

单词 rush land

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rush land
a. Characterized by the growth or prevalence of rushes, as rush bed, rush brook, rush drain, †rush hale (hale n.1), rush land, rush mere, rush plat, rush tuft, etc. Cf. rush-bottom n. 2, rush bush n.
OE Bounds (Sawyer 618) in S. E. Kelly Charters of Abingdon Abbey, Pt. 2 (2001) 280 Of ðam broce ongean stream, þæt on þæt riscbed, of ðam riscbedde þæt on ðone weg.
OE Bounds (Sawyer 795) in D. Hooke Pre-Conquest Charter-bounds Devon & Cornwall (1994) 174 Ðanon adune andlang streames oð riscbroc scyt on Nymed.
a1200 ( Bounds (Sawyer 645) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1893) III. 189 Fram gryndeles sylle, to russemere, fram ryssemere, to bælgenham.
c1200 ( Bounds (Sawyer 79) in W. de G. Birch Cartularium Saxonicum (1885) I. 183 Of þam streame on ryschealas middewearde on þene blacan broc.
1439 in Collectanea Topographica & Genealogica (1838) V. 13 (MED) I wil..that my Wyf shal haue..x acre of resshefen and redfen at Bregge.
1483 Catholicon Anglicum (BL Add. 89074) (1881) 309 A Rysche hylle, cirpetum.
1575 G. Gascoigne Noble Arte Venerie lix. 164 As soone as she [sc. a hare] heard the sounde of an horne, she..woulde streyght wayes goe swymme in some poole, and abyde in the middest thereof vpon some rushbed.
1736 R. Ainsworth Thes. Linguæ Latinæ A rush bed, juncetum.
1821 J. Clare Village Minstrel I. 58 The rush-tuft gone that hid the skylark's nest.
1821 J. Clare Village Minstrel I. 105 Swamps of wild rush-beds.
1855 R. C. Singleton tr. Virgil Eclogues iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. I. 15 You skulked Behind the rush-plats.
1867 F. Francis Bk. Angling iv. 85 Reed or rush beds,..all favourite holds.
1878 H. M. Stanley Through Dark Continent I. xvi. 425 River-like marshes or broad rush-drains, choked with spear-grass.
1886 All Year Round 14 Aug. 36 Rush-land letting at four pounds an acre.
1932 R. Rodd Rome of Renaissance & Today xiv. 239 A serpent, symbolic of healing..swam ashore and disappeared among the rush beds.
1997 J. Wilson Coarse Fishing Method Man. (1998) 116/3 Dark areas of dappled water beneath overhanging willows or alders.., beside fallen and part-sunken trees, reed lines, rush beds, piled banking, old boathouses and lily beds.
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