

单词 between the upper and the nether millstones

> as lemmas

(crushed, etc.) between the upper and the nether millstones
a. That forms the higher of a pair of corresponding things or sets. Also occasionally = uppermost. Hence figurative in (crushed, etc.) between the upper and the nether millstones, between two irreconcilable opposing forces. upper-case, Printing (quots. 1683 –): see case n.2 6a.
the world > space > relative position > high position > [adjective] > in higher position > of two things
society > communication > printing > printed matter > printed character(s) > [noun] > upper case or capital
the world > action or operation > difficulty > [phrase] > in a difficult position
between the beetle and the block1590
between two fires1885
(crushed, etc.) between the upper and the nether millstones1902
between a rock and a hard place1921
in the middle1930
c1460Upper crust [see sense 13a].
1524 in State Papers Henry VIII (1834) II. 117 He shall endevour hymself to cause the Kynges subjectes..to have the upper berdes to be shaven.
1530 Bible (Tyndale) Deut. xxiv. f. xliiv No man shall take the nether or the vpper milstone to pledge.
1533 MS. Rawl. D. 776 f. 157 b The vpper fflowryng of the same wharffe.
1609 Bible (Douay) I. Exod. xii. 22 Sprinkle the uppertransome of the doore therwith.
1609 Bible (Douay) I. Exod. xii. 23 The bloud on the uppersil, and on both the postes.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Espée The vpper boords of a Vine-presse.
1683 J. Moxon Mech. Exercises II. 21 The whole Vpper-Case is divided into Ninety eight square Boxes.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver I. ii. vii. 131 I first mounted to the upper Step of the Ladder.
1833 J. C. Loudon Encycl. Cottage Archit. § 691 The two upper branches or rails of the trunk, or upright piece.
1852 tr. J. J. Seidel Organ & its Constr. 37 A couple of bellows..consist first of an upper and under board.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. 708 Upper masts, the top-mast, topgallant-mast, and royal-mast.
1873 Routledge's Young Gentleman's Mag. July 503/1 An upper-iron being screwed on to the lower one to turn the shaving back a little.
figurative.1788 New London Mag. 264 One blow well told to the upper tire (the head), tells better than three below.1902 G. B. Shaw Mrs. Warren's Profession Pref. p. xxi Thus am I crushed between the upper millstone of Mr Redford, who thinks me a libertine, and the nether popular critic, who thinks me a prude.1921 L. Strachey Queen Victoria v. 167 His position, crushed between the upper and the nether millstones, grew positively unbearable.1948 F. R. Cowell Cicero & Roman Republic vii. 131 [A] Consul..was a link between Senate and People, responsible to both, an unenviable situation between an upper and a nether millstone.1950 A. Bryant Age of Elegance ii. 40 Not only were the French Armies of Portugal and the North..marching to the fortress's relief, but Soult and Joseph with 60,000 men were threatening Madrid from Valencia. The British were in Danger of being crushed between the upper and nether millstones.in combination.1738 E. Chambers Cycl. (ed. 2) at Letter Printers distinguish their letters into capital, majuscule, initial, or upper case letters,... And minuscule, small, or under case letters.1770 P. Luckombe Conc. Hist. Printing 261 [These letters] are not reckoned..among Upper-case Sorts.
extracted from upperadj.
as lemmas




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