

单词 acrostic


Brit. /əˈkrɒstɪk/, U.S. /əˈkrɔstɪk/, /əˈkrɑstɪk/
Forms: 1500s accrosticke, 1500s acrosticke, 1500s acrostike, 1500s–1600s accrostick, 1500s–1700s acrostick, 1600s accrostique, 1600s accurstick, 1600s achrostiche, 1600s acrostique, 1600s eccrostick, 1600s–1700s acrostich, 1600s– acrostic, 1700s achrostick, 1700s crostick.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French acrostique; Latin acrostichis.
Etymology: < Middle French acrostique, acrostiche (French acrostiche ; 1581 as noun (in the passage translated in quot. 1587 at sense B. 1a), 1582 as adjective) and its etymon post-classical Latin acrostichis, noun (1509 or earlier) < Hellenistic Greek ἀκροστιχίς , noun (also as a Greek word in the classical Latin author Cicero) < ancient Greek ἄκρο- (see acro- comb. form) + στίχος stich n.The expected spelling of the English word, on the model of its Latin (and ultimate Greek) etymon, would be acrostich ; compare distich n., hemistich n., monostich n. For occurrence of the unassimilated Latin form in English contexts compare:1577 T. Rogers tr. S. à Geveren Of Ende of World f. 42v Sybyll Erithraea in her verses called Acrostichides, which were read (as it seemeth) but not well vnderstoode of Cicero, dooth notably depaint the last comming of Christ, and destruction of the world.a1641 R. Montagu Acts & Monuments (1642) 220 The whole Poeme, or Passage of that Acrostichis, is a Description of the generale Judgement.
A. adj.1
1. Of the nature of, consisting of, or in the form of an acrostic (in senses B. 1a, B. 1b).In quot. 1797 (entered at acrostic adj.2 in N.E.D. (1884)): directed by the initial letters of the names of places, arranged alphabetically (with reference to ‘a description of Paris in the form of a dictionary’).
society > communication > writing > written text > an inscription > [adjective] > of or relating to acrostics
society > leisure > entertainment > toy or plaything > puzzle > [adjective] > relating to other word puzzles
1585 R. Parsons Christian Directorie i. i. iv. 295 The Sibyls them selues,..in euery place where they describe the most gracious coming of the Virgins sonne, doe also annexe therunto his dreadful appearance at the day of iudgment; especially in thos famous Acrosticke verses.
1638 J. Scudamore in tr. Basil I (title) The sixty sixe admonitory chapters of Basilius, King of the Romans, to his sonne Leo, in acrostick manner: that is, the first letter of euery chapter, making vp his name and title.
1660 J. Gauden Μεγαλεια Θεου f. 66 Answer was given in these letters; R. A. S. P. P. which some cunning man interpreted, to import by the Acrostick letters thus much, Reddite Aliena, S'ultis Possidere Propria, Restore to others what is theirs, if you hope to preserve to your selves your own.
1669 T. Gale Court of Gentiles: Pt. I i. xii. 78 That the Phenician order [of Letters]..was most ancient, appeares by the Acrostic verses of David.
1682 J. Dryden Mac Flecknoe 13 Leave writing Plays, and choose for thy Command Some peaceful Province in Acrostick Land.
1742 T. Broughton Hist. Dict. All Relig. II. 2 The four first Chapters of the Lamentations are in Acrostic Verse, and Abecedary; every verse or couplet beginning with one of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, in their alphabetical Order.
1766 A. Nicol Poems Several Subj. 104 In verse acrostic ye intendit To write your name, and to me send it: Maybe I might had quite miskend it.
1797 W. Taylor in Monthly Rev. 23 566 The capricious skips of an acrostic itinerary.
1835 Eclectic Rev. May 391 This is one of the alphabetical or acrostic psalms.
1868 Chambers's Encycl. I. 33 The Acrostic poetry of the Hebrews.
1890 Times 4 Jan. 12/1 Sir John Davies, in his..acrostic poems..attacks a picture of hers.
1910 Princeton Theol. Rev. 8 239 Lactantius quoted the lines before they had been incorporated into the acrostic poem.
1986 T. Mo Insular Possession xl. 524 This is wicket—hieroglyphic and acrostic significance of which has formed topic of conversation more amusing to Walter Eastman than his hearers.
