

单词 saved


Brit. /seɪvd/, U.S. /seɪvd/
Forms: see save v. and -ed suffix1.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: save v., -ed suffix1.
Etymology: < save v. + -ed suffix1.
A. n.
Theology. With the and plural agreement: people who have been preserved from damnation and redeemed from sin as a class; (also occasionally with singular agreement) an individual saved in this way. Also more generally: people rescued from death or danger collectively.
c1350 Psalter (BL Add. 17376) in K. D. Bülbring Earliest Compl. Eng. Prose Psalter (1891) lxxii. 28 (MED) Ich shewe alle þyn prechynges in þe passyng of þe soules of þe saued.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 8067 Þe saved..salle ay lyf and never deghe.
a1450 Lessons of Dirige (Digby) l. 409 in J. Kail 26 Polit. Poems (1904) 120 (MED) Þe sauyd excusyd, þe dampnyd accusyd, As thay deseruyd echon haue.
1509 H. Watson tr. S. Brant Shyppe of Fooles (de Worde) sig. A.iiv That thorugh theyr labour they may be of the nombre of ye saued.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) II. 1840/2 Predestination, in that it respecteth the Reprobate, is called reprobation: in that it respecteth the saued, is called Election.
1623 R. Jennings tr. C. Aslakssøn Descr. Heaven v. 55 What difference also should there bee betweene the abode of the saued, and damned, if this Heauen were dilated through all places.
a1688 J. Bunyan Jerusalem-sinner Saved (1689) 159 If thy desires be firm..to become the saved of Christ, and his servant.
1700 C. Nesse Antidote against Arminianism 47 Salvation is the Work of the Saved, not of the Saver.
1799 Missionary Mag. 16 Sept. 424 The saved often find, as their Saviour did, by painful experience, that the will of God requires submission.
1829 Baptist Mag. Feb. 68/1 The condemnation of all the wicked, and the glorification of all the saved.
1872 T. De W. Talmage Serm. 218 The outflaming glories of the countenances of the saved.
1915 Ann. Reg. 1914 Chron. 32 About seventy-five lives were lost; the saved numbered 146.
2008 Poetry Rev. Winter 77 If you are of the Elect, the saved, then good for you. If you are not, then hard luck.
B. adj.
1. Theology. Of a person, a soul, etc.: preserved from damnation; redeemed from sin. Also more generally: rescued from death or danger.
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > salvation, redemption > [adjective] > saved
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 10867 His folk al saued þan sal he mak.
a1425 (a1396) R. Maidstone Paraphr. Seven Penitential Psalms (BL Add. 39574) l. 191 in M. Day Wheatley MS (1921) 27 (MED) Than schul the sauyd soules synge For blys that they schul in abyde.
c1475 (c1445) R. Pecock Donet (1921) 72 Riȝtful lyvers ben of þe soort of savid men, if þei in such good lyving die.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Comm. on Canticles (Univ. Oxf. 64) in Psalter (1884) 507 In that sanctuary oure lord sall be kynge, that is, in all sauyd men withouten end.
1529 T. More Supplyc. Soulys ii. f. xxviii The blessyd creaturis in heuen geue honour to Criste for mannys redempcyon for that ioy and pleasure that theyre charyte taketh in the socyete and felyshyp of saued soules.
1601 J. Deacon & J. Walker Summarie Answere to Darel i. 6 The saued theefe on the Crosse.
a1653 W. Lyford 3 Serm. (1654) 7 The saved ones will keep and hold fast the word, though with some great difficulties, rather then give over their soule into the Divel's hands.
1739 I. Watts World to Come iv. 238 Almost all the saved Number were at some part of their Lives weak in Faith.
a1780 J. Macgowan Disc. Bk. Ruth (1781) ii. 41 It must be an awful reflection to a saved soul to think he has, in any wise, contributed to the ruin of any of his fellow creatures.
1834 J. A. Heraud Judgem. of Flood 233 Token of everlasting Covenant To Earth, and to her saved worshippers.
1864 in W. Naylor Anal. Evid. Cause of Failure Bradfield Reservoir 3 She found him among the saved ones, and she returned home.
