

单词 rolling muscle

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rolling muscle
rolling muscle n. Anatomy (a) a muscle that rolls food in the mouth (obsolete); (b) a muscle that rolls the eye (rare).
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια 629 There are three kinde of Muscles..which wee may call Locutorij, Gustatorij and Cibi reuolutores, the Speaking, the Tasting and the Rowling Muscles.
1668 N. Culpeper & A. Cole tr. T. Bartholin Anat. (new ed.) iii. viii. 145/2 These two last are termed Amatorij, love Muscles, and Circumactores, rowling Muscles the upper and lower. For by the help of these Muscles lovers cast Sheeps-Eyes one at another.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory ii. 382/1 The Cibi-revolutores Muscles, are such Muscles and Nerves, which help the motion of the tongue; it is also called the Rowling Muscles.
1963 A. Kestenbaum Appl. Anat. Eye viii. 211 According to convention, only the superior muscles (rectus and oblique)..are called inward rolling muscles, while the inferior muscles (rectus and oblique)..are called outward rolling muscles.
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