2004 Times Lit. Suppl. 10 Sept. 12/4 He never wrote poems to these women; he never wrote acrostic verses incorporating their names.
2. Designating an acrostic (sense B. 3).
1882 Nonconformist & Independent 13 July 646/1 Astronomical acrostic puzzle.
1884 Amer. Agriculturalist May 218/1 Acrostic puzzle for May... Arrange the letters in each flower in such a way as to make a word; arrange the six words so that the initials will give the name of a flower.
1916 M. Dawson Mary Dawson Game Bk. 592 A seated game in which wits and not muscles are active. The new acrostic game will fit this need admirably.
1957 Improving College & Univ. Teaching 5 1 (heading) ‘Title and text’ acrostic puzzle.
2009 San Francisco Chron. (Nexis) 5 Apr. a2 The Acrostic puzzle on Page 54 in today's Datebook is missing three clues. The clue for R is Blood Constituent, a seven-letter word with this sequence of numbers under the spaces: 136, 39, 111, 34, 67, 122, 149.
B. n.
a. A (usually short) poem (or other composition) in which the initial letters of the lines, taken in order, spell a word, phrase, or sentence. Cf. telestich n.Sometimes the last or middle letters of the lines, or all of them, are similarly arranged to spell words, etc., whence a distinction of single acrostic, double acrostic, or triple acrostic.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > poem or piece of poetry > types of poem according to form > [noun] > acrostic
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xxxii. 591 Cicero..maketh mention of Sibils Acrosticke [Fr. l'Acrostiche de la Sybille], that is to say, of certeyne verses of hirs whose first letters made the name of that King.
1614 W. Camden Remaines (rev. ed.) 345 Our Poets have their knacks as young Schollers call them, as Ecchos, Achrostiches, Serpentine verses.
1656 A. Cowley Of Wit vi, in Poems i. 3 In which who finds out Wit, the same may see In An'agrams and Acrostiques Poetrie.
1711 J. Addison Spectator No. 60. ¶4 Besides these there are Compound Acrosticks, where the principal Letters stand two or three deep.
1763 Butiad 24 (heading) A double acrostick.
1767 A. Campbell Lexiphanes 100 Rhyme is fit for nothing but madrigals, epigrams and acrosticks.
1807 Literary Panorama Apr. 87 A double Acrostic is given, with the initials of James I. at the beginning, and those of Anne of Denmark at the end of each line.
1813 in S. Kittle Church Philadelphia Pt. Second (end matter) (advt.) Triple Acrostic, on the Words of Christ and the Two Thieves upon the Cross, 2d.
1841 W. Spalding Italy & Ital. Islands II. 25 Publius Optatianus Porphyrius composed, in 326, a poem, still extant, in praise of Constantine, the lines of which are acrostics.
1845 J. Lingard Hist. & Antiq. Anglo-Saxon Church (ed. 3) II. xi. 160 Acrostics were also admired, both single and double.
1885 J. Payn Talk of Town I. 45 William Henry murmured something in mitigation about its being an acrostic.
1930 W. de la Mare Eighteen-eighties 236 He invented..poetical acrostics and the nyctograph.
1967 Sci. Amer. Sept. 268/1 The double acrostic..was..the most popular form of word-play in English-speaking countries throughout the last quarter of the 19th century and until the end of World War I.
2006 Christianity Today Sept. 33/2 It is Calvin's followers who produced the famous acrostic TULIP to describe the ‘doctrines of grace’ that are the hallmarks of traditional Reformed theology.
b. A Hebrew poem in which the consecutive lines or verses begin with the successive letters of the alphabet; an abecedarian poem (see abecedarian adj. 2).
