

单词 sanctuary temple

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sanctuary temple


C1. Of senses 1 4, as sanctuary lamp, †sanctuary observance, sanctuary stair, sanctuary temple.
sanctuary garth n. Obsolete = sense 4.
society > faith > artefacts > land > [noun] > churchyard
church townOE
church hayc1175
church hawc1330
sanctuary garth1412
church garth1484
church acre1596
God's acre1605
kirk shot1935
1412–13 in J. T. Fowler Extracts Acct. Rolls Abbey of Durham (1901) III. 610 Subtus cameram d'ni Prioris versus Seynterygarth, 14d.
c1475 (?c1400) Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 35 Ȝe..han put kepars of my sanctuari obseruaunce to ȝor silf.
c1593 in J. Raine Descr. Anc. Monuments Church of Durham (1842) 44 The Sentuarie Garth.
c1593 in J. Raine Descr. Anc. Monuments Church of Durham (1842) 45 The Sentory Garthe.
c1624 Rites of Durham (Surtees) 205 (note) Sanctuary garth.
1850 G. Wilkinson Archit. Anc. Egypt 82 Sanctuary Temples, consisting of a single chamber.
1862 H. E. M. tr. Monnin Curé d'Ars Pref. 7 When I saw, by the light of the sanctuary-lamp, that wasted and withered form.
1866 J. Purchas & F. G. Lee Directorium Anglicanum (ed. 3) 259 Sanctuary Lamp, that which burns before the Blessed Sacrament when it is reserved.
1893 F. Thompson Poems 45 The cowlèd night Kneels on the Eastern sanctuary-stair.
C2. Of senses 5, 6.
sanctuary-breaking n.
a1529 J. Skelton Speke Parrot in Poet. Wks. (1843) II. 24 So myche sayntuary brekyng, and preuylegidde barrydd.
sanctuary knocker n.
1886 Encycl. Brit. XXI. 255/2 The sanctuary seats at Hexham and Beverley and the sanctuary knocker at Durham are still in existence.
sanctuary place n.
?1530 J. Rastell Pastyme of People sig. *Giv Wherfore suche gentylmen as had appoynted to eyde the duke fled, some to sentwary places, and some be yonde the see.
sanctuary-seat n.
1886Sanctuary seat [see sanctuary knocker n.].
sanctuary town n.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. liiij Richard Horsnayle Bailyfe of the sanctuary towne called Good Esture in Essex.
sanctuary man n. (also sanctuary woman, etc.) Obsolete a man who has taken refuge in a sanctuary or privileged place of protection.
the world > action or operation > safety > protection or defence > refuge or shelter > [noun] > inviolable refuge, sanctuary, or asylum > one who has taken sanctuary
sanctuary mana1513
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. cxlviiv They went to Westmynster, & toke wt them all maner of Seyntwary men.
?1530 J. Rastell Pastyme of People sig. *Fiiiv She went into westmyster and there regystarde her selfe as a sentwary woman.
1543 Chron. J. Hardyng f. xlviiiv Verely I haue heard of sanctuary menne, but I neuer harde before of sanctuary chyldren.
1622 F. Bacon Hist. Raigne Henry VII 39 If any Sanctuarie-man did by night or otherwise, get out of Sanctuarie priuily, and commit mischiefe and trespasse, and then come in againe, hee should loose the benefit of Sanctuarie for euer after.
extracted from sanctuaryn.1
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