

单词 rude-spun

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a. Forming adjectives with past participles, as rude-carved, rude-fashioned, rude-growing, rude-made, rude-ripened, rude-rounded, rude-spun, etc.
1594 W. Shakespeare Titus Andronicus ii. iii. 199 What subtill hole is this, Whose mouth is couered with rude growing briers. View more context for this quotation
1612 B. Jonson Alchemist ii. i. sig. C4v The couetous hunger..for a rude-spun cloake. View more context for this quotation
1689 tr. Martial Sel. Epigrams viii. 136 Ev'ry course Rude-spun Idea.
1796 T. Townshend Poems 23 Down the foaming rude-wash'd hills.
1797 R. Southey Joan of Arc iv A massy stone And rude-ensculptured effigy.
1812 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Cantos I & II i. xxi. 18 Mark many rude-carv'd crosses near the path.
1840 C. Norton Dream 196 Lift some poor wounded wretch..Forth in some rude-made litter.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. at Skew A rude-fashioned boat.
1877 W. Black Green Pastures & Piccadilly II. x. 145 The rude-spoken German ex-lieutenant.
a1889 G. M. Hopkins Poems (1967) 185 Who built these walls made known The music of his mind, Yet here he has but shewn His ruder-rounded rind.
1928 E. Blunden Japanese Garland 20 Over the rude-ripened vale.
1930 E. Blunden Poems 128 There is a sluice through whose rude-masoned stones And fissured planks our timid river falls.
1964 Life 11 Dec. 23/1 Part of the fault lies with Shakespeare, who wrote for Othello some of his most sumptuous poetry—which no rude-spoken Moor could possibly handle.
2005 L. S. Carl in E. Gorman & M. H. Greenberg Adventures of Missing Detective 535 You rank pottle-deep measle! You rude-growing toad!
extracted from rudeadj.adv.
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