

单词 saviour


Brit. /ˈseɪvjə/, U.S. /ˈseɪvjər/

α. Middle English safeoure, Middle English saueor, Middle English saueur, Middle English sauiur, Middle English sauyouer, Middle English saveour, Middle English saveoure, Middle English saveyour, Middle English savyore, Middle English savyowre, Middle English sawiowre, Middle English sayuyour, Middle English–1500s saueour, Middle English–1500s saueoure, Middle English–1500s sauyour, Middle English–1500s sauyoure, Middle English–1500s savyor, Middle English–1500s savyoure, Middle English–1600s sauior, Middle English–1600s sauiour, Middle English–1600s sauioure, Middle English–1600s savioure, Middle English–1600s savyour, Middle English– savior (now chiefly U.S.), Middle English– saviour, late Middle English sauesure (transmission error), late Middle English sayyour (transmission error), 1500s saviowr, 1500s savyowr; also Scottish pre-1700 saueour, pre-1700 sauiour, pre-1700 saviour, pre-1700 saweour, pre-1700 saweoure, pre-1700 sawieour; N.E.D. (1910) also records a form late Middle English savyowur.

β. Middle English sauueor, Middle English sauueour, Middle English sauueur; Scottish pre-1700 sawwyoure.

γ. late Middle English salueour, late Middle English salveoure; Scottish pre-1700 salueoure, pre-1700 saluior, pre-1700 saluiour, pre-1700 saluyor, pre-1700 saluyour, pre-1700 salveour, pre-1700 salvior, pre-1700 salviour, pre-1700 salvioure, pre-1700 salweour, pre-1700 salwyoure.

Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymon: French salveour.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman salveour, sauveour, saveor, saveour, saveur, Anglo-Norman and Old French salveor, Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French sauveor, sauveour (Middle French, French sauveur ) God or Christ as the redeemer of sin (early 12th cent. in Old French as salvaire ), rescuer (early 12th cent.) < post-classical Latin salvator person who saves or rescues (Vetus Latina), especially as a title of Christ (Vulgate), person who salvages goods from a shipwreck (1328 in a British source) < salvat- , past participial stem of salvare save v. + classical Latin -or -or suffix. Compare Old Occitan salvador , Catalan salvador (14th cent.), Spanish salvador (13th cent.), Portuguese salvador (947), Italian salvatore (13th cent.). Compare salvator n.
1. Theology.
a. God or (more usually) Christ, conceived of as offering salvation to humankind and redemption from sin. Frequently with our, the. In later use chiefly with capital initial.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > [noun] > redeemer
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [noun] > as saviour
righteous maker1535
horn of salvation (health)1611
c1330 (?a1300) Arthour & Merlin (Auch.) (1973) l. 7916 Þai han þe signe of our Saueour, Wherþurth..It is socour of þis lond.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. xi. l. 66 Whi wolde God vr saueour suffre such a worm In such a wrong wyse þe wommon to bi-gyle?
a1450 (?a1390) J. Mirk Instr. Parish Priests (Claud.) (1974) l. 12 Ȝef thou plese thy sauyoure, Ȝef thow be not grete clerk, Loke thow moste on thys werk.
1472 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 16 In the name of our lord Ihesu criste our Savyour: Amen.
1509 Kynge Rycharde Cuer du Lyon (de Worde) sig. F.iiiv He swore a full grete othe By Jhesu cryste our sauyoure.
1590 E. Digby Dissuasiue 196 Gabriell the spirit of the Moone..begun his dominion ouer the world, the yeare of our Saviour his incarnation 1525.
1659 J. Pearson Expos. Apostles Creed 498 They who did annunciate unto the blessed Virgin the conception of the Saviour.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iii. 412 Hail Son of God, Saviour of Men. View more context for this quotation
1744 J. Swift 3 Serm. i. 11 Our Saviour tells us, that every Man is our Neighbour.
1753 J. Hanway Hist. Acct. Brit. Trade Caspian Sea I. xxviii. 181 Who is the king, the lawgiver, the redeemer, and the savior.
1827 J. Keble Christian Year I. xxxv. 138 With the Saviour's life-blood wet.
1864 Ld. Tennyson Enoch Arden in Enoch Arden, etc. 43 O God Almighty, blessed Saviour,..Uphold me, Father.
1917 J. J. Munro Christ in Tombs xxiii. 152 She was a Christian woman and rejoiced in Christ as her Lord and Saviour.
1936 Times 15 Feb. 15/4 The Protevangelium, the promise of the coming of the Saviour.
2011 P. Kurts Trinitarian Lett. 4 Jesus continues to be our Saviour, redeemer and deliverer.
b. With reference to belief in Christ's real presence in the Eucharist (by transubstantiation, etc.), in phrases referring to its reception and administration, as to receive one's Saviour, to give a person his or her Saviour, etc. Now chiefly historical.
society > faith > worship > sacrament > communion > receive communion [phrase]
to receive, take the sacrament?c1225
to receive one's Savioura1425
to take (also deliver, receive) (the) communion1440
to receive (also take) one's Maker1539
society > faith > worship > sacrament > communion > administration of communion > perform communion [phrase]
to give a person his or her Savioura1425
to break the bread of life1583
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 6434 But thou yeve me my sauyour At ester.
a1450 (?a1390) J. Mirk Instr. Parish Priests (Claud.) (1974) l. 1883 Ȝef he aske hys sauyour, Gyf hym hyt wyþ gret honour.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) II. 1004 Than asked she her Saveoure, and as sone as she had reseyved Hym the soule departed frome the body.
1598 J. Gerard tr. L. Scupoli Spiritual Conflict xxxi. sig. I2v Although thou canst not receiue thy Sauior more then once a day sacramentally, notwithstanding thou maiest receiue him spiritually, euery houre and moment.
1638 F. Hawkins tr. J.-P. de La Serre Alarum for Ladyes 17 Yee part I say from the Confession chaire to the Altar, there to receiue your Saviour with soules more disposed to offend heere after.
1844 J. Shepherd tr. J. B. Pagani Anima Divota vii. 67 With what confidence can I present myself to receive my Saviour in the most Blessed Sacrament?
1880 M. Müller God Teacher of Mankind VIII. 248 When he was but nine years old, [he] approached one day the communion rail, whilst the priest was distributing holy communion, impelled by a strong desire to receive his Saviour.
1910 D. O'Shea Won by Conviction xviii. 197 I can't do better for him than to give him his Saviour, really and truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
1994 L. S. Granger tr. J. van Herwaarden Joan of Arc 57 Joan..emphasized that it was totally irrelevant whether one wears men's or women's clothes if one wishes to receive the Saviour.
a. A person who saves someone or something from danger, harm, or difficulty.
the world > action or operation > safety > rescue or deliverance > [noun] > one who rescues or delivers
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) Gen. xli. 45 He clepide hym in Egypcyan tonge: þe saueour [a1425 Corpus Oxf. saueor; L. Salvatorem] of þe world.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 4666 (MED) His nam þai chaunged, fra þat our, And cald him ‘warld sauueour’.
c1480 (a1400) St. Peter 674 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 26 And petir till hym [sc. Paul] þis can say: ‘..far wele ay..lledar of heile and saweoure!’
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Ecclus. xlvi. 1 A greate sauioure vnto the electe of God.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cxx Saynct Geneuefa is the sauiour of Paris.
1611 Bible (King James) Neh. ix. 27 Thou gauest them sauiours, who saued them out of the hand of their enemies. View more context for this quotation
1657 G. Thornley tr. Longus Daphnis & Chloe 208 They sacrificed to Jupiter Soter, the saviour of the reposed Child.
1715 A. Pope Temple of Fame 18 And Scipio, Saviour of the Roman State, Great in his Triumphs, in Retirement great.
1774 J. Wilkes Corr. (1805) IV. 185 Those who..now dare to persecute the saviour of India.
1833 M. Scott Tom Cringle's Log II. viii. 364 A statue erected to Lord Rodney, the saviour of the Island, as he is always called, from having crushed the fleet of Count de Grasse.
1871 R. Browning (title) Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau: Saviour of Society.
1896 A. E. Housman Shropshire Lad i. 2 To fields that bred them brave, The saviours come not home to-night.
1927 Melody Maker Aug. 738 (advt.) The manufacturers..have been hailed as the saviours of Tenor Saxophonists.
1959 Baseball Digest Oct. 24/1 He was the savior baseball had to find after the Chicago White Sox dumped the 1919 World Series.
2000 Western Daily Press (Bristol) (Nexis) 11 Apr. 10 The King's Royal Hussars..were hailed as saviours by Albanians threatened by Serbs.
b. A thing which saves or rescues someone or something from danger, harm, or difficulty.
c1432 ( G. Chaucer Complaint to Purse (BL Add. 22139) (1879) l. 16 Now purse that be to me my lyues lyghte And sauyour [c1450 Fairf. saveour] as down in this worlde here.
1552 H. Latimer Serm. 1st Sunday Epiph. (1584) 297 Likewise shippes and boates..vpon the Seas are Sauiours, for they saue vs from the fury, rage, and tempest of the Sea.
1603 P. Holland tr. Plutarch Morals 1099 The moone and other starres, being forsooth gods, worke together with the sunne, unto their owne destruction... Now surely this were a very mockerie, and ridiculous thing for us..to repute them the saviours of men.
1700 B. Jenks Submission Righteousness of God 51 The Works they look upon, as their Real Saviours.
1804 ‘Gabrielli’ Something Odd! III. 126 Thus died the means I had looked to as the saviour of myself and children.
1894 Rev. of Reviews (N.Y. ed.) July 107 It was sex which was the savior of the race.
1906 A. Mackintosh J. Chamberlain xliv. 377 Yesterday the House of Lords deserved to be abolished, to-day it is the saviour of the country.
1948 Billboard 27 Nov. 16/1 It [sc. video] might even turn out to be the savior of the capitalist system.
2008 P. Golenbock In Country of Brooklyn ii. xxv. 333 When I got out of the service, they had passed the GI Bill, which was the savior for this country in a lot of ways.