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > poem or piece of poetry > types of poem according to form > [noun] > acrostic > alphabetical
1665 J. Spencer Disc. Vulgar Prophecies iii. 54 The Book of Job is Poetical, and some of the Psalms Acrosticks.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. (at cited word) Some pretend to find Acrostics in the psalms, particularly in those called Abcdarian psalms.
1755 Monthly Rev. 12 486 These alphabetical psalms,..when wrote in the form of an acrostic, (as he supposes they originally were) plainly shew, that they were composed in metre.
1820 J. Jebb Sacred Lit. 15 On the nature of the Hebrew acrostic, see Bishop Lowth.
1868 Chambers's Encycl. I. 33 It was customary at one time to compose verses on sacred subjects after the fashion of these Hebrew acrostics, the successive verses or lines beginning with the letters of the alphabet in their order.
1915 J. P. Baxter Greatest of Lit. Probl. 430 The..psalm exhibits one form of acrostic, the alphabetical.
1985 A. Berlin in Biblical & Related Stud. 18 The psalm is in the form of an alphabetic acrostic.
2001 Book Nov. 64/4 This book, inspired by a Polish literary genre called abecadlo, presents a poetic form as old as the ancient Hebrew acrostics.
2. The beginning or end of a verse. Obsolete.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > part of poem > [noun] > line > subdivision of line > beginning of line
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > part of poem > [noun] > line > subdivision of line > end of line
falling out1586
1614 J. Selden Titles of Honor 12 That Acrostich..Κρῆτες ἀεὶ ψεῦσται.
1737 T. Broughton Bibliotheca Historico-Sacra I. 13 Acrosticks, in Psalmody, or Psalm-singing, mean the end, or close of a verse alone, & the people ending it with jovial voices.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. (at cited word) Tho' an Acrostic properly signifies the beginning of a verse, yet it is sometimes also used for the end or close of it; as by the author of the constitutions, when he orders one to sing the hymns of David, and the people to sing after him the Acrostics or ends of the verses..This was called singing Acrostics, Acrostichia, which is a species of psalmody usual in the antient church.
1872 ‘Crack’ Whetstones for Wits p. iv Among ecclesiastical writers the term acrostic denotes the ends of psalms, or rather something added to them, like the ‘Gloria Patri,’ which the people sang by way of chorus or response.
3. Any of various types of word puzzle in which a word or phrase is formed from certain letters of the answers to several clues; spec. (in later use) = Double-Crostic n. at double adj.1 and adv. Compounds 1.
society > leisure > entertainment > toy or plaything > puzzle > [noun] > other word puzzles
word square1867
word ladder1928
word search1957
1861 Guardian 2 Jan. 16/1 Answers to the December acrostics.
1879 Congregationalist (Boston, Mass.) 12 Feb. 6 (heading) Puzzle department. Bible acrostic.
1928 Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald 19 Mar. 20/5 Cross word puzzles, acrostics and word ladders are the fads of the day.
1953 Sat. Rev. (U.S.) 15 Aug. 29 (advt.) Each looks like a cross-word and combines the fun of solving a Literary Quiz, an Acrostic, and a Cryptogram.
1992 Harper's Mag. Aug. 77/3 (advt.) Crosticaid. Computer power for acrostic makers.
2008 P. Scher Movie Acrostics Introd. v. If you've never attempted an acrostic before, read the instructions below.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2011; most recently modified version published online December 2021).


Forms: 1600s a crostick.
Origin: Apparently formed within English, by blending. Etymons: across adv., crossed adj., acrossed adj., -ic suffix.
Etymology: Apparently a playful formation < a blend of across adv. and crossed adj. (compare earlier acrossed adj.) + -ic suffix. N.E.D. (1884) gives the pronunciation as (ăkrǫ·stik) /əˈkrɒstɪk/.
Obsolete. rare.
Crossed, folded across.
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > limb > arm > [adjective] > positions of
1608 T. Middleton Familie of Love (new ed.) iv. sig. G What melancholie sir with a crostick armes now comes.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2011; most recently modified version published online December 2020).




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