hamilton in Edinb. Rev. Apr. 210 A first notion is the conception of a thing as it exists of itself... A second notion is the conception, not of an object as it is in reality, but of the mode under which it is conceived by the mind.
1864 F. C. Bowen Treat. Logic iv. 70 A second intention or notion is a Concept which denotes first intentions in their relation, not to the things denoted, but to each other.
1912 A. Preuss tr. J. Poule Divine Trinity 241 The Notions of the Son are Filiation..and active Spiration..whereas the one distinctive Notion of the Holy Ghost is passive Spiration.
1957 B. J. F. Lonergan Insight xii. 356 The notion of being..is prior to conception and goes beyond it; and it is prior to judgment and goes beyond it. That notion must be the immanent, dynamic orientation of cognitional process.
1980 J. A. Hardon Mod. Catholic Dict. (1981) 380/2 In the Trinity, notions are the distinctive characteristics of the divine persons by which they are known.
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