C1. Appositive, as saviour ark, saviour god, saviour youth, etc.
1709 I. Watts Horæ Lyricæ (ed. 2) iii. 306 The Names, the Honours of her Saviour-God, His Cross, his Grave, his Victory, and his Crown.
1786 S. J. Pratt Triumph of Benevolence 7 Ah, what is friend or foe to Him, whose soul Girding creation in one warm embrace, Extends the saviour arm from pole to pole, And feels akin to all the human race!
1801 R. Southey Thalaba II. x. 256 Laila rushed between To save the saviour Youth.
a1822 P. B. Shelley Assassins ii, in Prose Wks. (1888) II. 158 How many holy liars..would his saviour arm drag from their luxurious couches.
1824 Lit. Magnet 2 25 Society is still the saviour ark Must bear us in her bosom safe along Life's rising waters.
1871 Evening Hours 1 18/1 The flood of waters overwhelmed the world that then was. But the saviour ark floated above those desolate seas.
1997 J. Bowker World Relig. 15/2 (caption) Mithras was a Persian saviour god.
2006 M. Nudelman We, the Women 29 I peck uncle's cheek and he opens savior arms like a prayer shawl.
C2. In the names of plants (chiefly regional).
saviour's blanket n. now rare the plant lamb's ears, Stachys byzantina (formerly called S. lanata).
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > labiate plant or plants > [noun] > stachys or hedge nettle
strait horehound1548
clown's all-heal1597
swine's arnit1735
clown's wound-wort1825
saviour's blanket1882
rabbit ears1928
1882 H. Friend Gloss. Devonshire Plant Names 10 In Sussex the small plant (Stachys lanata) with a similar leaf is called ‘Saviour's Blanket’.
1980 A. O. Bell & A. McNeillie Diary Virginia Woolf III. 144 (note) Stachys Lanate [sic], known variously as Saviour's Blanket, Jesus's Blanket, Lamb's, Donkey's or Rabbit's Ears.
saviour's flannel n. now rare (also more fully our saviour's flannel) any of several plants which have hairy or downy leaves; esp. viper's bugloss ( Echium vulgare), great mullein ( Verbascum thapsus), and lamb's ears ( Stachys byzantina).
1880 J. Britten & R. Holland Dict. Eng. Plant-names Our Lord's Flannel, or Our Saviour's Flannel, (1) Echium vulgare, L.—Kent... (2) Verbascum Thapsus, L.—Kent.
1900 A. E. P. Dowling Flora of Sacred Nativity 74 Verbascum... It's thick leaves are called in Kent ‘Our Saviour's Flannel’ as if in memory of the swaddling bands of the Christmas Night.
1927 V. Woolf Diary 4 July (1980) III. 144 They [sc. slightly furred cheeks] are like saviours flannel, of which she picked me a great bunch, in texture.
2008 B. Damrosch Garden Primer (rev. ed.) iv.120/2 Stachys lanata is variously called lamb's ears, woolly betony, and Saviour's flannel.


ˈsaviourhood n.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [noun] > as saviour > quality of being
1863 Homilist 3rd Ser. 1 346/1 Jesus, in his Saviourhood, was made perfect through suffering.
1900 R. J. Campbell in Christian World Pulpit 31 Jan. 71 The Saviourhood of Christ.
2003 P. Coates Cinema, Relig., & Romantic Legacy iii. 81 In Terminator 2..the signs of Saviourhood are distributed evenly between Connor and the Terminator himself.
ˈsaviour-like adj. and adv.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xxx. 568 There are two commings of Christ, the one in lowlynes.., Poore, Lowely, and Sauiourlyke; and the other in maiestie.
1660 J. Collop Itur Satyricum 5 Charls..Who Saviour like, turnes Water into Wine.
a1711 T. Ken Edmund xiii, in Wks. (1721) II. 357 Edmund no Christ-like Virtue seem'd to need, But on the Cross and Saviour-like to bleed.
1855 J. R. Macduff Mind of Jesus p. iv Oh, that each individual Christian were more Saviourlike!
1974 M. G. Porter Whence Power? 133 Henderson stalks off, saviorlike, to rid the cistern of frogs and thus lift the plague.
2008 D. Simmons Anti-hero in Amer. Novel i. 34 In the 1960s, youth is positioned in opposition to the corrupt adult world and imbued with a distinctly savior-like role.
ˈsaviourship n. the quality or fact of being a saviour.
the world > action or operation > safety > rescue or deliverance > [noun] > one who rescues or delivers > quality of
1615 E. Evans Verba Dierum 146 His Lordship ioyned..His Saviourship to his Babeship.
1765 ‘Rabby Shylock’ Jew Apologist ii. vi. 109 The saviourship and the merits of Christ.
1883 Medium & Daybreak 5 Jan. 7/2 We are all the saviours of one another, so that the question of saviourship appears to be a general principle.
1992 T. Szasz Our Right to Drugs ii. 49 This role of universal religious-therapeutic saviorship seems to fit America's collective spirit so perfectly [etc.].
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2012; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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