1918 Conservator Sept. 106/2 I'd rather be a damned Jew than a saved Christian.
2009 Luminary (Muncy, Pa.) 7 Jan. 3/1 Giving thanks is what Ella the Labrador will do for Amy; it's what saved sinners should do for their Redeemer.
2. Of goods, property, etc.: rescued from shipwreck, fire, etc.; salvaged.
1536 R. Copland tr. P. Garcie Rutter of See (new ed.) sig. Dvi The mayster may lay to pledge of the saued goodes to some honest man for them.
1661 J. Godolphin Συνηγορος Θαλασσιος Introd. sig. b3 The goods saved and lost are both estimated as the saved goods happen to be sold for, the fraight and other necessary charges being first deducted.
1781 J. Weskett Compl. Digest Theory, Laws, & Pract. Insurance 137 The owner of these saved goods is not to contribute any thing towards the ship or cargo.
1822 Glasgow Herald 1 July 4/3 Some parties..came from Nassau to the place of sale to purchase the saved goods.
1877 J. L. Ver Mehr Checkered Life ii. xxiii. 416 The heaps of saved furniture and books, etc., on the other side of the street..was a sad sight in the glare of the roaring flames.
1915 T. Hall Hall on Fire Insurance xxxviii. 516 An inventory of the saved articles is required everywhere.
1962 J. Morrison Twenty-three 50 Long before evening of the next day all his saved possessions were safely distributed and under temporary cover.
1998 W. J. Mann Wisecracker i. 22 Men sat on their pitiful saved belongings all through the night with rifles, on alert for looters.
2009 D. M. Powers Taking Sea vi. 98 The compensation awarded to salvors on saved goods averaged about one-third of the salvaged value.
a. Stored up, hoarded; collected or set aside for later use. Also: preserved or left over as a result of thrift or economy; not spent or used up.
the mind > possession > retaining > sparingness or frugality > [adjective] > economizing > saved or economized
1602 R. Carew Surv. Cornwall i. f. 20v An ill kerned or saued Harvest, soone emptieth their old store.
1655 S. Rutherford Covenant of Life Opened ii. iii. 250 Christ shall do this and pay the ransome, and..get no wages, no saved seed.
1733 A. Pope Of Use of Riches 11 Benighted wanderers, the Forest o'er, Curse the sav'd Candle, and unopening Door.
1834 Rep. Select Comm. Drunkenness 413 in Parl. Papers (H.C. 559) VIII. 315 Although another part of this saved fund were expended in furniture, clothes, &c., yet part of this would eventually come to the agriculturist.
1875 S. Smiles Thrift vi. 93 Saved money, however little, will serve to dry up many a tear.
1918 Garden Mag. July 265/3 Saved food is partly stored and partly utilized to form blossom buds, fruit spurs, and other parts.
1943 L. M. Hacker in A. Nevins & L. M. Hacker U.S. & its Place in World Affairs 1918–43 xiii. 195 Our surpluses of goods and saved capital changed our whole national economy.
2004 H. Adès Rough Guide S. Amer. vi. 681 The really rock-bottom budget joints..are pretty insalubrious places and generally not worth the few saved cents.
b. With up. Accumulated, amassed, stored up. Esp. of money: accumulated by means of thrift, economy, or (now usually) regular investment in a bank or building society account or other financial scheme.
the world > space > relative position > arrangement or fact of being arranged > state of being gathered together > [adjective] > collecting into one mass or body > accumulated
1834 S. Bagster Managem. Bees Pref. 6 Often..have I spent the saved-up shilling to run into..the old menagerie in Exeter 'Change.
1890 M. S. Emery Every-day Business xiii. 132 Each property-owner is made to pay the proportionate claim on his saved-up capital.
1942 W. S. Churchill in Times 11 May 5/6 We were left alone..to face the might of victorious Germany, to face also the saved up strength of an Italy which then still ranked as a first-class Power.
1960 Changing Times Dec. 7/2 How can a person build up a retirement program that will keep the saved-up dollars safe?
1997 Shetland Times 21 Nov. (Suppl.) 9/2 There is something in everyone's price range, from football souvenirs that can be bought with saved up pocket money to Goretex jackets.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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